A key role for any society is to provide quality education for its citizens. Yet, repeated comparisons of the academic performance of American children to children in other nations suggest that the U.S. lags behind many of its counterparts in educating its citizenry. Concerns about American competitiveness, along with the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001, has stimulated a new push in both government and academic circles for more rigorous, scientific research on educational improvement.
Education Featured Projects
Education Funded Research
Education Publications
Connie Kasari , Stephanie Shire , Wendy Shih , Ann Kaiser , Catherine Lord , Lynne Levato , Tristram Smith , Daniel Almirall. 2025. Adaptive Intervention for School-Age, Minimally Verbal Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Community: Primary Aim Results. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Zhang, Yuan S, O'Shea, Brendan, Yu, Xuexin, Cho, Tsai-Chin, Zhang, Kelvin Pengyuan, Kler, Jasdeep, Kenneth M Langa, David R Weir, Gross, Alden L, Lindsay Kobayashi. 2024. Educational Attainment and Later-life Cognitive Function in High- and Middle-income Countries: Evidence from the Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocol. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 79(5):gbae005.
Martz, Connor D., Benner, Aprile D., Goosby, Bridget J., Colter Mitchell, Gaydosh, Lauren. 2024. Structural racism in primary schools and changes in epigenetic age acceleration among Black and White youth. Social Science & Medicine 347:116724.
Catherine Asher, Ethan Scherer, James S. Kim, Johanna Norshus Tvedt. 2024. Understanding Heterogeneous Patterns of Family Engagement With Educational Technology to Inform School-Family Communication in Linguistically Diverse Communities. Educational Researcher
Cameron, Claire E., McClelland, M.M., Grammer, Jennie, Frederick J Morrison. 2024. Self-regulation and academic achievement. Child development at the intersection of emotion and cognition :213-234.
Brian P Rowan, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Schulz,Paul Chapin, Uttam Sharma. 2024. The relevance of governance, external monitoring, and instructional quality to public-private school differences in student achievement in the Western Chitwan Valley of Nepal: An exploratory analysis. International Journal of Educational Development 109:103076.
Shervin Assari, Amanda J Sonnega, Hossein Zare. 2024. Race, College Graduation, and Time of Retirement in the United States: A Thirty-Year Longitudinal Cohort of Middle-Aged and Older Adults. Open Journal of Educational Research :228-242.
Shawna N. Smith, Daniel Almirall, Seo Youn Choi, Carolyn Andrews, Elizabeth Koschmann, Amy Rusch, Emily Bilek, Annalise Lane, James L. Abelson, Daniel Eisenberg, Joseph A. Himle, Celeste Liebrecht, Amy M. Kilbourne. 2024. Student mental health outcomes of a clustered SMART for developing an adaptive implementation strategy to support school-based CBT delivery. Journal of Affective Disorders 367:399-407.
Alexa Ellis, Pamela Davis-Kean. 2024. Analyzing teacher audio: The contribution of classroom mathematics instruction to early numeracy. The Journal of Educational Research
James H. Buszkiewicz, Andrea K. Henderson, Yanmei Xie, Megan E Patrick, Nancy L. Fleischer. 2024. Generational and Sociodemographic Differences in the Impact of Educational Expectations on Bachelor’s Degree Completion: The Monitoring the Future Study. Socius
Chihua Li, Yuan Zhang, Grace Noppert, Adina Zeki Al Hazzouri, Alden Gross, Lindsay Kobayashi. 2024. Education, urbanicity of residence, and cardiometabolic biomarkers among middle-aged and older populations in the US, Mexico, China, and India. SSM - Population Health 28:101716.
Shervin Assari, Hossein Zare, Amanda J Sonnega. 2024. High Education, Low Returns: Financial Literacy Challenges for African Americans and Hispanics. Open Journal of Educational Research 4(6):381-391.
Shervin Assari, Babak Najand, Hossein Zare, Amanda J Sonnega. 2024. Unequal Returns: Education Fails to Fully Prepare Black and Latino Americans for Retirement. Open Journal of Educational Research 4(6):392-401.
Randall C. Swaim, Linda R. Stanley, Richard Allen Miech, Megan E Patrick, Meghan A. Crabtree, Mark A. Prince. 2023. A Comparison of COVID-19 Outcomes Between Reservation-Area American Indian and U.S. National Students. AJPM Focus 2(1):100046.
Berenice Castillo, Schulenberg,John E, Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, Paul A. Toro. 2023. The prevalence and correlates of running away among adolescents in the United States. Journal of Community Psychology 51(5):1860-1875.
Shira Mattera, Marie-Andree Somers, Robin Tepper Jacob, Pamela Morris-Perez. 2023. The Design of Making Pre-K count and High Fives: Two-Stage, Multiyear Random Assignment at Different Levels. Evaluation Review 47(4):701-726.
Assari, Shervin, Cobb, Sharon, Najand, Babak, Zare, Hossein, Amanda J Sonnega. 2023. Race, Educational Attainment, and Sustained High Body Mass Index over 24 Years of Follow-up in Middle-Aged and Older Adults. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
Lauren A. Tighe, Pamela Davis-Kean. 2023. Economic hardship trajectories of college-educated families living in or near poverty: Assessing predictors and outcomes. Family Relations
Frederick J Morrison, Jennie Grammer, William J. Gehring, Lindsay Bell Weixler, Matthew H. Kim. 2023. Role of self-regulation in the transition to school. Global Variation in Literacy Development :316-332.
Katja Robinson, Deb Hubbard, Robin Tepper Jacob, Anna Erickson, Mimi Engel. 2023. Variation in Mathematics Content Coverage, Instructional Grouping, and Representational Strategies. The Elementary School Journal 124(2)
Jordan D. Palms, Afsara B. Zaheed, Emily P. Morris, Alexa Martino, Lindsey Meister, Ketlyne Sol, Laura Beth Zahodne. 2023. Links between early-life contextual factors and later-life cognition and the role of educational attainment. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 29(8):734-741.
Assari, Shervin, Cobb, Sharon, Najand, Babak, Zare, Hossein, Amanda J Sonnega. 2023. Race, Educational Attainment, and Sustained High Body Mass Index over 24 Years of Follow-up in Middle-Aged and Older Adults. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 11(2):1097-1105.
Julia A Wolfson, Noura Elise Insolera, Alicia J Cohen, Cindy W Leung. 2022. The effect of food insecurity during college on graduation and type of degree attained: evidence from a nationally representative longitudinal survey. Public Health Nutrition 25(2):389-397.
Meghan P. McCormick, Shira K. Mattera, Michelle F. Maier, Samantha Xia, Robin Tepper Jacob, Pamela A. Morris. 2022. Different settings, different patterns of impacts: Effects of a Pre-K math intervention in a mixed-delivery system. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 58:136-154.
Fiorito, Giovanni, ..., Jennifer Ann Smith, et al.. 2022. The role of epigenetic clocks in explaining educational inequalities in mortality: a multi-cohort study and meta-analysis. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A
Elizabeth Koschmann, Robin Tepper Jacob, Katja Robinson, Megan Foster Friedman, Anna Foster, Natalie Rodriguez-Quintana, Jennifer Vichich, Maureen Smith, Hersheena Rajaram. 2022. Mental health needs in a large urban school district: Findings from a web-based survey. Health Services Research 57(4):830-841.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball. 2022. Reimagining American Education: Possible Futures: Coming to terms with the power of teaching. Phi Delta Kappan 103(7):51-55.
