Faul, Jessica Danielle; Mehta, Rajendra H; Montoye, Cecelia K; Nagle, Dorothy J; Kure, James; Raj, Ethiraj; Fattal, Peter; Sharrif, Shiraz; Amlani, Mohamadali; Changezi, Hameem U; Skorcz, Stephen; Bailey, Nancy; Bourque, Theresa; LaTarte, Mary; McLean, Donna; Savoy, Suzanne; Werner, Paul; Baker, Patricia L; DeFranco, Anthony; Eagle, Kim A. (2004).
Enhancing quality of care for acute myocardial infarction: shifting the focus of improvement from key indicators to process of care and tool use: The American College of Cardiology Acute Myocardial Infarction Guidelines Applied in Practice Project in Michigan: Flint and Saginaw Expansion. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 43(12), 2166-2173.