The Displaced New Orleans Residents project attempts to locate and interview respondents living in New Orleans at the time of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. This project builds upon pilot data collection that has already been completed by RAND. SRO staff will participate in sample design decisions, with the expectation that the final design will include at least some portion of an area probability sample selected specifically for this project, plus potentially a list sample consisting of households that participated in an earlier study of Louisiana residents.
This additional funding request will support the implementation of the following workscope enhancements to the project:
-Implementation of the QAS (Experion) software package into the Blaise instrument and Surveytrak sample management systems. This software resides on each interviewer?s laptop and stores current USPS addresses in a standardized format ? which allows interviewers to enter the multiple addresses they collect during the interview correctly, and greatly reduces the need for cleaning and standardizing during the post-production phase. This implementation required acquiring and learning the QAS package, programming so that it could be integrated with our current data collection systems, testing, and training of field interviewers.
-Questionnaire development in response to proposed changes, including the special ?child? module. These changes required additional specification work, programming, and testing.
-Industry and Occupation coding for two sets of questions in the main questionnaire. This coding classifies the respondent?s job(s) using standardized 3-digit industry and occupation codes from the 2000 Census index. We expect this coding will occur on approximately 1600 completed interviews.
RAND Corporation
Funding Period:
05/01/2010 to 08/31/2010