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February 15, 2017

High intensity drinking rates highest among college students

image of a variety of alcoholic beveragesIn the annual Monitoring the Future survey, about 24% of 19 and 20 year olds report drinking 5 or more alcoholic drinks on a single occasion in the last 2 weeks. High intensity drinking is defined as 10 or more drinks on a single occasion: about 10% of respondents said they drank 10 or more alcoholic drinks and 4% said they had 15 or more drinks. “For many people, the definition of binge drinking & five or more drinks during a single occasion & didn’t really resonate as problematic,” said Megan Patrick. “By reporting rates of high-intensity drinking, which is a more severe and rarer behavior, it may be possible to help college administrators boost the effectiveness of their campaigns.”

Story in The University Record
Related article at WDIV Detroit
Study by Megan Patrick and Yvonne Terry-McElrath in Addiction