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Funded Research

Behavioral-based predictors of workplace violence in the Army STARRS

The specific aims of this project are: (i) To study the A-STARRS continuously updated integrated administrative data file (IADF) for all Soldiers on active duty from 1/1/04 through 12/31/09 (approximately 1.1M Soldiers and 44M person-months) to predict subsequent administratively-documented workplace violence; (ii) To use retrospective IADF data before two A-STARRS surveys — the All-Army Study (AAS; approximately 29,000 Soldiers) and the pre-deployment phase of the A-STARRS pre-post deployment study (PPDS; approximately 10,000 Soldiers) — to predict self-reported workplace violence perpetration and victimization in those surveys; (iii) To use survey data, neurocognitive test results, and genetic data from 47,000 new Soldiers surveyed in Reception battalion in the A-STARRS New Soldier Study (NSS) to study subsequent workplace violence in the IADF through Q2 2014 (the end of A-STARRS IADF data collection); (iv) To use AAS survey data and linked IADF data to predict subsequent IADF reports of workplace violence through Q2 2014; (v) To use PPDS (surveys and genetic data) and IADF data to predict IADF workplace violence through Q2 2014 and self-reported violence through 6 months post-redeployment (the time of the post-phase of the PPDS survey); (vi) To develop optimal risk prediction indices based on the above analyses.

The Survey Research Center (SRC) staff will be responsible for providing consultation to the Harvard staff on all issues involving coding and cleaning of enclave data, as UM was responsible for assembling these data, and will collaborate with the other senior investigators in interpreting the results of analyses and preparing papers for publication.


Harvard University

Funding Period:

09/30/2012 to 09/29/2016