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Funded Research

Harmonization of Cross-National Studies of Aging to HRS

Weir will serve as MPI for this project that facilitates the research network to support the development of new international studies with harmonized HRS around the world data, maintain harmonization and data development among existing comparable HRS studies, and foster a cross-country research agenda that can provide important insights for understanding health disparities.

Many cross-national studies based on the HRS family of studies have yielded new insights about aging behaviors and health disparities around the world. This project will continue to support the development of new international studies with harmonized HRS around the world (ATW) data. The project will also maintain harmonization and data development among existing comparable HRS studies and foster a cross-country research agenda. There are a number of aims consistent with that objective. First, we will organize in-person
and virtual harmonization meetings that will bring together the principal investigators and study teams of all HRS-family surveys and relevant content experts in the field. The purpose of these meetings will be to improve harmonization among the existing HRS surveys; to support the development of new HRS-like surveys; and to develop a strategy for further innovations to the HRS family of surveys. Second, we will support small-scale
pilots and organize research conferences that will bring new innovations in survey contents or methodology into the HRS network of studies, and be open to researchers outside of the network. Third, we will foster the development of the new studies in the HRS network so that they can launch their studies successfully and with good comparability to the more mature existing HRS ATW studies. Finally, we will support a within group subnetwork involving Brazil, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) to conduct joint studies and seek financing from their countries to conduct joint research and enhance study content. We intend to share reports summarizing key discussions at the harmonization meetings, the results of small-scale pilots, and journal articles and other research products deriving from the Network?s activities through the HRS ATW website. We will promote these contents through our Network members, population-center networks, and professional associations, using multiple platforms.


Rose Li Associates, Inc

Funding Period:

11/01/2022 to 05/31/2027