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Capacity building workshops with NAC Analytica, Kazakhstan

NAC Analytica is a subsidiary of Nazarbayev University and conducts research relating to social and economic policy, monetary policy and the financial sector, the socio-political situation, socio-economic development, and the business climate and economic environment. The SRC IU has held multiple methodology workshops for NAC Analytica Survey Centre in order to train on issues relating to the transition from interviewer-administered in-person data collection to web and/or telephone data collection, including challenges relating to sampling, questionnaire design, interviewer training, and quality control.

The first workshop, held in Nur-Sultan (Astana), focused on general best practices and considerations associated with web and telephone surveys. The second workshop, held at the SRC IU in Ann Arbor, Michigan, focused more specifically on design and implementation of a telephone/web pilot survey. The third workshop, focused on sampling theory and design, employed a flipped-course design, where over a course of ten weeks, participants in Nur-Sultan viewed a weekly lecture, completed readings and assignments, and met remotely to discuss assignments and outstanding questions with an instructor at SRC in Ann Arbor. The fourth workshop was conducted by SRC IU in Nur Sultan on questionnaire design and pretesting approaches, including cognitive interviewing, focus groups, and semi-structured interviewing.