Professor of Sociology, Professor of Organizational Studies, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Associate Vice President for Research - Institutional Capabilities and Research Intelligence, Office of the Vice President for Research, Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research and Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy
Jason Owen-Smith is a sociologist who examines how science, commerce, and the law cohere and conflict in contemporary societies and economies. Together with collaborators, Jason works on projects that examine the dynamics of high-technology industries, the public value of the research university, and the network organization of surgical care. He seeks to understand how organizations, institutions, and networks can maintain the status quo while generating novelty through social transformations, scientific discoveries, and technological breakthroughs. Jason’s work makes use of large-scale administrative data to study fundamental process of network change and their effects in policy relevant domains.
Professor Owen-Smith is Executive Director of the Institute for Research on Innovation and Science (IRIS) and Director of the Barger Leadership Institute at the University of Michigan where he also holds the Barger Leadership Institute Professorship in Organizational Studies. He is Professor of Sociology and (by courtesy) Public Policy. In the Institute for Social Research (ISR) he is a Research Professor in the Survey Research Center where he directs a program called Innovation Networks and Knowledge (INK) that houses IRIS and an ongoing research project about physician networks and surgical care outcomes. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Sociology at the University of Arizona and a B.A. in Sociology and Philosophy from the New College of Florida.
Funded Research
- Breakthroughs in science: The role of funding approaches and investment balance across Stokes’ quadrants
- Collaborative Research: Impacts of Hard/Soft Skills on STEM Workforce Trajectories
- Collaborative Research: Industries of Ideas: A prototype system for measuring the effects of TIP investments on firms and jobs
- Collaborative Research: New Insights into STEM Pathways: The Role of Peers, Networks, and Demand
- Collaborative Research: RUI: Stepping out of flatland: Complex networks, topological data analysis, and the progress of science
- Creating a Data Quality Control Framework for Producing New Personnel-Based S&E Indicators
- IRIS UMETRICS and University of Maryland USED/SDR data linkage
- Linked NCSES Data for Evidence-Based Policy: Measuring Early Career Success and Modelling the Academic Research Supply Chain
- Pathways to Science and Engineering Professions: Persistence and career choice for bachelors and masters graduateso research experiences, decision points and labor market transitions
- SCISIPBIO: Invisible Collaborators: Underrepresentation, Research Networks, and Outcomes of Biomedical Researchers
- Soft2Rs: An Open Source Tool Package for Linking Research Software Mentions to Research, Repository, and Resource Information
- Lane, Julia, Jason D Owen-Smith, Weinberg, Bruce A.. 2024. How to track the economic impact of public investments in AI. Nature 630(8016):302-304.
- Wan-Ying Chang, Maryah Garner, Jodi Basner, Bruce Weinberg, Jason D Owen-Smith. 2022. A Linked Data Mosaic for Policy-Relevant Research on Science and Innovation: Value, Transparency, Rigor, and Community. 4(2)
- Patrick Kierkegaard, Jason D Owen-Smith. 2021. Determinants of physician networks: an ethnographic study examining the processes that inform patterns of collaboration and referral decision-making among physicians. BMJ Open 11(1):e042334.
- Jinseok Kim, Jason D Owen-Smith. 2021. ORCID-linked labeled data for evaluating author name disambiguation at scale. Scientometrics 126(3):2057-2083.
- Jinseok Kim, Jenna Kim, Jason D Owen-Smith. 2021. Ethnicity-based name partitioning for author name disambiguation using supervised machine learning. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 72(8):979-994.
- Helena Buhr, Russell J. Funk, Jason D Owen-Smith. 2021. The authenticity premium: Balancing conformity and innovation in high technology industries. Research Policy 50(1):104085.
- Jinseok Kim, Jason D Owen-Smith. 2020. Model Reuse in Machine Learning for Author Name Disambiguation: An Exploration of Transfer Learning. IEEE Access 8:188378-188389.
