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Funded Research

Developing a Social and Emotional Learning Evidence Base for the Leader in Me School Intervention

Over the course of the next year this project will seek to accomplish to accomplish 5 goals:

1. Insure data quality and for FranklinCovey?s Leader in Me (LIM) Measureable Results Assessment (MRA).
2. Write a conceptual paper linking the 7 Habits of Happy Kids used in the Leader in Me program and the Social and Emotional Learning five core competencies and SAFE practices.
3. Using LIM facilitators and coaches to gather information on SAFE (Sequenced, Active, Focused, and Explicit) practices from SEL literature at LIM schools.
4. Conduct a small scale 10 school study linking the DESSA instrument measuring five SEL core competencies and MRA measures of each of the 7 habits.
5. Use Florida state data on 100+ LIM schools to conduct a quasi-experimental study using propensity score matching of LIM schools to control schools to determine the effect of the LIM program on student achievement and student behavior.


Franklin Covey Co.

Funding Period:

10/01/2017 to 09/30/2018