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Funded Research

An Evaluation of Excellence for All – Supplement to “An Evaluation of State Board Examination Systems: Efficacy Study”

In order to develop a richer description of the Board Examination Program in U.S. High Schools the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) has proposed a survey for students enrolled in the program. In AY 2012 ? 2013 ISR will conduct a student survey in 38 Board Exam pilot high schools and will administer the student survey to a random sample of 9th and 10th grade students enrolled in the program. The student survey will assess whether ?rigor? of instruction varies across contexts, student motivation, perceptions of support, and student metacognition and approaches to learning. This survey is a key component to the research as it provides insight and knowledge from the student standpoint.
One major goal of this study is to have an understanding of how the Board Examination program influences student achievement and student outcomes. The Board Examination program attempts to influence both achievement and outcomes through enhanced supports in the schools and through an aligned instructional curriculum. In our survey we will gauge the extent to which supports were offered to students and their usefulness in the schools. Since many of the schools and students are low performing, we believe that the ways in which schools support students is one of the keys to success.


National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE)

Funding Period:

01/02/2011 to 12/31/2013