Measurement error in cross-sectional and longitudinal labor market surveys : validation study evidence / John Bound … [et al.] — Choice-based sampling of dynamic populations / Tony Lancaster and Guido Imbens — Attrition in multi-wave panel data / Geert Ridder — A nonparametric method of moments estimator for the mixture of geometrics model / James J. Heckman — Time-series and cross-sectional estimates on panel data : why are they different and why should they be equal? / Jacques Mairesse — Econometric methods for grouped duration data / Nicholas M. Kiefer — Staggered entry and unemployment durations : an application to German data / Eckhard Wurzel — An examination of the robustness of models of the probability of finding a job for the unemployed / S. Wiji Narendranathan and Mark B. Stewart. Using social experiments to estimate the effect of training on transition rates / John C. Ham and Robert J. Lalonde — Temporary layoffs / Peter Jensen and Niels WestergÃ¥rd-Nielsen — An empirical analysis of employers' search / Jan C. van Ours — Appraising tests of the intertemporal substitution hypothesis / Thomas MaCurdy — Panel data and life-cycle models / Richard W. Blundell and Costas H. Meghir — Individual effects in utility consistent models of demand / Rob J.M. Alessie … [et al.] — Equilibrium wage distributions : a synthesis / Dale T. Mortensen — Empirical wage distributions : a new framework for labor market policy analysis / Kenneth Burdett — On the funding of employment insurance / Frans Spinnewijn.