Dr. Kenneth Langa will collaborate with Jinkook Lee, PhD and other LASI researchers on a research project designed to measure the prevalence of CIND and dementia in India (LASI-DAD). This project will be a follow-up data collection from the first wave of LASI-DAD which was fielded during the prior project period. Dr. Langa and Dr. Lee have collaborated closely in the past on multiple studies, including the original LASI-DAD project. Dr. Langa will devote 10% of his total professional effort to work on this project in each of the five years of the study.
In collaboration with Professor Lee, Dr. Langa will help design and update the LASI-DAD dementia assessment protocol; collaborate on interpreting the results of the dementia assessment data collection; help prepare abstracts for presentation of results at national meetings; and collaborate on manuscripts for publication. Dr. Langa will also work with the LASI team to ensure maximum harmonization of the dementia assessment measures across the LASI and Health and Retirement Study (HRS) study protocols.
University of Southern California
Funding Period:
05/01/2021 to 04/30/2025