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Psychotic experiences and religiosity: data from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys

Haro, Joshua; Kessler, Ronald C; Mneimneh, Zeina Nazih; Kovess-Masfety, V; Saha, S; Lim, C C. W.; Aguilar-Gaxiola, S; Al-Hamzawi, A; Alonso, J; Borges, G; de Girolamo, G; de Jonge, P; Demyttenaere, K; Florescu, S; Hu, C; Karam, E G; Kawakami, N; Lee, S; Lepine, J P; Navarro-Mateu, F; Stagnaro, J C; ten Have, M; Viana, M C; McGrath, J J. (2018). Psychotic experiences and religiosity: data from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 137(4), 306-315.