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Somatic, positive and negative domains of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D) scale: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies

Faul, Jessica Danielle; Liu, Youhong; Weir, David R; Kardia, Sharon R.; Demirkan, A; Lahti, J; Direk, N; Viktorin, A; Lunetta, K L; Terracciano, A; Nalls, M A; Tanaka, T; Hek, K; Fornage, M; Wellmann, J; Cornelis, M C; Ollila, H M; Yu, L; Pilling, L C; Isaacs, A; Palotie, A; Zhuang, W V; Zonderman, A; Sutin, A; Meirelles, O; Mulas, A; Hofman, A; Uitterlinden, A; Rivadeneira, F; Perola, M; Zhao, W; Salomaa, V; Yaffe, K; Luik, A I; Ding, J; Lichtenstein, P; Landen, M; Widen, E; Llewellyn, D J; Murray, A; Eriksson, J G; Koenen, K; Magnusson, P K. E.; Ferrucci, L; Mosley, T H; Cucca, F; Oostra, B A; Bennett, D A; Paunio, T; Berger, K; Harris, T B; Pedersen, N L; Murabito, J M; Tiemeier, H; van Duijn, C M; Raeikkoenen, K. (2016). Somatic, positive and negative domains of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D) scale: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies. Psychological medicine. 46(8), 1613-1623.