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Funded Research

HRS 2010 NIA-SSA JFCA Budget Request

? To support the NIA-sponsored Health and Retirement Study (HRS);
? To provide support for a longitudinal panel data set on consumption and time use of the U.S. population over age 50 in the HRS, known as the Consumption and Activities Mail Survey (CAMS);
? To provide support for the further development and public dissemination of the RAND-HRS data;
? To provide support for development of longitudinal imputations/recodes of wealth measures;
? To provide support for in-person interviewing for one-half of the Health and Retirement Study sample in the 2010 wave of interviews;
? To provide support for maintenance of an integrated Social Security earnings and benefits file;
? To provide support for maintenance of weights to correct for potential bias in selected sub-samples of HRS respondents from missing linked administrative data;
? To provide support for improvement of earnings histories and retirement benefit imputations; and
? To provide support for the increase of the sample of minority households in their pre-retirement ages.


Health and Human Services, Department of-National Institutes of Health

Funding Period:

09/15/2010 to 12/31/2011