Dearing, Eric, Casey, Beth, Pamela Davis-Kean, Eason, Sarah, Gunderson, Elizabeth, Levine, Susan C., Laski, Elida V., Libertus, Melissa, Lu, Linxi, Lombardi, Caitlin McPherran, Nelson, Ariadne, Ramani, Geetha, Susperreguy, María Inés . 2022. Socioeconomic Variations in the Frequency of Parent Number Talk: A Meta-Analysis. Education Sciences 12(5):312.
Ellicott C. Matthay, Kate Duchowny, Alicia R. Riley, Marilyn D. Thomas, Yea-Hung Chen, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, M. Maria Glymour. 2022. Occupation and Educational Attainment Characteristics Associated With COVID-19 Mortality by Race and Ethnicity in California. JAMA Network Open 5(4):e228406.
Yea-Hung Chen, Ellicott C. Matthay, Ruijia Chen, Michelle A. DeVost, Kate Duchowny, Alicia R. Riley, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, M. Maria Glymour. 2022. Excess Mortality in California by Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 63(5):827-836.
María F. Montoya, María Inés Susperreguy, Frederick J Morrison. 2022. Self-Regulation Scaffolding Behaviors of Teachers in Chilean Preschool Classrooms. Early Education and Development
Aprile D. Benner, Farin Bakhtiari, Yijie Wang, Schulenberg,John E. 2022. Party, Academic, or Prepped for College? School Norm Profiles and Adolescent Well-being using National Data. Journal of Research on Adolescence 32(4):1388-1403.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Tighe,Lauren Adams, Waters,Nicholas. 2021. The Role of Parent Educational Attainment in Parenting and Childrenâs Development. Current Directions in Psychological Science 30(2):186-192.
William G Axinn, Vale,Mira, Sarah R. Brauner-Otto. 2021. Student reports of attendance at programs to reduce campus sexual assault and harassment. Journal of American College Health
Connie Kasari, Stephanie Shire, Wendy Shih, Daniel Almirall. 2021. Getting SMART About Social Skills Interventions for Students With ASD in Inclusive Classrooms. Exceptional Children 88(1):26-44.
Meghan Shaughnessy, Nicole M. Garcia, Michaela Krug O’Neill, Sarah Kate Selling, Amber T. Willis, Charles E. Wilkes, Sabrina Bobsin Salazar, Deborah Loewenberg Ball. 2021. Formatively assessing prospective teachers? skills in leading mathematics discussions. Educational Studies in Mathematics 108:451-472.
Margaret Shavlik, Pamela Davis-Kean, Jessica F. Schwab, Amy E. Booth. 2021. Early word-learning skills: A missing link in understanding the vocabulary gap?. Developmental Science 24(2):e13034.
Waters,Nicholas, Ahmed,Sammy F, Tang,Sandra, Frederick J Morrison, Pamela Davis-Kean. 2021. Pathways from socioeconomic status to early academic achievement: The role of specific executive functions. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 54:321-331.
Mimi Engel, Robin Tepper Jacob, Amy Claessens, Anna Erickson. 2021. Kindergarten in a Large Urban District. Educational Researcher 50(6):401-415.
Penny Pierce Pierce, Felichism W Kabo, Jacqueline Killian, Christopher Stucky, Sarah Huffman, Laurie Migliore, Lisa Braun. 2021. Social network analysis: Exploring connections to advance military nursing science. Nursing Outlook 69(3):311-321.
Felichism W Kabo. 2021. The Associations between University Rankings and Resource Sharing among Academic Libraries. portal: Libraries and the Academy 21(3):619-640.
James S. Kim, Mary A. Burkhauser, Laura M. Mesite, Catherine Asher, Jackie Eunjung Relyea, Jill Fitzgerald, Jeff Elmore. 2021. Improving reading comprehension, science domain knowledge, and reading engagement through a first-grade content literacy intervention. Journal of Educational Psychology 113(1):3-26.
Cassandra Sue Ellen Woodcock, John Henry Callewaert, Joanna Millunchick. 2021. Synthesizing Definitions of Professional Competencies Linked to Experiential Learning in Engineering Education: A Literature Review. Journal of Higher Education Theory & Practice 21(4):123-146.
SarahBrauner-Otto, Sarah Baird, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2021. Womenâs employment and Childrenâs education: Longitudinal evidence from Nepal. Social Science Research 103:102669.
Leigh G. Goetschius, Vonnie C. McLoyd, Tyler C. Hein, Colter Mitchell, Luke Williamson Hyde, Christopher Stephen Monk. 2021. School connectedness as a protective factor against childhood exposure to violence and social deprivation: A longitudinal study of adaptive and maladaptive outcomes. Development and Psychopathology
Ketlyne Sol, Sharifian, Neika, Manly, Jennifer J, Brickman, Adam M, Zahodne, Laura B. 2021. Associations Between Loneliness, Reading Ability and Episodic Memory in Non-Hispanic Black and White Older Adults. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 36(6):1003-1011.
Justina F. Avila, ..., Ketlyne Sol, et al.. 2021. Education differentially contributes to cognitive reserve across racial/ethnic groups. Alzheimer's & Dementia 17(1):70-80.
Mark Hoover, Deborah Loewenberg Ball. 2021. Practice-based research on the teaching of mathematics: progress and imperatives for the future. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education 26(3-4):171-190.
Brady Thomas West, Taylor, Joseph A. 2020. Estimating Teacher Attrition for Impact Study Design. Educational Researcher 49(1):68-70.
Frederick J Morrison, Woods, Adrienne D, Ahmed, Sammy F, Katz, Benjamin D. 2020. How Stable is Early Academic Performance? Using Cluster Analysis to Classify Low Achievement and EF. Journal of Learning Disabilities 53(1):19-35.
Tang,Sandra, Megan E Patrick. 2020. A latent class analysis of adolescentsâ technology and interactive social media use: Associations with academics and substance use. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 2(1):50-60.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Anna Erickson, Shira Mattera. 2020. Evaluating the Impact of Small Group Supplemental Math Enrichment in Kindergarten. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 13(3):381-407.
Lexie R. Beemer, Erica Twardzik, Natalie Colabianchi, Rebecca E. Hasson. 2020. Patterning of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior at and Away from School in Preadolescent Children. American Journal of Health Education 52(1):48-55.
Sanne L.C. Veldman, Katherine Q. Scott-Andrews, Rebecca E. Hasson, Natalie Colabianchi, Leah E. Robinson. 2020. Fundamental Motor Skill Physical Education Lessons Increase Health-enhancing Physical Activity in Elementary School-age Children. Health Behavior and Policy Review 7(5):481-488.
Tang,Sandra, Megan E Patrick. 2020. A latent class analysis of adolescents’ technology and interactive social media use: Associations with academics and substance use. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 2(1):50-60.
Sarah Elizabeth Patterson, Ashton M. Verdery, Jonathan Daw. 2020. Linked Lives and Childhood Experience of Family Death on Educational Attainment. Socius
Sarah Elizabeth Patterson. 2020. Educational Attainment Differences in Attitudes toward Provisions of IADL Care for Older Adults in the U.S.. Journal of Aging & Social Policy
Florian R. Hertel, Fabian T Pfeffer. 2020. The Land of Opportunity? Trends in Social Mobility and Education in the United States. Education and Intergenerational Social Mobility in Europe and the United States :29-68.
Albert Shih, Lei Chen, Noah J Webster, Alan Hogg. 2020. Manufacturing and Society — A Freshman Introduction to Engineering Course with Manufacturing and Social Science Partnership. Procedia Manufacturing 48:1126-1135.
