Angus Campbell Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Survey Research, Public Policy and Sociology, Research Scientist Emeritus, Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Research Professor Emeritus, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Professor Emeritus of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy
Dr. House’s research career has focused on the role of social and psychological factors in health and illness, initially on occupational stress and health. He then studied social relationships and support in relation to health, and currently focuses on the role of psychosocial factors in understanding and alleviating social disparities in health and the way health changes with age.
Over his career, House has been founding Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator of the Americans’ Changing Lives (ACL) study, the Changing Lives of Older Couples (CLOC) study, and the Chicago Community Adult Health Study (CCAHS). His most recent book — Beyond Obamacare: Life Death and Social Policy — was published by the Russell Sage Foundation in June, 2015.
Funded Research
- James S House, LeBrÛn, Alana M. W., Schulz, Amy J, Mentz, Graciela , Reyes, Angela G, Gamboa, Cindy , Israel, Barbara A, Viruell-Fuentes, Edna . 2020. Impact of change over time in self-reported discrimination on blood pressure: implications for inequities in cardiovascular risk for a multi-racial urban community. Ethnicity & health 25(3):323-341.
- James S House. 2019. The Culminating Crisis of American Sociology and Its Role in Social Science and Public Policy: An Autobiographical, Multimethod, Reflexive Perspective. Annual Review of Sociology 45:1-26.
- Margaret Takako Hicken, Jeffrey D Morenoff, James S House, Lee, Hedwig . 2019. Racial/ethnic Disparities in Hypertension Prevalence: Reconsidering the Role of Chronic Stress. Community Health Equity: A Chicago Reader :pp 173-244.
- James S House. 2016. Social Determinants and Disparities in Health: Their Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ultimate Triumph(?) in Health Policy. Journal of health politics, policy and law 41(4):599-626.
- Mehta, Neil Kishor, James S House, Michael R Elliott. 2015. Dynamics of health behaviours and socioeconomic differences in mortality in the USA. Journal of epidemiology and community health 69(5):416-422.
- James S House. 2015. Toward a new nationally representative household panel survey (NRHPS). Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 40(1-4):423-431.
- James S House. 2015. Beyond Obamacare: Life, Death, and Social Policy.
- Margaret Takako Hicken, Jeffrey D Morenoff, James S House, Williams, David R., Lee, H . 2014. Racial/ethnic disparities in hypertension prevalence: reconsidering the role of chronic stress. American Journal of Public Health 104(1):117-123.
- James S House, Sarah Andrea Burgard, Schoeni, Bob, Tapia Granados, José A, Ionides, Edward L. 2014. Individual Joblessness, Contextual Unemployment, and Mortality Risk. American Journal of Epidemiology 180(3):280-287.
- James S House, Zelner, Jonathan Leigh, Trostle, James , Goldstick, Jason E, Cevallos, William , Eisenberg, J N.S.. 2014. Social Connectedness Can Inhibit Disease Transmission: Social Organization, Cohesion, Village Context, and Infection Risk in Rural Ecuador. Influence of Global Environmental Change on Infectious Disease Dynamics: Workshop Summary :251-266.
- James S House, Carr, Deborah S., Sonnega, John , Nesse, Randolph M. 2014. Do Special Occasions Trigger Psychological Distress Among Older Bereaved Spouses? An Empirical Assessment of Clinical Wisdom. Journals of Gerontology B: Psychological and Social Sciences 69(1):113-122. PMCID: PMC3894124.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Michael R Elliott, Kara Zivin, James S House. 2013. Working conditions and depressive symptoms: a prospective study of US adults. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 55(9):1007-1014.
- Jeffrey D Morenoff, James S House, Williams, David R., Viruell-Fuentes, E A. 2013. Contextualizing nativity status, Latino social ties, and ethnic enclaves: an examination of the 'immigrant social ties hypothesis'. Ethnicity & health 18(6):586-609.
- Philippa J Clarke, James S House, Jeffrey D Morenoff, Robert A Melendez, Kenneth M Langa, Ailshire, Jennifer A, King, Katherine . 2012. Cognitive function in the community setting: the neighbourhood as a source of 'cognitive reserve'?. Journal of epidemiology & community health 66(8):730-736.
