Task 1: This task involves linking data from the HRS to the Occupational Information Network (or ONET), a database developed by the U.S. Department of Labor which contains information for a wide range of worker attributes and job characteristics that are not found in the HRS (e.g., amount of decision making in the job, job complexity, need for high level of cognitive ability, likelihood of injury, importance of physical activity, etc.). Linkage of these two databases will be done by the detailed occupational codes that exist in both databases. This linkage process will require access to the restricted occupational information in the HRS.
Once linkage of the two databases has been accomplished, the merged database will be used to study workplace factors from the ONET that predict health outcomes in the HRS. These health outcomes will focus on general health status, mental health outcomes (e.g., depressive symptoms, cognitive functioning), and health variables related to heart disease (e.g., prevalent heart disease and high blood pressure). The analysis of the merged database will be done longitudinally and requires extensive knowledge of the complex sampling design utilized in the HRS. Specific data analysis issues (e.g., selection of appropriate statistical tests, what control variables to use, etc.) will be decided through discussions between the NIOSH project officer and the Contractor. This task will be considered complete when a manuscript describing the analysis is written by the Contractor (in collaboration with the NIOSH project officer) which can be submitted to an appropriate research journal for publication.
Task 2: The second task involves extensive analysis of data from the Participant Lifestyle Questionnaire (PLQ) that was added to the HRS in 2004, 2006, and 2008. The PLQ collects data on a wide range of psychosocial information from each respondent that is not included in the HRS ?core? questionnaire. The analysis will focus on those PLQ items relevant to the workplace (e.g., job control, job demands, work-family conflict, supervisor support, etc.).
As part of the analysis, a factor analysis will be conducted of these items and appropriate scales developed. These scales will be evaluated in terms of their overall reliability and validity. Additional longitudinal analyses will then be conducted using these psychosocial workplace scales to predict health and safety outcomes in the HRS. Outcome variables will include general health status, job satisfaction, mental health (e.g., depressive symptoms), and chronic disease conditions (e.g., high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, etc.). ONET variables developed in Task 1 will also be used to determine with this type of information about the workplace moderates the health impact of the psychosocial items from the PLQ. Specific data analysis issues will be decided through discussions between the NIOSH project officer and the Contractor. This task will be considered completed when a manuscript describing the results from this analysis is written by the Contractor (in collaboration with the NIOSH project officer) which can be submitted to an appropriate research journal for publication.
Health and Human Services, Department of-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Funding Period:
08/01/2010 to 07/31/2013