Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

Days out of role due to common physical and mental conditions: results from the WHO World Mental Health surveys

Heeringa, Steven G; Kessler, Ronald C; Williams, David R.; Alonso, J; Petukhova, M; Vilagut, G; Chatterji, S; Ustun, T B; Alhamzawi, A O; Viana, M C; Angermeyer, M; Bromet, E; Bruffaerts, R; de Girolamo, G; Florescu, S; Gureje, O; Haro, J M; Hinkov, H; Hu, C -y; Karam, E G; Kovess, V; Levinson, D; Medina-Mora, M; Nakamura, Y; Ormel, J; Posada-Villa, Jose; Sagar, R; Scott, K M; Tsang, A. (2010). Days out of role due to common physical and mental conditions: results from the WHO World Mental Health surveys. Molecular psychiatry. 16(12), 1234-1246.