Philippa J Clarke, Kara Zivin, Michael R Elliott, Kenneth M Langa. 2019. Recent Improvements in Cognitive Functioning Among Older U.S. Adults: How Much Does Increasing Educational Attainment Explain?. Journals of Gerontology, Series B 74(3):536-545.
Frederick J Morrison, Montoya, Maria Fernanda, Susperreguy, Maria Ines, Dinarte, Lelys , San MartÌn, Ernesto , Rojas-Barahona, Cristian A, Fˆrster, Carla E. 2019. Executive function in Chilean preschool children: Do short-term memory, working memory, and response inhibition contribute differentially to early academic skills?. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 46:187-200.
Frederick J Morrison, Skibbe, Lori E, Montroy, Janelle J, Bowles, Ryan P. 2019. Self-regulation and the development of literacy and language achievement from preschool through second grade. Early Childhood Research Quarterly
Tang,Sandra, Pamela Davis-Kean, Waters, Nicholas, Ahmed, Sammy F. 2019. Executive function and academic achievement: Longitudinal relations from early childhood to adolescence. Journal of educational psychology 111(3):446-458.
Philippa J Clarke, Natalie Colabianchi, Antonakos, Cathy L., Nelson, Devin S, Nezich, Taylor , Dubowitz, Tamara . 2019. Reliability and validity of environmental audits using GigaPan® technology in parks. Preventive Medicine Reports 13:293-297.
Kezdi, Gabor, Hajdu, Tamás , Kertesi, Gábor . 2019. Inter-Ethnic Friendship and Hostility between Roma and non-Roma Students in Hungary: The Role of Exposure and Academic Achievement. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 19(1)
John E Schulenberg, Roche, Kathleen M, Lambert, Sharon F, White, Rebecca M. B., Calzada, Esther J, Little, Todd D, Kuperminc, Gabriel P. 2019. Autonomy-related Parenting Processes and Adolescent Adjustment in Latinx Immigrant Families. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 48(6):1161-1174.
Frederick J Morrison, Connor, Carol M, Woods, Adrienne D, Marks, Rebecca . 2019. Language and Literacy in the USA. The SAGE Handbook of Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education
William G Axinn, William G Axinn. 2019. Mass Education, International Travel, and Ideal Ages at Marriage. Demography 56(6):2083-2108. PMCID: PMC7029419.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Doolittle, Fred , Kemple, James , Somers, Marie-Andrée . 2019. A Framework for Learning From Null Results. Educational Researcher 48(9):580-589.
James S. Kim, Catherine Asher, Mary Burkhauser, Laura Mesite, Diana Leyva. 2019. Using a Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) to Develop an Adaptive K-2 Literacy Intervention With Personalized Print Texts and App-Based Digital Activities. AERA Open
Troyer, Margaret, Kim, James S., Hale, Elizabeth, Wantchekon, Kristia A., Catherine Asher. 2019. Relations among intrinsic and extrinsic reading motivation, reading amount, and comprehension: a conceptual replication. Reading and Writing 32(5):1197-1218.
Jang,Bohyun, Megan S. Schuler, Rebecca J. Evans-Polce, Megan E Patrick. 2019. College attendance type and subsequent alcohol and marijuana use in the U.S.. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 204:107580.
Frederick J Morrison, Connor, Carol McDonald, Mazzocco, MichËle M. M., Kurz, Terri , Crowe, Elizabeth C, Tighe, Elizabeth L, Wood, Taffeta S. 2018. Using assessment to individualize early mathematics instruction. Journal of School Psychology 66:97-113.
Frederick J Morrison, Lord, Catherine, Kim, So Hyun, Grammer, Jennie , Benrey, Nurit . 2018. Stimulus processing and error monitoring in more-able kindergarteners with autism spectrum disorder: a short review and a preliminary Event-Related Potentials study. European Journal of Neuroscience 47(6):556-567.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Meichu Chen, Susperreguy, Maria Ines, Duckworth, Kathryn . 2018. Self-Concept Predicts Academic Achievement Across Levels of the Achievement Distribution: Domain Specificity for Math and Reading. Child development 89(6):2196-2214.
Frederick J Morrison, Woods, Adrienne D, Palincsar, Annemarie S. 2018. Perceptions of Communication Practices Among Stakeholders in Special Education. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 26(4):209-224.
Ben B Hansen, Brian P Rowan, Sales, Adam C. 2018. Rebar: Reinforcing a Matching Estimator With Predictions From High-Dimensional Covariates. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 43(1):3-31.
Daniel Almirall, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Kasari, Connie , McCaffrey, Daniel F. 2018. Developing Optimized Adaptive Interventions in Education. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 11(1):27-34.
Natalie Colabianchi, Block, Shannon S, Tooley, Trevor R, Nagy, Matthew R, O'Sullivan, Molly P, Robinson, Leah E, Hasson, Rebecca E. 2018. Acute Effect of Intermittent Exercise and Action-Based Video Game Breaks on Math Performance in Preadolescent Children. Pediatric Exercise Science 30(3):326-334.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Meichu Chen, Olson, Sheryl L, Lansford, Jennifer E, Bates, John E, Pettit, Gregory S, Dodge, Kenneth A. 2018. Mapping the Growth of Heterogeneous Forms of Externalizing Problem Behavior Between Early Childhood and Adolescence: A Comparison of Parent and Teacher Ratings. Journal of abnormal child psychology 46(5):935-950.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Hill, Heather C, Corey, Douglas Lyman. 2018. Dividing by Zero: Exploring Null Results in a Mathematics Professional Development Program. Teacher's College Record 120(6)
Natalie Colabianchi, Harris, Heidi Buchele, Cortina, Kai Schnabel, Templin, Thomas , Chen, Weiyun . 2018. Impact of Coordinated-Bilateral Physical Activities on Attention and Concentration in School-Aged Children. BioMed Research International 2018:2539748.
Fabian T Pfeffer. 2018. Growing Wealth Gaps in Education. Demography 55(3):1033-1068.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Kovelman,Ioulia, Ellis, A , Hu, X , Smith, C E. 2018. Sharing as a model for understanding division. Neuroreport 29(11):889-893.
Natalie Colabianchi, Beemer, Lexie R, Ajibewa, Tiwaloluwa A, O'Sullivan, Molly P, Nagy, Matthew R, Ransier, Ben , Stockdill, Darin , Vance, U S, Hasson, Rebecca E. 2018. Feasibility of the InPACT Intervention to Enhance Movement and Learning in the Classroom. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine 3(18):136-151.
Frederick J Morrison, Kim, Matthew H. 2018. Schooling Effects on Literacy Skills During the Transition to School. AERA Open 4(3)
William G Axinn, Brauner-Otto, Sarah , William G Axinn. 2018. Offspring education and parental mortality: Evidence from South Asia. Social Science Research 76:157-168.
Andrew L. Hicks, Mark S. Handcock, Narayan Sastry, Anne R. Pebley. 2018. Sequential Neighborhood Effects: The Effect of Long-Term Exposure to Concentrated Disadvantage on Childrenâs Reading and Math Test Scores. Demography 55(1):1-31.
Tang,Sandra, Megan E Patrick. 2018. Technology and interactive social media use among 8th and 10th graders in the U.S. and associations with homework and school grades. Computers in Human Behavior 86:34-44.
Jason D Owen-Smith. 2018. Research Universities and the Public Good: Discovery for an Uncertain Future.
Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael, Deborah Denise Kloska, Rebecca Evans-Polce, Stephanie T. Lanza, Megan E Patrick. 2018. College degree attainment by age of first marijuana use and parental education. Substance Abuse 40(1):66-70.
John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Richard Allen Miech, Megan E Patrick. 2018. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2017. Volume II, College Students & Adults Ages 19-55.
Richard Allen Miech, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Megan E Patrick. 2018. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2017. Volume I, Secondary School Students.
Pamela Giustinelli, Pavoni, Nicola . 2017. The evolution of awareness and belief ambiguity in the process of high school track choice. Review of Economic Dynamics 25:93-120.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Mattera, Shira K, Morris, Pamela A, Maier, Michelle , Rojas, Natalia . 2017. Designing Studies to Test Causal Questions About Early Math: The Development of Making Pre-K Count. Advances in Child Development and Behavior 53:227-253.
Sean Esteban McCabe, Brady Thomas West, Philip Todd Veliz, Boyd, Carol J. 2017. E-cigarette Use, Cigarette Smoking, Dual Use, and Problem Behaviors Among U.S. Adolescents: Results From a National Survey. Journal of Adolescent Health 61(2):155-162.
John E Schulenberg, Roche, Kathleen M, Calzada, Esther J, Ghazarian, Sharon R, Little, Todd D, Lambert, Sharon F. 2017. Longitudinal Pathways to Educational Attainment for Youth in Mexican and Central American Immigrant Families. Journal of Latina/o Psychology 5(1):12-26.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Shaughnessy, Meghan , Garcia, Nicole . 2017. A Laboratory Approach to the Professional Development of Elementary Mathematics Specialists. Elementary Mathematics Specialists: Developing, Refining, and Examining Programs That Support Mathematics Teaching and Learning :123-131.
Frederick J Morrison, Connor, Carol McDonald. 2017. Child characteristics by instruction interactions, literacy, and implications for theory and practice. Theories of Reading Development :507-524.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Heather Hill, Doug Corey. 2017. The Impact of a Professional Development Program on Teachersâ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching, Instruction, and Student Achievement. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 10(2):379-407.
Kristine J Ajrouch, Toni C Antonucci, Noah J Webster. 2016. Volunteerism: Social Network Dynamics and Education. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 71(2):309-319.
Daniel Almirall, Inbal Nahum-Shani, DiStefano, Charlotte , Chang, Ya-Chih , Shire, Stephanie , Kaiser, Ann , Lu, Xi , Landa, Rebecca , Mathy, Pamela , Kasari, Connie . 2016. Longitudinal Effects of Adaptive Interventions With a Speech-Generating Device in Minimally Verbal Children With ASD. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 45(4):442-456.
Pamela Giustinelli. 2016. Group Decision Making with Uncertain Outcomes: Unpacking Child-Parent Choice of the High School Track. International Economic Review 57(2):573-602.
John E Schulenberg, Megan E Patrick, Staff, Jeremy, Johnson, Monica Kirkpatrick. 2016. Living healthier and longer: A life course perspective on education and health. Handbook of the Life Course :369-388.
Jessica Danielle Faul, Erin Bakshis Ware, David R Weir, Lee, James Z., Kardia, Sharon R., Benjamin, Daniel J., Okbay, Aysu , Beauchamp, Jonathan P, Fontana, Mark Alan, Pers, Tune H, Rietveld, Cornelius A, Turley, Patrick , Chen, Guo-Bo , Emilsson, Valur , Meddens, S F, Oskarsson, Sven , Pickrell, Joseph K, Thom, Kevin , Timshel, Pascal , de Vlaming, Ronald . 2016. Genome-wide association study identifies 74 loci associated with educational attainment. Nature 533(7604):539-542.
Brian P Rowan, Raudenbush, Stephen W.. 2016. Teacher evaluation in American Schools. Handbook of Research on Teaching 5th
William G Axinn, Kessler,Ronald C, Haro,Joshua, Auerbach, R P, Alonso, J , Cuijpers, P , Ebert, D D, Green, J G, Hwang, I , Liu, H , Mortier, P , Nock, M K, Pinder-Amaker, S , Sampson, N A, Aguilar-Gaxiola, S , Al-Hamzawi, A , Andrade, L H, Benjet, C , Caldas-de-Almeida, J M, Demyttenaere, K , Florescu, S , de Girolamo, G , Gureje, O , Karam, E G, Kiejna, A , Kovess-Masfety, V , McGrath, J J, O'Neill, S , Pennell, B-E , Scott, K , ten Have, M , Torres, Y , Zaslavsky, A M, Zarkov, Z , Bruffaerts, R . 2016. Mental disorders among college students in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys. Psychological medicine 46(14):2955-2970.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Crosnoe, Robert , Benner, Aprile D. 2016. Preschool Enrollment, Classroom Instruction, Elementary School Context, and the Reading Achievement of Children from Low-Income Families. Family Environments, School Resources, and Educational Outcomes (Research in the Sociology of Education, Volume 19) :19-47.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Crosnoe, Robert , Purtell, Kelly M, Ansari, Arya , Benner, Aprile D. 2016. The Selection of Children From Low-Income Families into Preschool. Developmental psychology 52(4):599-612.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hoover, Mark , Mosvold, Reidar , Lai, Yvonne . 2016. Making Progress on Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. The Mathematics Enthusiast 13(1-2):3-34.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Armstrong, Catherine , Bowden, A B, Pan, Yilin . 2016. Leveraging Volunteers: An Experimental Evaluation of a Tutoring Program for Struggling Readers. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 9:67-92.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Somers, Marie-Andree , Zhu, Pei , Bloom, Howard . 2016. The Validity of the Comparative Interrupted Time Series Design for Evaluating the Effect of School-Level Interventions. Evaluation review 40(3):167-198.
Jessica Danielle Faul, David R Weir, Erin Bakshis Ware, ..., et al.. 2016. Genetic variants linked to education predict longevity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(47):13366-13371.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Selling, Sarah Kate, Garcia, Nicole . 2016. What Does it Take to Develop Assessments of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching?: Unpacking the Mathematical Work of Teaching. The Mathematics Enthusiast 13:35-51.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Susperreguy, Maria Ines. 2016. Maternal Math Talk in the Home and Math Skills in Preschool Children. Early Education and Development 27:841-857.
Yajuan Si, Early, D M, Berg, J K, Alicea, S , Aber, J L, Ryan, R M, Deci, E L. 2016. The impact of every classroom, every day on high school student achievement: Results from a school-randomized trial. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 9:3-29.
Frederick J Morrison, Kim, Matthew H, Grammer, Jennie K, Marulis, Loren M, Carrasco, Melisa , Gehring, William J. 2016. Early math and reading achievement are associated with the error positivity. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 22(Supplement C):18-26.
Robert James Miller, Roger D. Goddard, Minjung Kim, Robin Tepper Jacob, Yvonne Goddard, Patricia Schroeder. 2016. Can Professional Development Improve School Leadership? Results From a Randomized Control Trial Assessing the Impact of McRELâs Balanced Leadership Program on Principals in Rural Michigan Schools. Educational Administration Quarterly 52(4):531-566.
Natalie Colabianchi, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Griffin, Jamie, Slater, Sandy J. 2015. The Whole-of-School Approach to Physical Activity: Findings From a National Sample of U.S. Secondary Students. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 49(3):387-394.
Michael R Elliott, Zhang, Nanhua , Small, Dylan S. 2015. Application of Propensity Scores to a Continuous Exposure: Effect of Lead Exposure in Early Childhood on Reading and Mathematics Scores. Observational Studies 1:30-55.