- Patrick Kierkegaard, Vale,Mira, Spencer Garrison, Brent K. Hollenbeck, John M. Hollingsworth, Jason D Owen-Smith. 2020. Mechanisms of decision-making in preoperative assessment for older adult prostate cancer patientsâA qualitative study. Journal of Surgical Oncology 121(3):561-569.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Kierkegaard, Patrick , Vale, Mira D, Garrison, Spencer , Hollenbeck, Brent K, Hollingsworth, John M. 2020. Mechanisms of decision-making in preoperative assessment for older adult prostate cancer patients-A qualitative study. Journal of Surgical Oncology 121(3):561-569.
- Jinseok Kim, Jason D Owen-Smith, Kim, Jinmo . 2019. Generating automatically labeled data for author name disambiguation: an iterative clustering method. Scientometrics
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Ghomrawi, Hassan M. K., Funk, Russell J, Parks, Michael L, Hollingsworth, John M. 2018. Physician referral patterns and racial disparities in total hip replacement: A network analysis approach. PLOS ONE 13(2):e0193014.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Funk, R J, Kaufman, S A, Nallamothu, B K, Hollingsworth, J M. 2018. Association of informal clinical integration of physicians with cardiac surgery payments. JAMA Surgery 153(5):446-453.
- Jason D Owen-Smith. 2018. Research Universities and the Public Good: Discovery for an Uncertain Future.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Everson, Jordan , Funk, Russell J, Kaufman, Samuel R, Nallamothu, Brahmajee K, Pagani, Francis D, Hollingsworth, John M. 2018. Repeated, Close Physician Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Teams Associated with Greater Teamwork. Health Services Research 53(2):1025-1041.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Funk, Russell J, Landon, Bruce E, Birkmeyer, John D, Hollingsworth, John M. 2017. Identifying Natural Alignments Between Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Local Health Systems: Building Broader Communities of Surgical Care. Medical care 55(2):e9–e15.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Sattari, Reza , Lane, Julia I. 2017. New Insights into Food Safety Research Teams. Measuring the Economic Value of Research: The Case of Food Safety :113-127.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Funk, Russell . 2016. A Dynamic Network Measure of Technological Change. Management Science
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Hollingsworth, John M, Funk, Russell , Luckenbaugh, Amy , Kaufman, Samuel , Nallamothu, Brahmajee . 2016. Clinical Integration is Associated with Lower Costs of Care among Patients Undergoing Prostatectomy. 2016 Annual Meeting Program AbstractsAUA Annual Meeting 195(4, Supplement):e591.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Hollingsworth, John M, Funk, Russell J, Garrison, Spencer A, Kaufman, Samuel A, Pagani, Francis D, Nallamothu, Brahmajee K. 2016. Association Between Physician Teamwork and Health System Outcomes After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 9(6):641-648.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Hollingsworth, J M, Funk, R J, Garrison, S A, Kaufman, S R, Landon, B E, Birkmeyer, J D. 2015. Differences between physician social networks for cardiac surgery serving communities with high versus low proportions of black residents. Medical care 53(2):160-167.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Hollingsworth, John M, Funk, Russell J, Landon, Bruce E, Hollenbeck, Brent K, Birkmeyer, John D. 2015. Assessing the Reach of Health Reform to Outpatient Surgery With Social Network Analysis. Annals of Surgery 261(3):468-472.
- Felichism W Kabo, Maggie Levenstein, Jason D Owen-Smith, Hwang, Yongha . 2015. Shared Paths to the Lab: A Sociospatial Network Analysis of Collaboration. Environment and Behavior 47(1):57-84.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Cotton-Nessler, Natalie C, Buhr, Helena . 2015. Network effects on organizational decision-making: Blended social mechanisms and IPO withdrawal. Social Networks 41:1-17.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Lane, Julia I, Rosen, Rebecca F, Weinberg, Bruce A. 2015. New linked data on research investments: Scientific workforce, productivity, and public value. The New Data Frontier 44(9):1659-1671.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Hollingsworth, John M, Funk, Russell J, Garrison, Spencer A, Kaufman, Samuel R, Landon, Bruce E, Montie, James E, Nallamothu, Brahmajee K. 2015. MP5-19 the Impact of Care Coordination on Radical Prostatectomy Outcomes. 2015 Annual Meeting Program Abstracts AUA Annual Meeting 193(4, Supplement):e52-e53.
