Webinar: HRS Sample Design, Weighting, and Complex Variance Estimation
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
12 to 1 p.m. ET
This webinar will provide an overview of the complex sample design of the Health and Retirement Study. It will also provide practical guidance on the application of sample weights and complex variance estimation in analysis of the data. A question and answer portion of the webinar will allow users to pose specific questions related to their analyses.
Background reading can be found on the HRS website in Updates to HRS Sample Weights (.pdf) and Health and Retirement Study 2016 Tracker pgs. 32-36 (.pdf).
Presented by Amanda Sonnega, Associate Research Scientist in the Survey Research Center of the Institute for Social Research (ISR) at the University of Michigan (UM), where she is responsible for integrating communication, outreach, and education efforts for the Health and Retirement Study. She received her PhD through the Department of Health, Behavior & Society at the Johns Hopkins University and completed a post-doctoral fellowship within the ISR program in Social Environment and Health. She has lectured in the UM School of Public Health, teaching Psychosocial Factors in Health-related Behavior. Her research focuses on life course trajectories of physical and mental health; institutional and personal factors associated with vulnerability and resilience in aging individuals; and work transitions and their broad effects on health and well-being.
This webinar was developed and presented by the University of Michigan with funds from the National Institute on Aging and hosted by the Gerontological Society of America.