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Recent treatment of mental disorders in the World Mental Health Survey initiative

Kessler, Ronald C; Heeringa, Steven G; Pennell, Beth-Ellen; Wang, P S; Angermeyer, M; Borges, G; Bruffaerts, R; De Girolamo, G; Gureje, O; Haro, J M; Karam, E G; Kovess, V; Levinson, D; Nakane, Y; Ono, Y; Petukhova, M; Posada-Villa, Jose; Aguilar-Gaxiola, Sergio; Alonso, J; Lee, Sing; Chatterji, S; Bromet, E J; de Graff, R; Lane, M C; Saunders, K; Seedet, S; Shen, Y; Ustun, T B. (2008). Recent treatment of mental disorders in the World Mental Health Survey initiative. In Kessler, Ronald C., Ustan, T. B. (Ed.), The WHO World Mental Health Surveys : global perspectives on the epidemiology of mental disorders.