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Funded Research

Healthy People 2020

To conduct this project, we will use data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) linked to Medicare data to evaluate the second objective stated above. Specifically, we will examine the proportion and correlates of preventable hospitalization in persons with diagnosed dementia or AD. Using the HRS-Medicare linked data, we will construct a dataset of persons diagnosed with dementia or AD. Longitudinal HRS survey data will be matched to administrative Medicare records for respondents who have previously consented to have their Medicare data released. The deliverables for this project include 1) completed data analyses (performed with input from the CDC team), and 2) a brief report summarizing the results. This report will be written in collaboration with the CDC Healthy People 2020 research team. This report may be submitted to MMWR or an appropriate research journal for publication.


National Association for Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD)

Funding Period:

01/15/2012 to 12/31/2012