Paula Fomby, James-Hawkins, Laurie , Mollborn, Stefanie . 2015. Family Resources in Two Generations and School Readiness Among Children of Teen Parents. Population Research and Policy Review 34(5):733-759.
Megan E Patrick, Jennifer L Maggs, Howard, Andrea L. 2015. College student affect and heavy drinking: Variable associations across days, semesters, and people. Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors 29(2):430-443.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Goddard, Roger , Kim, Minjung , Miller, Robert , Goddard, Yvonne . 2015. Exploring the Causal Impact of the McREL Balanced Leadership Program on Leadership, Principal Efficacy, Instructional Climate, Educator Turnover, and Student Achievement. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 37(3):314-332.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Parkinson, Julia . 2015. The Potential for School-Based Interventions That Target Executive Function to Improve Academic Achievement: A Review. Review of Educational Research 85(4):512-552.
Brooke Helppie-McFall, Robert J Willis, Murray-Close, Marta , Chen, Uniko . 2015. Is It All Worth It? The Experiences of New PhDs on the Job Market, 2007-10. The Journal of Economic Education 46(1):83-104.
Mehta, Neil Kishor, James S House, Michael R Elliott. 2015. Dynamics of health behaviours and socioeconomic differences in mortality in the USA. Journal of epidemiology and community health 69(5):416-422.
Richard Allen Miech, Shanahan, M J, Boardman, J , Bauldry, S . 2015. The Sequencing of a College Degree during the Transition to Adulthood: Implications for Obesity. Journal of health and social behavior 56(2):281-295.
Fabian T Pfeffer. 2015. Equality and quality in education. A comparative study of 19 countries. Social science research 51:350-368.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Susperreguy, Maria-Ines . 2015. Socialization of maths in the home environment: using voice recordings to study maths talk / Socialización de matemáticas en el hogar: uso de grabaciones de voz para estudiar conversaciones matemáticas. Estudios de Psicologia 36(3):643-655.
Tang,Sandra, Pamela Davis-Kean. 2015. The association of punitive parenting practices and adolescent achievement. Journal of Family Psychology 29(6):873-883.
Yvonne M Terry-McElrath, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Chriqui, J F, Chaloupka, F J. 2015. Regular soda policies, school availability, and high school student consumption. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 48(4):436-444.
Yvonne M Terry-McElrath, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston. 2015. Potential impact of national school nutritional environment policies: cross-sectional associations with US secondary student overweight/obesity, 2008-2012. JAMA pediatrics 169(1):78-85.
Meichu Chen, Pamela Davis-Kean, Watts, Tyler W, Duncan, Greg J, Claessens, Amy , Duckworth, Kathryn , Engel, Mimi , Siegler, Robert , Susperreguy, Maria I. 2015. The Role of Mediators in the Development of Longitudinal Mathematics Achievement Associations. Child development 86(6):1892-1907.
Frederick J Morrison, Guo, Ying , Sun, Shuyan , Breit-Smith, Allison , Connor, Carol McDonald. 2015. Behavioral engagement and reading achievement in elementary-school-age children: A longitudinal cross-lagged analysis. Journal of educational psychology 107(2):332-347.
Frederick J Morrison. 2015. The growth of self-regulation in the transition to school. Advances in reading intervention: research to practice to research :25-36.
V. Kotagal, N. I. Bohnen, M. L. Muller, R. A. Koeppe, K. A. Frey, Kenneth M Langa, R. L. Albin. 2015. Educational attainment and motor burden in Parkinsonâs disease. Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society 30(8):1143-1147. PMCID: PMC4504749.
Fabian T Pfeffer, Brand, J E, Goldrick-Rab, S . 2014. The Community College Effect Revisited: The Importance of Attending to Heterogeneity and Complex Counterfactuals. Sociological science 1:448-465.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Goddard, Roger D, Kim, Eun Sook. 2014. Assessing the Use of Aggregate Data in the Evaluation of School-Based Interventions: Implications for Evaluation Research and State Policy Regarding Public-Use Data. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 36(1):44-66.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Jones, Stephanie M, Bailey, Rebecca . 2014. Social-emotional learning is essential to classroom management. Phi Delta Kappan 96(2):19-24.
Kenneth M Langa, Larson, Eric B. 2014. Education, brain health, and improving life opportunities for women. The Economic Implications of Population Ageing in China and India 4:56-58.
Kenneth M Langa, Lee, Jinkook , Shih, R , Feeney, K . 2014. Gender disparity in late-life cognitive functioning in India: findings from the longitudinal aging study in India. The journals of gerontology.Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences 69(4):603-611.
Yvonne M Terry-McElrath, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston. 2014. Accessibility over availability: associations between the school food environment and student fruit and green vegetable consumption. Childhood obesity (Print) 10(3):241-250.
Yvonne M Terry-McElrath, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston. 2014. Energy Drinks, Soft Drinks, and Substance Use Among United States Secondary School Students. Journal of Addiction Medicine 8(1):6-13.
Yvonne M Terry-McElrath, Lloyd D Johnston, Turner, Lindsey , Sandoval, Anna , Chaloupka, Frank J. 2014. Commercialism in US Elementary and Secondary School Nutrition Environments. JAMA pediatrics 168(3):234-242.
Frederick J Morrison, Grammer, Jennie K, Carrasco, Melisa , Gehring, William J. 2014. Age-related changes in error processing in young children: A school-based investigation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 9(Supplement C):93-105.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Justin Jager. 2014. Trajectories of Achievement Within Race/Ethnicity: âCatching Upâ in Achievement Across Time. The Journal of Educational Research 107(3):197-208.
Tyler W. Watts, Greg J. Duncan, Robert S. Siegler, Pamela Davis-Kean. 2014. Whatâs Past Is Prologue: Relations Between Early Mathematics Knowledge and High School Achievement. Educational Researcher 43(7):352-360.
Philippa J Clarke, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg, Natalie Colabianchi, Lloyd D Johnston, Lee, H . 2013. College expectations in high school mitigate weight gain over early adulthood: Findings from a national study of American youth. LID - 10.1002/oby.20176 [doi]. Obesity 21(7):1321-1327.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Hill, Heather C, Beisiegel, Mary . 2013. Professional Development Research: Consensus, Crossroads, and Challenges. Educational Researcher 42(9):476-487.
John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Jager, J . 2013. Historical variation in drug use trajectories across the transition to adulthood: the trend toward lower intercepts and steeper, ascending slopes. Development and psychopathology 25(2):527-543.
Jessica Danielle Faul, David R Weir, Kardia, Sharon R., Benjamin, Daniel J., Rietveld, Cornelius A, Medland, Sarah E, Derringer, Jaime , Yang, Jian , Esko, Tõnu , Martin, Nicolas W, Westra, Harm-Jan , Shakhbazov, Konstantin , Abdellaoui, Abdel , Agrawal, Arpana , Albrecht, Eva , Alizadeh, Behrooz Z, Amin, Najaf , Barnard, John , Baumeister, Sebastian E, Benke, Kelly S. 2013. GWAS of 126,559 Individuals Identifies Genetic Variants Associated with Educational Attainment. Science 340(6139):1467-1471.
Daniel P Keating, Shapka, Jennifer D, Domene, Jose F. 2013. Trajectories of Educational Aspirations Through High School and Beyond: A Gendered Phenomenon?. Canadian Journal of Education 35(1):239-258.
