Some issues in the quantitative characterization of heterogeneous populations / Kenneth G. Manton, Burton Singer, Max A. Woodbury — Union dissolution in Sweden / James Trussell, Germán RodrÍguez, Barbara Vaughan — The disruption of marital and non-marital unions in contemporary Sweden / Britta Hoem, Jan M. Hoem — Household formation and home-ownership in France / Mark Montgomery — Interrelations between first home-ownership, constitution of the family, and professional occupation in France / Daniel Courgeau, Ãva Lelièvre — The progression to the third birth in Sweden / Michael Murphy — Understanding third births in Sweden / James J. Heckman, James R. Walker — Incomplete data in event history analysis / Roderick J.A. Little — Analysis of current-status data / Ian D. Diamond, John W. McDonald — A discrete-time method for the analysis of event histories / Elja Arjas, Pekka Kangas.