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Factors related to rapid deceleration events among a large cohort of older drivers

Ryan, Lindsay H; Smith, Jacqui; Yung, Raymond; Eby, David W; Molnar, Lisa J; Zakrajsek, Jennifer S; Zanier, Nicole; St. Louis, Renée M; Stanciu, Sergiu C; LeBlanc, David; Bogard, Scott; Kostyniuk, Lidia P; Nyquist, Linda; Betz, Marian E; DiGuiseppi, Carolyn; Jones, Vanya; Li, Guohua; Mielenz, Thelma J; Strogatz, David. (2019). Factors related to rapid deceleration events among a large cohort of older drivers. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 66, 76-86.