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Genome-Wide Association Study (Gwas) and Genome-Wide by Environment Interaction Study (Gweis) of Depressive Symptoms in African American and Hispanic/latina Women

Faul, Jessica Danielle; Weir, David R; Kardia, Sharon R.; Dunn, Erin C; Wiste, Anna; Radmanesh, Farid; Almli, Lynn M; Gogarten, Stephanie M; Sofer, Tamar; Soare, Thomas W; Mirza, Saira S; Hek, Karin; Tiemeier, Henning; Goveas, Joseph S; Sarto, Gloria E; Snively, Beverly M; Cornelis, Marilyn; Koenen, Karestan C; Kraft, Peter; Purcell, Shaun; Ressler, Kerry J; Rosand, Jonathan; Wassertheil-Smoller, Sylvia; Smoller, Jordan W. (2016). Genome-Wide Association Study (Gwas) and Genome-Wide by Environment Interaction Study (Gweis) of Depressive Symptoms in African American and Hispanic/latina Women. Depression and anxiety. 33(4), 265-280.