July 26, 2018
New Book by Raghunathan, Berglund & Solenberger: Multiple Imputation in Practice
Multiple Imputation in Practice: With Examples Using IVEware by Trivellore Raghuathan, Patricia Berglund, and Peter Solenberger provides practical guidance on multiple imputation analysis, from simple to complex problems using real and simulated data sets.
The book provides:
- Detailed examples of IVEware for multiple imputation of missing data using the Sequential Regression method;
- Analysis of imputed data sets using combining rules for standard data sets and those derived from complex sample surveys (using design-based and Approximate Bayesian Bootstap methods);
- Analysis techniques covered include descriptive statistics, linear/generalized linear regression, categorical data analysis, survival analysis, structural equation models, longitudinal data analysis, complex survey data, sensitivity analysis, and other applications of the multiple imputation framework;
- Suggested readings and exercises are included in each chapter for additional study and practice.
There are more details about Multiple Imputation in Practice here and the data sets for the examples and exercises and the example code files are available to download. The figures, many of which are reproduced in color, are also available.