- Helena Buhr, Jason D Owen-Smith. 2015. Networks as institutional support: law firm and venture capitalist relations and regional diversity in high-technology IPOs. Institutions and Entrepreneurship 21:95-126.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Weinberg, B A, Rosen, R F, Schwarz, L , Allen, B M, Weiss, R E, Lane, J . 2014. Science funding and short-term economic activity. Science 344(6179):41-43.
- Felichism W Kabo, Jason D Owen-Smith, Davis, Gerald F., Hwang, Yongha . 2014. Spatial Layout, Social Structure, and Innovation in Organizations. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 41(6):1100-1112.
- Felichism W Kabo, Maggie Levenstein, Jason D Owen-Smith, Cotton-Nessler, Natalie , Hwang, Yongha . 2014. Proximity effects on the dynamics and outcomes of scientific collaborations. Research Policy 43(9):1469-1485.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Powell, Walter W. 2012. An Open Elite: Arbiters, Catalysts, or Gatekeepers in the Dynamics of Industry Evolution?. The Emergence of Organizations and Markets :466-495.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Scott, C T, McCormick, J B. 2012. Expand and regularize federal funding for human pluripotent stem cell research. Journal of policy analysis and management : [the journal of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management] 31(3):714-722.
- Jason D Owen-Smith. 2012. University Intellectual Property Policies Create Unintended Consequences. Colleges and Universities as Economic Drivers :239-276.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Scott, C T, McCormick, J B. 2012. Democracy is working. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 31(3):726-728.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, DeRouen, M C, McCormick, J B, Scott, C T. 2012. The race is on: human embryonic stem cell research goes global. Stem cell reviews 8(4):1043-1047.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Scott, C T, McCormick, J B, DeRouen, M C. 2011. Democracy derived? New trajectories in pluripotent stem cell research. Cell 145(6):820-826.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Powell, Walter W, Smith-Doerr, Laurel . 2011. Sociology and the Science of Science Policy. The Handbook of the Science of Science Policy :56-84.
- Jason D Owen-Smith. 2011. The institutionalization of expertise in university licensing. Theory and Society 40(1):63-94.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Scott, C T, McCormick, J B, Derouen, M C. 2010. Federal policy and the use of pluripotent stem cells. Nature methods 7(11):866-867.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Whittington, Kjersten Bunker, Powell, Walter W. 2009. Networks, Propinquity, and Innovation in Knowledge-Intensive Industries. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(1):90-122.
- C. Thomas Scott, Jason D Owen-Smith, J. McCormick. 2009. We must reverse the Bush legacy of stem-cell problems. :33.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, McCormick, J B, Scott, C T. 2009. Distribution of human embryonic stem cell lines: who, when, and where. Cell stem cell 4(2):107-110.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, ..., et al.. 2009. The stem cell research environment: a patchwork of patchworks. Stem cell reviews 5(2):82-88.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Scott, C T, McCormick, J B. 2009. And then there were two: use of hESC lines. Nature biotechnology 27(8):696-697.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Powell, WalterW , Colyvas, JeannetteA . 2007. Innovaton and Emulation: Lessons from American Universities in Selling Private Rights to Public Knowledge. Minerva 45(2):121-142.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, McCormick, J . 2006. An international gap in human ES cell research. Nature biotechnology 24(4):391-392.
- Jason D Owen-Smith. 2005. Dockets, Deals, and Sagas: Commensuration and the Rationalization of Experience in University Licensing. Social Studies of Science 35(1):69-97.
- Jason D Owen-Smith, Powell, Walter W. 2004. Knowledge Networks as Channels and Conduits: The Effects of Spillovers in the Boston Biotechnology Community. Organization Science 15(1):5-21.