- James S House, Michael R Elliott, Jeffrey D Morenoff, Williams, David R., Hunte, H E, Mentz, G , Schulz, A J, White-Perkins, D M. 2012. Variations in hypertension-related outcomes among Blacks, Whites and Hispanics in two large urban areas and in the United States. Ethnicity and Disease 22(4):391-397.
- James S House, Zelner, Jonathan Leigh, Trostle, J , Goldstick, Jasn E, Cevallos, W , Eisenberg, J N. 2012. Social connectedness and disease transmission: social organization, cohesion, village context, and infection risk in rural Ecuador. American journal of public health 2012(12):2233-2239.
- Philippa J Clarke, Jennifer A. Ailshire, James S House, Jeffrey D Morenoff, Katherine King, Robert A Melendez, Kenneth M Langa. 2012. Cognitive function in the community setting: the neighbourhood as a source of âcognitive reserveâ?. Journal of epidemiology & community health 66(8):730-736.
- James S House, Ailshire, Jennifer A. 2011. The Unequal Burden of Weight Gain: An Intersectional Approach to Understanding Social Disparities in BMI Trajectories from 1986 to 2001/2002. Social Forces 90(2):397-423.
- James S House, Arno, P S, Viola, D , Schechter, C . 2011. Social security and mortality: The role of income support policies and population health in the United States. Journal of public health policy 32(2):234-250.
- Philippa J Clarke, James S House, Lantz, Paula M., Marshall, Victor . 2011. The Social Structuring of Mental Health over the Adult Life Course: Advancing Theory in the Sociology of Aging. Social Forces 89(4):1287-1313.
- James S House, Kaplan, George A., Dowd, J B, Ranjit, N , Do, D P, Young, E A. 2011. Education and levels of salivary cortisol over the day in US adults. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 41(1):13-20.
- Jeffrey D Morenoff, James S House, King, K E. 2011. Neighborhood context and social disparities in cumulative biological risk factors. Psychosomatic medicine 73(7):572-579.
- Jeffrey D Morenoff, James S House, Williams, David R., Viruell-Fuentes, E . 2011. Language of Interview, Self-Rated Health, and the Other Latino Health Puzzle. American Journal of Public Health 101(7):1306-1313.
- Jeffrey D Morenoff, James S House, Bader, Michael D. M., Ailshire, Jennifer A. 2010. Measurement of the Local Food Environment: A Comparison of Existing Data Sources. American Journal of Epidemiology 171(5):609-617.
- James S House, Kaplan, George A., Do, D P, Beam Dowd, J , Ranjit, N . 2010. Hopelessness, depression, and early markers of endothelial dysfunction in U.S. adults. Psychosomatic medicine 72(7):613-619.
- James S House, Herd, Pamela , Robert, Stephanie . 2010. Health disparities among older adults: Life course influences and policy solutions. Handbook of aging and the social sciences 7th
- James S House, Jeffrey D Morenoff, Lantz, Paula M., Golberstein, Ezra . 2010. Socioeconomic and behavioral risk factors for mortality in a national 19-year prospective study of U.S. adults. Social science & medicine 70(10):1558-1566.
- James S House, Reyes, Adriana, Kannan, S , Dvonch, J T, Schulz, A J, Israel, B A, Mentz, G , Max, P . 2010. Exposure to fine particulate matter and acute effects on blood pressure: effect modification by measures of obesity and location. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 64(1):68-74.
- Pamela Herd, Stephanie Robert, James S House. 2010. Health disparities among older adults: Life course influences and policy solutions. Handbook of aging and the social sciences
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, James S House, Brand, J . 2009. Perceived job insecurity and worker health in the United States. Social science & medicine 69(5):777-785.
- James S House, Dvonch, J Timothy, Kannan, Srimathi , Schulz, Amy J, Keeler, Gerald J, Mentz, Graciela , Benjamin, Alison , Max, Paul , Bard, Robert L, Brook, Robert D. 2009. Acute Effects of Ambient Particulate Matter on Blood Pressure: Differential Effects Across Urban Communities. Hypertension 53(5):853-859.
