Professor of Information, School of Information, Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Research Professor, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research and Center Director, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Institute for Social Research

Margaret Levenstein is the director of Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and Executive Director of Michigan Federal Statistical Research Data Center.
An economist, Levenstein first joined ISR’s Survey Research Center (SRC) in 2003 as the executive director of the Michigan Census Research Data Center (MCRDC), a joint project with the U.S. Census Bureau. She has taken an active role at ISR, joining the Director’s Advisory Committee on Diversity in 2009 and serving as the chair of ISR’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategic planning committee and as the liaison to the larger university program.
Additionally, Levenstein is associate chair of the American Economic Association’s Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession and past president of the Business History Conference.
Levenstein received a Ph.D. in economics from Yale University and a B.A. from Barnard College, Columbia University. Her research and teaching interests include industrial organization, competition policy, business history, data confidentiality protection, and the improvement of economic statistics.
Funded Research
- Pienta,Amy, Jang,Bohyun, Maggie Levenstein. 2023. Beyond Legal Frameworks and Security Controls For Accessing Confidential Survey Data: Engaging Data Users in Data Protection. Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality 13(2)
- Jang,Bohyun, Pienta,Amy, Maggie Levenstein, Saul,Joseph. 2023. Restricted data management: the current practice and the future. Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality 13(2)
- Junghwan Kim, Mei-Po Kwan, Maggie Levenstein, Douglas B. Richardson. 2021. How do people perceive the disclosure risk of maps? Examining the perceived disclosure risk of maps and its implications for geoprivacy protection. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 48(1):2-20.
- Tal Yarkoni, Dean Eckles, James A. J. Heathers, Maggie Levenstein, Paul E. Smaldino, Julia Lane. 2021. Enhancing and Accelerating Social Science Via Automation: Challenges and Opportunities. 3(2)
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y.. 2020. How Do Cartels Use Vertical Restraints? Horizontal and Vertical Working in Tandem. Antitrust Law Journal 83(1):15-40.
- Maggie Levenstein, Matthew D Shapiro, Weinberg, Daniel H, Abowd, John M, Belli, Robert F, Cressie, Noel , Folch, David C, Holan, Scott H, Olson, Kristen M, Reiter, Jerome P, Smyth, Jolene D, Soh, Leen-Kiat , Spencer, Bruce D, Spielman, Seth E, Vilhuber, Lars , Wikle, Christopher K. 2019. Effects of a Government-Academic Partnership: Has the NSF-Census Bureau Research Network Helped Improve the US Statistical System?. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
- Susan Leonard, Israel,Abayomi, Maggie Levenstein, Alexander, Trent . 2018. Building a repository for record linkage. International Journal of Population Data Science 3(5)
- Daniel H. Weinberg, John M. Abowd, Robert F. Belli, Noel Cressie, David C. Folch, Scott H. Holan, Maggie Levenstein, Kristen M. Olson, Jerome P. Reiter, Matthew D Shapiro, Jolene D. Smyth, Leen-Kiat Soh, Bruce D. Spencer, Seth E. Spielman, Lars Vilhuber, Christopher K. Wikle. 2018. Effects of a Government-Academic Partnership: Has the NSF-Census Bureau Research Network Helped Improve the US Statistical System?. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
- Susan Leonard, Joseph Alexander, Maggie Levenstein, Kum, Hye-Chung , Akgün, Özgür , Antonie, Luiza , O'Hara, Amy . 2018. Establishing an International Data Linkage Repository Workgroup Toward a Benchmarking Repository. International Journal of Population Data Science 3(4)
- Maggie Levenstein, Lyle,Jared Alan. 2018. Data: Sharing Is Caring. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1(1)
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2016. Price Fixing Hits Home: An Empirical Study of US Price-Fixing Conspiracies. Review of Industrial Organization 48(4):361-379.
- Felichism W Kabo, Maggie Levenstein, Jason D Owen-Smith, Hwang, Yongha . 2015. Shared Paths to the Lab: A Sociospatial Network Analysis of Collaboration. Environment and Behavior 47(1):57-84.
- Maggie Levenstein, Sivadasan, Jagadeesh , Suslow, Valerie Y. 2015. The effect of competition on trade: Evidence from the collapse of international cartels. International Journal of Industrial Organization 39:56-70.
- Felichism W Kabo, Maggie Levenstein, Jason D Owen-Smith, Cotton-Nessler, Natalie , Hwang, Yongha . 2014. Proximity effects on the dynamics and outcomes of scientific collaborations. Research Policy 43(9):1469-1485.
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2014. Cartels and Collusion: Empirical Evidence. The Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics, Volume 2 :442-463.
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2014. How Do Cartels Use Vertical Restraints? Reflections on Bork's The Antitrust Paradox. Journal of Law and Economics 57(S3):S33-S50.
- Maggie Levenstein. 2012. Escape from Equilibrium: Thinking Historically about Firm Responses to Competition. Enterprise & Society 13(4):710-728.
- Maggie Levenstein. 2012. Antitrust and Business History. Southern California Law Review 2012(3):451-458.
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, V Y. 2011. Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Determinants of Cartel Duration. Journal of Law and Economics 54(2):455-492.
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2010. Constant Vigilance: Maintaining Cartel Deterrence During the Great Recession. Competition Policy International 6(2):145-162.
