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Funded Research

Building an Implementation Roadmap for an Institute for Research on Innovation and Science (IRIS)

Dr. Jason Owen-Smith will work closely with the remainder of the PI-team to coordinate and direct the overarching project plan. More specifically, he will take responsibility for Co-leading the effort to develop an operational plan for the structure, location, and policies of a potential institute. This work will entail outreach to three key groups of stakeholders, Representatives of Federal Agencies, University Administrators, and key members of the sociological and management research communities. Through these efforts Owen-Smith will contribute to or consult on the development of (1) An operational plan, (2) specific data use cases and infrastructure requirements, and (3) exemplary language for memoranda of understanding that will govern data sharing and research access. This work will take place both through collaboration with other members of the PI team and through engagement with key stakeholder groups through meetings, workshops, and less structured conversations.


Ohio State University, The

Funding Period:

02/03/2014 to 10/31/2014