A lens on adolescence : the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth / Robert T. Michael — The effect of family structure on youth outcomes in the NLSY97 / Charles R. Pierret — Patterns of nonresident-father involvement / Laura M. Argys, H. Elizabeth Peters — Parental regulation and adolescent discretionary time-use decisions : findings from the NLSY97 / Robin L. Tepper — Family environment and adolescent sexual debut in alternative household structures / Mignon R. Moore — Exploring determinants of adolescents' early sexual behavior / Robert T. Michael, Courtney Bickert — Body weight and the dating and sexual behaviors of young adolescents / John Cawley — Adolescents' expectations regarding birth outcomes : a comparison of the NLSY79 and NLSY97 cohorts / James R. Walker — Who are the youth “at risk”? expectations evidence in the NLSY97 / Jeff Dominitz, Charles F. Manski, Baruch Fischhoff — Food stamp program participation and health : estimates from the NLSY97 / Diane Gibson — What determines adolescent demand for alcohol and marijuana? A comparison of findings from the NLSY79 and the NLSY97 / Pinka Chatterji — Changes in gender and racial gaps in adolescent antisocial behavior : the NLSY97 versus the NLSY79 / Yasuyo Abe — City kids and country cousins : rural and urban youths, deviance, and labor market ties / L. Susan Williams.