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Nov 03 2021

Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science and the Joint Program in Survey Methodology Seminar Series: On the Definition of Response Propensity

Roderick Little, Richard D. Remington Distinguished University Professor of Biostatistics, University of Michigan

Wednesday, November 3, 2021
12:00pm to 1:10pm ET

Livestream information:
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Meeting ID: 97702415176
Meeting Password: 1070

Nonresponse propensities play a central role in unit nonresponse adjustments from both design and model-based perspectives, but are often not clearly defined because of lack of clarity about the variables on which the propensities are conditioned. I propose a definition of response propensity for the purpose of nonresponse adjustments, where the conditioning is restricted to include the variables measured in the survey as well as design and auxiliary variables measured for respondents and nonrespondents. The proposed definition is justified from both design-based and model-based perspectives. The role of the missing at random assumption is discussed for both perspectives, for cross-sectional surveys and longitudinal surveys with attrition.