We propose to continue the collection and distribution of data on children in PSID-CDS families who are making the transition from adolescence into early adulthood in a multiwave study, ?Transition into Adulthood (TA).? Specifically, we seek support for two additional waves of TA to be collected in 2013 and 2015 from the children of the Child Development Supplement cohort who have turned age 18 by this time. This will yield a combined CDS-TA sub-panel of the PSID with nine waves of information from early childhood to young adulthood on this cohort of 3,653 children age 0-12 in the initial (1997) wave of CDS. We also seek support for the conduct of outreach to the research community in order to increase awareness and facilitate the use of these data in a multidisciplinary context.
Health and Human Services, Department of-National Institutes of Health
Funding Period:
04/01/2012 to 01/31/2018