- Maggie Levenstein, Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Kenneth Lee Sokoloff. 2008. Financing invention during the second industrial revolution: Cleveland, Ohio, 1870-1920. Financing entrepreneurship
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2008. International cartels: Prevalence and policy treatment in different epochs. Issues in competition law and policy
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2008. Cartels. The new Palgrave dictionary of economics 2nd
- Maggie Levenstein, Lamoreaux, Naomi R, Sokoloff, Kenneth Lee. 2008. Financing invention during the second industrial revolution: Cleveland, Ohio, 1870-1920. Financing entrepreneurship
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2007. Economic Impact of the U.S. Export Trading Company Act. Antitrust Law Journal 74(2):343.
- Maggie Levenstein, Lamoreaux, Naomi R, Sokoloff, Kenneth L. 2007. Financing Invention During the Second Industrial Revolution: Cleveland, Ohio, 1870-1920. Financing innovation in the United States, 1870 to the present
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2007. The economic impact of the U.S. Export Trading Company Act.(Symposium: The Application of Empirical Economics to Antitrust). Antitrust Law Journal 74(2):343-386.
- Maggie Levenstein, Salant, Stephen W. 2007. Cartels. The International library of critical writings in economics; An Elgar reference collection
- Maggie Levenstein, Lamoreaux, Naomi R, Sokoloff, Kenneth L. 2007. Do Innovative Regions Inevitably Decline? Lessons from Cleveland's Experience in the 1920s. Business and Economic History On-Line 5:1.
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2006. Cartel bargaining and monitoring: The role of information sharing. The Pros and Cons of Information Sharing
- Maggie Levenstein, Lamoreaux, Naomi R, Sokoloff, Kenneth L. 2006. Mobilizing Venture Capital during the Second Industrial Revolution: Cleveland, Ohio, 1870-1920. Capitalism and Society 1(3):1-2.
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2006. What determines cartel success?. (collusive pricing) 44(1):43-95.
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2005. The changing international status of export cartel exemptions. American University International Law Review 20(4):785-828.
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2004. Contemporary international cartels and developing countries: economic effects and implications for competition policy. Antitrust Law Journal 71(3):801-852.
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2004. Studies of Cartel Stability: A Comparison of Methodological Approaches. How cartels endure and how they fail: Studies of industrial collusion :9-52.
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie . 2004. The Determinants of Cartel Duration from the Nineteenth to the Twenty first Centuries. How Cartels Endure and How They Fail
- Maggie Levenstein. 2004. Review of "Organizing America: Wealth, Power, and the Origins of Corporate Capitalism". (Book Review) 46(4):661(3).
- Maggie Levenstein. 2004. African American entrepreneurship: The view from the 1910 census. Immigrant and Minority Entrepreneurship: Building American Communities and Economies
- Maggie Levenstein, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2003. International Price-Fixing Cartels and Developing Countries: Discussion of Effects and Policy Remedies. Antitrust Law Journal 71(3):801-852.
- Maggie Levenstein. 2003. Vertical integration. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History
- Maggie Levenstein. 2002. Review of 'Anglo-American Securities Regulation: Cultural and Political Roots, 1690-1860'. Journal of American History 88(4):1506(2).
- Maggie Levenstein. 2002. Review of 'Big Business and the State: Historical Transitions and Corporate Transformation, 1880s-1990s'. Business History 44(2):131(3).
- Maggie Levenstein. 2001. Review of 'Institutions and the Evolution of Modern Business'. (Review) 61(1):253-255.
- Maggie Levenstein. 2001. Review of 'Monopolies in America: Empire Builders and Their Enemies, from Jay Gould to Bill Gates'. (Review) 43(3):163.
- Maggie Levenstein, Evenett, Simon J, Suslow, Valerie Y. 2001. International Cartel enforcement: Lessons from the 1990s.(Statistical Data Included). (Statistical Data Included) 24(9):1221(27).
- Maggie Levenstein. 2000. Review of 'The Myth of the Global Corporation '. Business History 42(2):208.
- Maggie Levenstein. 1999. The Sugar Institute Learns to Organize Information Exchange: Comment. Learning by doing in markets, firms, and countries :138-143.
- Maggie Levenstein. 1998. Accounting for growth: Information systems and the creation of the large corporation. :277.
- Maggie Levenstein. 1998. Review of 'Safety First: Technology, Labor, and Business in the Building of American Work Safety, 1870-1939'. Business History 40:p153(2).
- Maggie Levenstein. 1997. Review of 'Across Fortune's Tracks: A Biography of William Rand Kenan, Jr '. Business History 39:p164(2).
- Maggie Levenstein. 1997. Price wars and the stability of collusion: a study of the pre-World War I bromine industry. Journal of Industrial Economics 45(2):117(2).
- Maggie Levenstein. 1997. Review of 'Black Business in the Black Metropolis: The Chicago Metropolitan Assurance Company, 1925-1985'. Journal of Economic History 57:p243(2).
- Maggie Levenstein. 1996. Do price wars facilitate collusion? A study of the bromine cartel before World War I. Explorations in Economic History 33:p107(31).
- Maggie Levenstein. 1995. Mass production conquers the pool: firm organization and the nature of competition in the nineteenth century. Journal of Economic History 55:p575(37).
- Maggie Levenstein. 1995. African American Entrepreneurship: The View from the 1910 Census. Business and Economic History 24(1):106-122.
- Maggie Levenstein. 1992. Review of 'R and D for Industry: A Century of Technical Innovation at Alcoa '. Journal of Economic History 52:p971(3).
- Maggie Levenstein. 1991. The Use of Cost Measures: The Dow Chemical Company, 1890-1914. Inside the business enterprise: Historical perspectives on the use of information :71-112..