Self-conceptions / C. Gordon — Trait salience in the spontaneous self-concept / W.J. McGuire & A. Padawer-Singer — Self-efficacy / A. Bandura — Self-schemata & processing information about the self / H. Markus — Effects of objective self-awareness on attribution of causality / S. Duval & R.A. Wicklund — The real self / R.H. Turner — Basking in reflected glory : three (football) field studies / R.B. Cialdini, [et. a.] — The search for glory / K. Horney — On face-work : an analysis of ritual elements in social interaction / E. Goffman — Self-monitoring of expressive behavior / M. Snyder — Prevalence of the self-esteem motive / H.B. Kaplan — Self & interpersonal evaluations : esteem theories versus consistency theories / S.C. Jones — Resistance to change in the self-concept as a function of consensus among significant others / C.W. Backman, P.F. Secord, & J.R. Pierce — Social comparison, self-consistency, & the concept of self / S.J. Morse & K.J. Gergen — Identity salience & role performance : the relevance of symbolic interaction theory for family research / S. Stryker — Black identity & self-esteem / J.R. Porter & R.E. Washington — Reported magnitude of self-misidentification among negro children- artifact? / H.J. Greenwald & D.B. Oppenheim — Sex differences in the self-concept in adolescence / F.R. Rosenberg & R.G. Simmons — Acquisition & significance of sex typing & sex role identity / J. Kagan — Social class & self-esteem amony children & adults / M. Rosenberg & L.I. Pearlin — Development of self-conceptions from childhood to adolescence / R. Montemayor & M. Eisen — Development of the ideal self in New Zealand & American children / R.J. Havighurst & D.V. MacDonald — Israelis & Jews / S.N. Herman — Dissonant religious context & emotional disturbance / M. Rosenberg — Social comparison in the classroom : the relationship between academic achievement & self-concept / C.M. Rogers, M.D. Smith, & J.M. Coleman — Parental permissiveness & children's self-esteem / S. Coopersmith — Family relationships & self-esteem / J.G. Bachman — Self-concept of ability & school achievement / W.B. Brookover, S. Thomas, & A. Paterson — Self-esteem & education / P.M. O'Malley & J.G. Bachman — Psychological origins of adolescent political attitudes / E.G. Carmines — Self-esteem as amoderator of the relationship between self-perceived abilities & vocational choice / A.K. Korman — Psychiatric attendant / R.L. Simpson & I.H. Simpson — Self-confidence & persasibility in women / D.F. Cox & R.A. Bauer — Professional self-images & political perspectives in the Greek military / G.A. Kourvetaris — Scholastic experiences, self-esteem, & delinquent behavior / M. Gold — Self-attitudes & deviant response ; Deviant behavior & self-enhancement in adolescence / H. B. Kaplan — Economic strains & the coping functions of alcohol / L.I. Pearlin & C.W. Radabaugh — Homosexual identity / S.K. Hammersmith & M.S. Weinberg — Mechanisms of defense / G.W. Allport — Effect of anticipated performance on the attributions of causality to self & others / C.B. Wortman, P.R. Costanzo & T.R. Witt — Psychological selectivity in self-esteem formation / M. Rosenberg.