Philippa J Clarke, Diez Roux, Ana V., Tomey, K , Seeman, T . 2013. Associations between neighborhood characteristics and self-rated health: a cross-sectional investigation in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) cohort. Health & place 24:267-274.
Michael R Elliott, Zhang, N , Baker, H W, Tufts, M , Raymond, R E, Salihu, H . 2013. Early childhood lead exposure and academic achievement: evidence from Detroit public schools, 2008-2010. American Journal of Public Health 103(3):e72-e77.
Frederick J Morrison, Wanless, Shannon B, McClelland, Megan M, Lan, Xuezhao , Son, Seung-Hee , Cameron, Claire E, Chen, Fu-Mei , Chen, Jo-Lin , Li, Su , Lee, Kangyi , Sung, Miyoung . 2013. Gender differences in behavioral regulation in four societies: The United States, Taiwan, South Korea, and China. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 28(3):621-633.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Francesca M. Forzani. 2013. Building a common core for learning to teach: and connecting professional learning to practice. American Educator 35(Summer):17-39.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hyman Bass, Timothy A. Boerst, Laurie Sleep. 2013. Combining the development of practice and the practice of development in teacher education. The Elementary School Journal 109(5):458-474.
Carol McDonald Connor, Barry Fishman, Elizabeth Crowe, Phyllis Underwood, Christopher Schatschneider, Frederick J Morrison. 2013. Teachers’ Use of Assessment to Instruction (A2i) Software and Third Graders’ Reading Comprehension Gains. Technology as a Support for Literacy Achievements for Children at Risk :123-139.
Paula Fomby, Cavanagh, Shannon E. 2012. Family Instability, School Context, and the Academic Careers of Adolescents. Sociology of Education 85(1):81-97.
Inbal Nahum-Shani, Henderson, Minuet, Murphy, Susan A., Xi, L . 2012. Innovative Experimental Design for Developing Effective Technology-Supported Help-Seeking Interventions. Advances in Help-Seeking Research and Applications: The Role of Emerging Technologies
Toni C Antonucci, Olshansky, S J, Berkman, L , Binstock, R H, Boersch-Supan, A , Cacioppo, J T, Carnes, B A, Carstensen, L L, Fried, L P, Goldman, D P, Kohli, M , Rother, J , Zheng, Y , Rowe, J . 2012. Differences in life expectancy due to race and educational differences are widening, and many may not catch up.. Health Affairs 31(8):1803-1813.
Jason D Owen-Smith. 2012. University Intellectual Property Policies Create Unintended Consequences. Colleges and Universities as Economic Drivers :239-276.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Meichu Chen, Siegler, Robert S, Duncan, Greg J, Duckworth, Kathryn , Claessens, Amy , Engel, Mimi , Susperreguy, Maria Ines. 2012. Early Predictors of High School Mathematics Achievement. Psychological Science 23(7):691-697.
Natalie Colabianchi, Taverno Ross, S E, Dowda, M , Saunders, R , Pate, R R. 2012. After-school setting, physical activity, and sedentary behavior in 5th grade boys and girls. Health & place 18(5):951-955.
Yvonne M Terry-McElrath, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley. 2012. Trends in competitive venue beverage availability: Findings from us secondary schools. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 166(8):776-778.
Yvonne M Terry-McElrath, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston. 2012. Factors Affecting Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Availability in Competitive Venues of US Secondary Schools. Journal of School Health 82(1):44-55.
Daniel P Keating, Eccles, Jacquelynne S., Watt, Helen M. G., Shapka, Jennifer D, Morris, Zoe A, Durik, Amanda M. 2012. Gendered motivational processes affecting high school mathematics participation, educational aspirations, and career plans: A comparison of samples from Australia, Canada, and the United States. Developmental psychology 48(6):1594-1611.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Zhu, Pei , Bloom, Howard , Xu, Zeyu . 2012. Designing and Analyzing Studies That Randomize Schools to Estimate Intervention Effects on Student Academic Outcomes Without Classroom-Level Information. Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis 34(1):45-68.
Frederick J Morrison, Cameron, Claire E, Brock, Laura L, Murrah, William M, Bell, Lindsay H, Worzalla, Samantha L, Grissmer, David . 2012. Fine Motor Skills and Executive Function Both Contribute to Kindergarten Achievement. Child development 83(4):1229-1244.
Frederick J Morrison, Hindman, Annemarie H. 2012. Differential Contributions of Three Parenting Dimensions to Preschool Literacy and Social Skills in a Middle-Income Sample. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 58(2):191-223.
Frederick J Morrison, Skibbe, Lori E, Grimm, Kevin J, Bowles, Ryan P. 2012. Literacy Growth in the Academic Year Versus Summer From Preschool Through Second Grade: Differential Effects of Schooling Across Four Skills. Scientific Studies of Reading 16(2):141-165.
Pamela Davis-Kean, C. Mendoza, Maria Ines Susperreguy. 2012. Pathways to college: Latino youth and the transition to higher education. Transitions across schools and cultures: Advances in motivation and achievement, Vol 17. :55-76.
Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Staff, Jeremy. 2011. Twelfth-grade student work intensity linked to later educational attainment and substance use: new longitudinal evidence. Developmental psychology 47(2):344-363.
Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg. 2011. Racial/ethnic differences in the relationship between parental education and substance use among U.S. 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students: findings from the monitoring the future project. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 72(2):279-285.
James S House, Kaplan, George A., Dowd, J B, Ranjit, N , Do, D P, Young, E A. 2011. Education and levels of salivary cortisol over the day in US adults. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 41(1):13-20.
Pamela Giustinelli. 2011. Non-parametric bounds on quantiles under monotonicity assumptions: with an application to the Italian education returns. Journal of Applied Econometrics 26(5):783-824.
David R Weir, Goldman, N , Turra, C M, Rosero-Bixby, L , Crimmins, E . 2011. Do biological measures mediate the relationship between education and health: A comparative study. Social Science & Medicine 72(2):307-315.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hill, HeatherC , Bass, Hyman , Blunk, Merrie , Brach, Katie , Charalambous, C Y, Cole, Yaa , Dean, Carolyn , Delaney, Sean , Eskelson, Sam , Goffney, Imani , Lewis, Jennifer , Phelps, Geoffrey , Sleep, Laurie , Thames, Mark , Zopf, Deborah . 2011. Measuring the mathematical quality of instruction. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 14(1):25-47.
Robin Tepper Jacob. 2011. An Experiment to Test the Feasibility and Quality of a Web-Based Questionnaire of Teachers. Evaluation review 35(1):40-70.
Richard Allen Miech, Pampel, Fred , Kim, Jinyoung , Rogers, Richard G. 2011. The Enduring Association between Education and Mortality: The Role of Widening and Narrowing Disparities. American Sociological Review 76(56):913-934.
Jason D Owen-Smith. 2011. The institutionalization of expertise in university licensing. Theory and Society 40(1):63-94.
Frederick J Morrison, Guo, Ying , Connor, Carol McDonald, Tompkins, Virginia . 2011. Classroom Quality and Student Engagement: Contributions to Third-Grade Reading Skills. Frontiers in Psychology 2:157.
Frederick J Morrison, Lan, Xuezhao , Legare, Cristine H, Ponitz, Claire Cameron, Li, Su . 2011. Investigating the links between the subcomponents of executive function and academic achievement: A cross-cultural analysis of Chinese and American preschoolers. Journal of experimental child psychology 108(3):677-692.
