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Jul 09 2023

2023 PSID Annual User Conference Call for Papers

University of Michigan, Survey Research Center, Panel Study of Income Dynamics

Call for papers

The conference encourages submissions that use data from PSID or its supplements—the Child Development Supplement (CDS), the Transition into Adulthood Supplement (TAS), the Disability and Use of Time Supplement (DUST), the Childhood Retrospective Circumstances Study (CRCS), or the Wellbeing and Daily Life Supplement (WB).


The submission deadline is July 9th, 2023. Notifications will be sent out by July 15th for oral presentations and posters. The conference will be held at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research in Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 14-15th, 2023. Travel and lodging expenses will be available for one author per accepted paper. Meals will be provided to all conference participants. Please see the call for papers (PDF) for more information.

How to apply

The submission webpage is: You will need to fill out the online form including: name, contact information, and CVs for the corresponding author and all coauthor; the title of the paper; and an abstract (1,000 words or less) which should include a description of the topic to be studied, the theoretical focus, and the data and research methods.
For further information, please contact Noura Insolera ([email protected]) or Vivian Burgett ([email protected]).