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Age patterns in the prevalence of DSM-IV depressive/anxiety disorders with and without physical co-morbidity

Kessler, Ronald C; Mneimneh, Zeina Nazih; Williams, David R.; Scott, K M; Von Korff, M; Alonso, J; Angermeyer, M; Bromet, E J; Bruffaerts, R; de Girolamo, G; de Graaf, R; Fernandez, A; Gureje, O; He, Y; Kovess, V; Levinson, D; Medina-Mora, M E; Oakley Browne, M A; Posada-Villa, J; Tachimori, H. (2008). Age patterns in the prevalence of DSM-IV depressive/anxiety disorders with and without physical co-morbidity. Psychological medicine. 38(11), 1659-1669.