The politics of health inequitites : contested terrain /; Richard Hofrichter –; A society in delcine : the political, economic, and social determinants of health inequalities in the United States /; Dennis Raphael –; Understanding and reducing socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities in health /; James S. House, David R. Williams –; Gender, health, and equity : the intersections /; Piroska Ãstlin, Asha George, Gita Sen –; Getting a grip on the global economy : health outcomes and the decoding of development discourse /; John Gershman, Alec Irwin, Aaron Shakow.; The political context of social inequalities and health /; Vincente Navarro, Leiyu Shi –; Income inequality and mortality : importance to health of individual income, psychosocial environment, or material conditions /; John W. Lynch, George Davey Smith, George A. Kaplan, James S. House –; Zoning, equity, and public health /; Juliana a. Maantay –; Changing structure of work in the United States : implications for health and welfare /; Sarah Kuhn, John Wooding –; Public health as social justice /; Dan E. Beauchamp.; Social capital and the third way in public health /; Charles Muntaner, John W. Lynch, George Davey Smith –; Measuring health inequalities : the politics of the World Health Report 2000 /; Paula A. Braveman –; Assessing equity in health : conceptual criteria /; Alexandra Bambas, Juan Antonio Casas –; Income inequality, social cohesion, and the health status of populations : the role of neo-liberalism /; David Coburn –; Income inequality and health : expanding the debate /; John W. Lynch –; Is capitalism a disease? The crisis in U.S. public health /; Richard Levins.; Theorizing inequalitites in health : the place of lay knowledge /; Jennie Popay, Gareth Williams, Carol Thomas, Anthony Gatrell –; Limitations of population health as a model for a new public health /; Dennis Raphael, Toba Bryant –; Theories for social epidemiology in the twenty-first century : an ecosocial perspective /; Nancy Krieger –; Toward the future : policy and community actions to promote population health /; Dennis Raphael –; Globalization, trade, and health : unpacking the links and defining health public policy options /; Ronald Labonte.; Socioeconomic disparities in health in the United States : an agenda for action /; Nancy E. Moss –; From science to policy : options for reducing health inequalities /; Hilary Graham –; Addressing structural influences on the health of urban populations /; Arline T. Geronimus –; Swimming upstream in a swift current : public health institutions and inequality /; Rajiv Bhatia –; Minnesota's call to action : a starting point for advancing health equity through social and economic change /; Gavin Kearney –; Role of mass media in creating social capital : a new direction for public health /; Lawrence Wallack.