Frederick J Morrison, Wanless, Shannon B, McClelland, Megan M, Acock, Alan C, Ponitz, Claire C, Son, Seung-Hee , Lan, Xuezhao , Chen, Jo-Lin , Chen, Fu-Mei , Lee, Kangyi , Sung, Miyoung , Li, Su . 2011. Measuring behavioral regulation in four societies. Psychological assessment 23(2):364-378.
David R Weir, R. B. Wallace, Kenneth M Langa, B. L. Plassman, R. S. Wilson, D. A. Bennett, R. Duara, D. Loewenstein, M. Ganguli, M. Sano. 2011. Reducing case ascertainment costs in U.S. population studies of Alzheimerâs disease, dementia, and cognitive impairment â Part 1. Alzheimer's & Dementia 7(1):94-109.
Brian P Rowan. 2011. Intervening to improve the educational outcomes of students in poverty: Lessons from recent work in high-poverty schools. Whither opportunity? rising inequality, schools, and children's life chances :xix, 551 p. :.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Forzani, Francesca M. 2010. What Does It Take to Make a Teacher?. The Phi Delta Kappan 92(2):8-12.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Forzani, Francesca M. 2010. Teaching skillful teaching. Educational Leadership 68(4):40-45.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Thames, Mark Hoover. 2010. What math knowledge does teaching require?. Teaching Children Mathematics 17(4):220-229.
Frederick J Morrison, Daniel P Keating, Crosnoe, Robert , Burchinal, Margaret , Pianta, Robert , Friedman, Sarah L, Clarke-Stewart, K . 2010. Instruction, teacher-student relations, and math achievement trajectories in elementary school. Journal of educational psychology 102(2):407-417.
Robin Tepper Jacob, Zhu, P , Bloom, H . 2010. New empirical evidence for the design of group randomized trials in education. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 3(2):157-198.
Natalie Colabianchi, Maslow, Andra L, Sui, Xuemei . 2010. Muscular Strength and Incident Hypertension in Normotensive and Prehypertensive Men. Medicine and science in sports and exercise 42(2):288-295.
Colter Mitchell, Fu, X , Heaton, Tim B, Jacobson, C K. 2010. Urbanization, education and racial intermarriage in Brazil. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 47(2):273-294.
Frederick J Morrison, Son, Seung-Hee . 2010. The nature and impact of changes in home learning environment on development of language and academic skills in preschool children. Developmental psychology 46(5):1103-1118.
John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Staff, Jeremy. 2010. Adolescent Work Intensity, School Performance, and Academic Engagement. Sociology of Education 83(3):183-200.
Brian P Rowan. 2010. Organizational institutionalism at Stanford: Reflections on the founding of a 30-year theoretical research program. Stanford's organization theory renaissance, 1970-2000, A volume in research in the sociology of organizations 28:3.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Forzani, Francesca M. 2009. The work of teaching and the challenge for teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education 60(5):497-511.
Pamela Giustinelli, Dongili, Paola . 2009. Economia e Scelta del Percorso Scolastico. Formazione e Insegnamento (1/2)
Brian P Rowan, Kataoka, S , Hoagwood, K . 2009. Bridging the Divide: In Search of Common Ground in Mental Health and Education Research and Policy. Psychiatric Services 60(11):1510-1515.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Lewis, J . 2009. Defining the problem of equity in teaching elementary school mathematics. The next 25 years? Affirmative Action and Higher Education in the United States and South Africa
Pamela Davis-Kean, Pettit, Gregory S, Magnuson, Katherine . 2009. Educational Attainment in Developmental Perspective: Longitudinal Analyses of Continuity, Change, and Process. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 55(3):217-223.
Fabian T Pfeffer, Goldrick-Rab, Sara . 2009. Beyond Access: Explaining Socioeconomic Differences in College Transfer. Sociology of Education 82(2):101-125.
Gwenith Gwyn Fisher, Kenneth M Langa, Rogers, Mary A. M., Plassman, Brenda L, Kabeto, Mohammed , McArdle, John J, Llewellyn, David J, Potter, Guy G. 2009. Parental Education and Late-life Dementia in the United States. Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology 22(1):71-80.
Brian P Rowan, Camburn, Eric , Correnti, Richard . 2009. Teacher logs as a tool for studying education process. Calendar and time diary : methods in life course research
Brian P Rowan, Robin Tepper Jacob, Corentti, R . 2009. Using instructional logs to identify quality in educational settings. Defining and measuring quality in youth programs and classrooms :13.
Frederick J Morrison, Matthews, J S, Ponitz, Claire Cameron. 2009. Early gender differences in self-regulation and academic achievement. Journal of educational psychology 101(3):689-704.
Frederick J Morrison. 2009. Parenting and Academic Development. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 55(3):361-372.
Frederick J Morrison, Ponitz, Claire Cameron, McClelland, Megan M, Matthews, J S. 2009. A structured observation of behavioral self-regulation and its contribution to kindergarten outcomes. Developmental psychology 45(3):605-619.
Kala M. Mehta, Anita L. Stewart, Kenneth M Langa, Kristine Yaffe, Sandra Moody-Ayers, Brie A. Williams, Kenneth E. Covinsky. 2009. âBelow averageâ self-assessed school performance and Alzheimerâs disease in the Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study. Alzheimer's & Dementia 5(5):380-387.
Katherine A. Magnuson, Holly R. Sexton, Pamela Davis-Kean, Aletha C. Huston. 2009. Increases in Maternal Education and Young Childrenâs Language Skills. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 55(3):319-350.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Bass, Hyman . 2008. The Role of Mathematics in Education for Democracy. Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education :171-184.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hill, Heather C. 2008. Measuring teacher quality in practice. Measurement issues and assessment for teaching quality :80-98.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hill, Heather C, Blunk, Merrie L, Charalambous, Charalambos Y, Lewis, Jennifer M, Phelps, Geoffrey C, Sleep, Laurie . 2008. Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and the Mathematical Quality of Instruction: An Exploratory Study. Cognition and Instruction 26(4):430-511.
James S House. 2008. Social Psychology, Social Science, and Economics: Twentieth Century Progress and Problems, Twenty-first Century Prospects*. Social psychology quarterly 71(3):232-256.
Kenneth M Langa, Lang, Iain A, Llewellyn, David J, Wallace, Robert B, Huppert, Felicia A, Melzer, David . 2008. Neighborhood Deprivation, Individual Socioeconomic Status, and Cognitive Function in Older People: Analyses from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 56(2):191-198.
Kenneth M Langa, Rosen, Allison, Larson, Eric B, Karlawish, Jason H, Cutler, David M, Kabeto, Mohammed U, Kim, Scott Y. 2008. Trends in the prevalence and mortality of cognitive impairment in the United States: Is there evidence of a compression of cognitive morbidity?. Alzheimer's & Dementia 4(2):134-144.
Richard Allen Miech, Link, B G, Phelan, J C, Westin, E L. 2008. The resources that matter: fundamental social causes of health disparities and the challenge of intelligence. Journal of health & social behavior 49(1):72-91.
Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Messersmith, Emily E. 2008. The optimism of American youth. Young people facing the future : an international survey :163.
John E Schulenberg, Messersmith, Emily E. 2008. When Can We Expect the Unexpected? Predicting Educational Attainment When it Differs from Previous Expectations. Journal of Social Issues 64(1):195-212.
Brian P Rowan, Parkinson, J . 2008. Poverty, literacy achievement, and educational reform. Educating the other America : top experts tackle poverty, literacy, and achievement in our schools
Fabian T Pfeffer. 2008. Persistent Inequality in Educational Attainment and its Institutional Context. European Sociological Review 24(5):543-565.
