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Feb 24 2016

JPSM Short Courses-Web Survey Design

Date: February 24, 2016 – 8:00amFebruary 25, 2016 – 5:00pm
Location: College Park Marriott Hotel and Conference Center East Hyattsville, MD

The course will focus on the design of Web survey instruments and procedures. The course will cover all aspects of instrument design for Web surveys, including the selection and design of standard input tools (e.g., radio buttons, check boxes) and enhancements (e.g., images, slider scales) for Web surveys, general formatting and layout issues, movement through the instrument (action buttons, navigation, error messages), and so on. The course will also cover implementation issues, including prenotification and invitation modes and designs, access control, and follow-up procedures. The design implications of browser-based mobile Web surveys will also be addressed. The course will draw on empirical results from experiments on alternative design approaches as well as practical experience in the design and implementation of a wide variety of Web surveys. The technical aspects of Web survey implementation, such as hardware, software or programming are not a primary focus of the course but will be discussed briefly. For information, A working knowledge of survey research methods will be assumed. No knowledge of Web programming or scripting (HTML, JavaScript) or any particular survey software package is necessary.