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Funded Research

Latin American Public Opinion Project

LAPOP has designed area probability samples for 24 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Some samples date back to 2004, while others are of more recent origin (2010). All of the samples were adjusted in 2012 in order to allow for a fixed PSU size (Ns of 12 and 24) and a larger number of PSUs. In 2012 errors were made by the survey firm in three countries, that forced reinterviews to take place, and now the 2014 samples in those countries have to be corrected.

The University of Michigan would carry out the following tasks:
1. Carefully review the current overall 2012 design, comment on it, make suggestions for improvement

2. Review selected country sample designs, in a priority order as established by LAPOP, and make suggestions for improvement/correction.

3. If feasible, advise LAPOP on sample design matters for a proposed Caribbean expansion.

Michigan would agree to providing shorts written comments, followed by Skype calls with LAPOP experts.

Period of Performance: October 15, 2013 ? Feb 1, 2014.


Vanderbilt University

Funding Period:

10/15/2013 to 05/31/2014