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Predicting suicides after psychiatric hospitalization in US Army soldiers: the Army Study To Assess Risk and rEsilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS)

Kessler, Ronald C; Heeringa, Steven G; Lewandowski-Romps, Lisa M; Warner, C H; Ivany, C; Petukhova, M V; Rose, S; Bromet, E J; Brown, M; Cai, T; Colpe, L J; Cox, K L; Fullerton, C S; Gilman, S E; Gruber, M J; Li, J; Millikan-Bell, A M; Naifeh, J A; Nock, M K; Rosellini, A J; Sampson, N A; Schoenbaum, M; Stein, M B; Wessely, S; Zaslavsky, A M; Ursano, R J. (2015). Predicting suicides after psychiatric hospitalization in US Army soldiers: the Army Study To Assess Risk and rEsilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS). JAMA psychiatry. 72(1), 49-57.