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August 10, 2018

SRC Researchers at the American Sociological Association 113th Annual Meeting

SRC faculty and student mentees at the 2018 ASA Annual Meeting:

Sunday, August 12

8:30-10:10, Christina Cross, Extended Family Households among U.S. Children: Differences by Race/Ethnicity and SES, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Level 4, Franklin Hall 2
8:30-10:10, Asta Breinholt, Does Education Homogenize Parenting Practices? Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Level 4, Franklin Hall 9
2:30-4:10, Jennifer Barber, Session Organizer & Discussant, Differentials in Fertility Timing and Fertility Preferences, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Level 4, 405
2:30-4:10, Fabian Pfeffer and Davis Daumler (co-author), Multigenerational Cycles of Poverty? The Transmission of Family Poverty across Three Generations, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Level 4, 412

Monday, August 13

8:30-10:10, Paula Fomby and Asta Breinholt, Family Socioeconomic Status, Children's Home Environments, and Cognitive Achievement in the United States, 1997-2014, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Level 4, 406
10:30-12:10, Richard Miech, Marijuana Legalization and Use among Adolescents, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Level 100, 105AB
2:30-4:10, Richard Miech, Session Co-Organizer, Section on Aging and Life Course Refereed Roundtable Session, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Level 100, 113A
2:30-4:10, Noah Webster and Toni C. Antonucci (co-author), Volunteerism and Health: The Conditioning Role of Social Networks, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Level 100, 113A

Tuesday, August 14

12:30-2:10, Paula Fomby, Workshop Organizer & Leader, The Panel Study of Income Dynamics, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Level 100, 104A