- Paul Mohai, Jeffrey D Morenoff, James S House, Lantz, Paula M., Mero, Richard. 2009. Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Residential Proximity to Polluting Industrial Facilities: Evidence From the Americans' Changing Lives Study. American Journal of Public Health 99(S3):S649-656.
- Paul Mohai, Paula M. Lantz, Jeffrey D Morenoff, James S House, Mero,Richard. 2009. Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Residential Proximity to Polluting Industrial Facilities: Evidence From the Americansâ Changing Lives Study. American Journal of Public Health 99(S3):S649-656.
- James S House, Brown, Stephanie L., Brown, R M, Smith, D . 2008. Coping With Spousal Loss: Potential Buffering Effects of Self-Reported Helping Behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34(6):849-861.
- Philippa J Clarke, Jeffrey D Morenoff, James S House, Ailshire, Jennifer A, Bader, Michael . 2008. Mobility Disability and the Urban Built Environment. American Journal of Epidemiology 168(5):506-513.
- Schoeni, Bob, James S House, Herd, P . 2008. Upstream Solutions: Does the Supplemental Security Income Program Reduce Disability in the Elderly?. The Milbank quarterly 86(1):5-45.
- James S House. 2008. Social Psychology, Social Science, and Economics: Twentieth Century Progress and Problems, Twenty-first Century Prospects*. Social psychology quarterly 71(3):232-256.
- James S House, Schulz, A J, Israel, B A, Mentz, G , Dvonch, J T, Miranda, P Y, Kannan, S , Koch, M . 2008. Relational pathways between socioeconomic position and cardiovascular risk in a multiethnic urban sample: complexities and their implications for improving health in economically disadvantaged populations. Journal of epidemiology & community health 62(7):638-646.
- Schoeni, Bob, James S House, Kaplan, George A., Pollack, Harold . 2008. Making Americans Healthier: Social and Economic Policy as Health Policy.
- James S House, Schoeni, Bob, Kaplan, George A., Pollack, Harold . 2008. The Health Effects of Social and Economic Policy: The Promise and Challenge for Research and Policy. Making Americans healthier: social and economic policy as health policy
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, James S House, Brand, Jennie . 2007. Toward a Better Estimation of the Effect of Job Loss on Health. Journal of health & social behavior 48(4):369-384.
- James S House, Herd, P , Goesling, B . 2007. Socioeconomic Position and Health: The Differential Effects of Education versus Income on the Onset versus Progression of Health Problems*. Journal of health & social behavior 48(3):223-238.
- James S House, Schoeni, Bob, Herd, Pamela . 2007. Income support policies and health among the elderly. Making Americans healthier: Social and economic policy as health policy :97.
- James S House. 2007. Social Epidemiology (of Physical Health and Illness). Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology :4403-4406.
- James S House, Schoeni, Bob, Kaplan, George A., Pollack, Harold . 2007. The Health Effects of Social and Economic Policy: The Promise and Challenge for Research and Policy. Making Americans healthier: Social and economic policy as health policy :3.
- James S House, Schoeni, Bob, Kaplan, George A., Kaplan, George A., Pollack, Harold . 2007. Making Americans healthier: Social and economic policy as health policy.
- Jeffrey D Morenoff, James S House, Ben B Hansen, Williams, David R., Kaplan, George A., Hunte, H . 2007. Understanding social disparities in hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control: The role of neighborhood context. Social science & medicine 65(9):1853-1866.
- Schoeni, Bob, James S House, Kaplan, George A., Pollack, Harold . 2007. Toward social and economic policy as health policy. Making Americans healthier: Social and economic policy as health policy :379.
- James S House, Zenk, Shannon N, Schulz, Amy J, Mentz, Graciela , Gravlee, Clarence C, Miller, Patricia , Kannan, Srimathi . 2007. Inter-rater and test-retest reliability: Methods and results for the neighborhood observational checklist. Health & Place 13(2):452-465.