Brian P Rowan. 2008. Does the school improvement industry help or prevent deep and sound change?. Journal of Educational Change 9(2):197-202.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Schilling, Stephen G., Delaney, Seán , Hill, Heather C, Zopf, Deborah . 2008. Mathematical knowledge for teaching: adapting U.S. measures for use in Ireland. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 11(3):171-197.
Daniel P Keating, Shapka, J D, Domene, J F. 2008. Gender, mathematics achievement, and the educational and occupational aspirations of Canadian youth. Gender and occupational outcomes: Longitudinal assessment of individual, social, and cultural influences
Jerald G Bachman, Goodkind, S , Wallace, C . 2008. Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Differences in School Discipline among U.S. High School Students: 1991-2005. Negro Educational Review 59(1-2):47-62. PMCID: PMC2678799.
John E Schulenberg, Trivellore E Raghunathan, Yang, Li-Shou, Lynch, John W., Diez Roux, Ana V.. 2008. Emergence of Socioeconomic Inequalities in Smoking and Overweight and Obesity in Early Adulthood: The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. American Journal of Public Health 98(3):468-477.
Frederick J Morrison, Burrage, Marie S, Ponitz, Claire Cameron, McCready, Elizabeth A, Sims, Brian C, Jewkes, Abigail M. 2008. Age- and Schooling-Related Effects on Executive Functions in Young Children: A Natural Experiment. Child Neuropsychology 14(6):510-524.
Frederick J Morrison, Hindman, Annemarie H, Connor, Carol M, Jewkes, Abigail M. 2008. Untangling the effects of shared book reading: Multiple factors and their associations with preschool literacy outcomes. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 23(3):330-350.
Heather C. Hill, Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Schilling,Stephen Gerard. 2008. Unpacking Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Conceptualizing and Measuring Teachersâ Topic-Specific Knowledge of Students. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 39(4):372-400.
Megan E Patrick, Jennifer L Maggs, Staff, Jeremy, Loken, Eric . 2008. Teenage Alcohol Use and Educational Attainment. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 69(6):848-858.
Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Messersmith, Emily E. 2007. The education-drug use connection: How successes and failures in school relate to adolescent smoking, drinking, drug use, and delinquency..
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Forzani, Francesca M. 2007. What Makes Education Research Educational?. Educational Researcher 36(9):529-540.
Richard Allen Miech, Bevans, K , Bradshaw, C , Leaf, P . 2007. Staff- and school-level predictors of school organizational health: a multilevel analysis. The Journal of school health 77(6):294-302.
Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Cohen, D K. 2007. Innovation and the problem of scale. Scale-up in education: Ideas in principle (Volume I) :19-36.
James S House, Herd, P , Goesling, B . 2007. Socioeconomic Position and Health: The Differential Effects of Education versus Income on the Onset versus Progression of Health Problems*. Journal of health & social behavior 48(3):223-238.
Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Delva, Jorge. 2007. Sports Participation and Physical Education in American Secondary Schools: Current Levels and Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Disparities. Bridging the Gap - Research Informing Practice and Policy for Healthy Youth Behavior 33(4, Supplement 1):S195-S208.
Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Delva, Jorge. 2007. Soft Drink Availability, Contracts, and Revenues in American Secondary Schools. Bridging the Gap - Research Informing Practice and Policy for Healthy Youth Behavior 33(4, Supplement 1):S209-S225.
Daniel P Keating. 2007. Formative Evaluation of the Early Development Instrument: Progress and Prospects. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 18(3):561-570.
Helen G Levy. 2007. Health, education and welfare.(Book Reviews). Journal of Economic Literature 45(3):760(2).
Richard Allen Miech, Lin, F R, Ceh, K , Bervinchak, D , Riley, A , Niparko, J K. 2007. Development of a communicative performance scale for pediatric cochlear implantation. Ear and hearing 28(5):703-712.
Richard Allen Miech, Power, Chris , Eaton, William W. 2007. Disparities in Psychological Distress Across Education and Sex: A Longitudinal Analysis of Their Persistence Within A Cohort Over 19 Years. Annals of Epidemiology 17(4):289-295.
Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Delva, Jorge. 2007. Variation in Obesity Among American Secondary School Students by School and School Characteristics. Bridging the Gap - Research Informing Practice and Policy for Healthy Youth Behavior 33(4, Supplement 1):S187-S194.
Jason D Owen-Smith, Powell, WalterW , Colyvas, JeannetteA . 2007. Innovaton and Emulation: Lessons from American Universities in Selling Private Rights to Public Knowledge. Minerva 45(2):121-142.
Mary Beth Ofstedal, Zimmer, Zachary , Martin, Linda G, Chuang, Yi-Li . 2007. Education of Adult Children and Mortality of their Elderly Parents in Taiwan*. Demography 44(2):289-305.
J. Domene, J. Shapka, Daniel P Keating. 2007. Educational and Career-related Help-seeking in High School: An Exploration of Studentsâ Choices. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy 40(3):145-159.
Jacqui Smith, Gerstorf, Denis , Herlitz, Agneta . 2006. Stability of Sex Differences in Cognition in Advanced Old Age: The Role of Education and Attrition. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 61(4):P245-p249.
Trivellore E Raghunathan, Kaciroti, N A, Schork, N M, Clark, N M, Gong, M . 2006. A Bayesian approach for clustered longitudinal ordinal outcome with nonignorable missing data: Evaluation of an asthma education program. Journal of the American Statistical Association 101(474):435-446.
Brian P Rowan, Meyer, Heinz-Dieter . 2006. The new institutionalism in education.
Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Revathy Kumar. 2006. How substance use differs among American secondary schools. Prevention Science 7(4):409-420.
Brian P Rowan. 2006. Truth or consequences: Reflections on the theory movement and its aftermath in education. New foundations for knowledge in educational administration, policy, and politics : science and sensationalism
Brian P Rowan. 2006. The new institutionalism and the study of educational organizations: Changing ideas for changing times. The new institutionalism in education
Brian P Rowan. 2006. The school improvement industry in the United States: Why educational change is both pervasive and ineffectual. The new institutionalism in education
Vinokur, Amiram, Merion, Robert M, Jones, Eleanor G, Dong, Yihui . 2006. Educational Web-based intervention for high school students to increase knowledge and promote positive attitudes toward organ donation. Health Education & Behavior 33(6):773-786.
Ola S Rostant, Izumi, Betty T, Moss, Marla J, Hamm, Michael W. 2006. Results From the 2004 Michigan Farm-to-School Survey. Journal of School Health 76(5):169-174.
Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2006. Monitoring the Future: National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2005. Volume 1: Secondary School Students, 2005. NIH Publication No. 06-5883.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Eccles, Jacquelynne S.. 2005. Social executive functioning. Preparing educators to involve families : from theory to practice :44-50.
Richard Allen Miech, Chilcoat, Howard . 2005. Maternal education and adolescent drug use: a longitudinal analysis of causation and selection over a generation. Social Science & Medicine 60(4):725-735.
Richard Allen Miech, Eaton, W W, Brennan, K . 2005. Mental health disparities across education and sex: a prospective analysis examining how they persist over the life course. The journals of gerontology Series B: Psychological sciences and social sciences 60(2):93-98.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Simpkins, Sandra D. 2005. The intersection between self-concepts and values: Links between beliefs and choices in high school. New directions for child and adolescent development 2005(110):31-47.
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