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Funded Research

Sensory Aging, Late-Life Wellbeing, and ADRD Research Infrastructure to Catalyze Practice and Policy

The goal of this 5-year R61/R33 proposal, Sensory aging research infrastructure to catalyze practice and policy in ADRD and optimal aging, is to substantially strengthen a small but successful collaborative, international network the SENSE Network to accelerate and translate innovative research in sensory aging, Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) and late-life wellbeing. MPIs of this proposal [Deal, Ehrlich] launched the SENSE Network in September 2020. Building on past successes, we propose to leverage this research infrastructure award to address critical fiscal and organizational barriers that have hindered effective development in the field of sensory aging research. Objectives include: i) strengthening and expanding the SENSE Networks coordination of resources, data, and expertise through an expanded Steering Committee and creation of Cores (Data Collection, Harmonization, and Integration Core; Research Development and Mentorship Core; and Dissemination and Translation Core); ii) creating novel integrated and harmonized data resources; iii) generating tangible and actionable scientific knowledge; iv) supporting and guiding research of early-stage investigators (including with the lived experience); and v) disseminating and translating new scientific knowledge to inform clinical care, intervention design, and sensory health-related policy. In Aim 1 (R61 phase) we will expand and strengthen the SENSE Network research infrastructure to catalyze innovative research in sensory aging and ADRD; in Aim 2 (R33 phase) we will leverage the SENSE Network infrastructure to support, disseminate and translate innovative high-priority sensory aging and ADRD research to catalyze clinical practice and policy. By accelerating and potentiating the impact of siloed researchers, data sets, and projects, the SENSE Network is poised to take a leading role in the field of sensory aging research, advancing the science of aging through in-depth interdisciplinary partnerships and collaborations to positively impact the health of older adults in the U.S. and globally.


Johns Hopkins University

Funding Period:

08/15/2024 to 07/31/2029