Introduction. Risk and problem behaviors in adolescence : a view of the issues / Richard M. Lerner and Christine M. Ohannessian — Conceptualizing risk. Risk behavior in adolescence : a psychosocial framework for understanding and action / Richard Jessor — Parent and child stress and symptoms : an integrative analysis / Bruce E. Compas, et al. — Referring and reporting research participants at risk : views from urban adolescents / Celia B. Fisher, et al. — The psychosocial foundation of early adolescents' high-risk behavior : implications for research and practice / Mira Zamansky Levitt, Robert L. Selman, and Julius B. Richmond — High-risk children in young adulthood : a longitudinal study from birth to 32 years / Emmy E. Werner — Internalizing problems. Conduct and affective disorders in developmental perspective : a systematic study of adolescent psychopathology / Gil G. Noam, et al. — Gender-linked vulnerabilities to depressive symptoms, stress, and problem behaviors in adolescents / Bonnie J. Leadbeater, Sidney J. Blatt, and Donald M. Quinlan — Problems of sexual behavior. Correlates of sexual activity in early adolescence / Diane Scott-Jones and Anne B. White — Sexual activity and problem behaviors among black, urban adolescents / Margaret E. Ensminger — Age differences in parent and peer influences on female sexual behavior / Dominique Treboux and Nancy A. Busch-Rossnagel — Older adolescents and AIDS : correlates of self-reported safer sex practices / Helene M. Rimberg and Robin J. Lewis — Problems of substance use/abuse. How part-time work intensity relates to drug use, problem behavior, time use, and satisfaction among high school seniors : are these consequences or merely correlates? / Jerald G. Bachman and John Schulenberg — Alcohol use, suicidal behavior, and risky activities among adolescents / Michael Windle, Carol Miller-Tutzauer, and Donna Domenico — Family structure, family processes, and experimenting with substance during adolescence / Rebecca A. Turner, Charles E. Irwin Jr., and Susan G. Millstein — The contribution of mothers and fathers to the intergenerational transmission of cigarette smoking in adolescence / Denise B. Kandel and Ping Wu — The path to alcohol problems through conduct problems : a family-based approach to very early intervention with risk / Eugene Maguin, Robert A. Zucker, and Hiram E. Fitzgerald — Delinquency and school drop-out. Unraveling girls' delinquency : biological, dispositional, and contextual contributions to adolescent misbehavior / Avshalom Caspi, et al. — Attributional and emotional determinants of aggression among African-American and Latino young adolescents / Sandra Graham, Cynthia Hudley, and Estella Williams — Homeless adolescents : a descriptive study of similarities and differences between runaways and throwaways / Gerald R. Adams, Thomas Gullotta, and Mary Anne Clancy —