- James S House, Robert F. Schoeni, George A. Kaplan, Harold Pollack. 2007. Making Americans healthier: Social and economic policy as health policy. New York: Russell Sage
- James S House, Brown, Stephanie L., Smith, Dylan M. 2006. Interpersonal and Spiritual Connections among Bereaved Older Adults. Spousal bereavement in late life
- James S House, Nesse, Randolph M, Wortman, Camille B. 2006. Introduction: A history of the changing lives of older couples study. Spousal bereavement in late life :xxi-xxxi.
- James S House. 2005. Social Disparities In Health: An Anglo-European Perspective. Health affairs 24(2):559.
- James S House, Goesling, Brian . 2005. Education, Social Status, and Health. Contemporary Sociology 34(2):205-206.
- James S House, Lantz, Paula M., Herd, Pamela . 2005. Continuity and change in the social stratification of aging and health over the life course: Evidence from a nationally representative longitudinal study from 1986 to 2001/2002 (Americans' Changing Lives Study). Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 60: 15-26 Sp. Iss. 2
- James S House, James M Lepkowski, James, Sherman, Schulz, Amy J, Kannan, Srimathi , Dvonch, J Timothy, Israel, Barbara A, Allen, Alex . 2005. Social and physical environments and disparities in risk for cardiovascular disease: The Healthy Environments Partnership conceptual model. Environmental Health Perspectives 113(12):1817-1825.
- James S House, Zenk, Shannon N, Schulz, Amy J, Israel, Barbara A, Benjamin, Alison , Kannan, Srimathi . 2005. Use of community-based participatory research to assess environmental determinants of health: Challenges, facilitators and implications for Universities. Metropolitan Universities Journal 16(1):107-123.
- James S House, Lantz, Paula M., Mero, Richard, Williams, David R.. 2005. Stress, life events, and socioeconomic disparities in health: results from the Americans' changing lives study. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 46(3):274-288.
- Paula M. Lantz, James S House, Mero,Richard, Williams,David. 2005. Stress, life events, and socioeconomic disparities in health: results from the Americansâ changing lives study. Journal of Health & Social Behavior 46 (3): 274-288
- Shannon N. Zenk, Amy J. Schulz, James S House, Alison Benjamin, Srimathi Kannan. 2005. Application of CBPR in the design of an observational tool: The neighborhood observation checklist. Methods in community-based participatory research for health :167-187.
- James S House, Brown, Stephanie L., Nesse, Randolph M, Utz, Becky L. 2004. Religion and Emotional Compensation: Results From a Prospective Study of Widowhood. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 30(9):1165-1174.
- James S House, Mero, Richard, Everson-Rose, S A. 2004. Depressive symptoms and mortality risk in a national sample: Confounding effects of health status. Psychosomatic Medicine 66(6):823-830.
- James S House, Juster, F. Thomas, Kahn, Robert L., Singer, Eleanor. 2004. A Telescope on Society: Survey Research & Social Science at the University of Michigan and Beyond.
- James S House, Juster, F. Thomas, Kahn, Robert L., Singer, Eleanor. 2004. The Development and Contribution of Survey Research as a Scientific Instrument & Social Institution. Telescope on Society: Survey Research and Social Science at the University of Michigan and Beyond Pp. 1-20
- James S House, Juster, F. Thomas, Kahn, Robert L., Singer, Eleanor. 2004. Survey Research and Social Science: Retrospect and Prospect. A Telescope on Society: Survey Research and Social Science at the University of Michigan and Beyond Pp. 439-454
- James S House, Kaplan, George A.. 2004. The Psychosocial Nature of Physical Health. A Telescope on Society: Survey Research and Social Science at the University of Michigan and Beyond Pp. 248-270
- James S House, Landis, Karl R, Umberson, Debra . 2004. Social Relationships and Health. The Social Psychology of Health: Essays and Readings
- James S House, Musick, Marc A., Williams, David R.. 2004. Attendance at Religious Services and Mortality in a National Sample. Journal of health & social behavior 45(2):198-213.
- James S House, Williams, David R.. 2003. Understanding and reducing socioeconomic and racial/ethnic disparities in health. Health and social justice : politics, ideology, and inequity in the distribution of disease 1st
- James S House, Diez Roux, Ana V., Lurie, Nicole , McLaughlin, Catherine G, Burke, G , Shea, S . 2003. Guest Editors' Introduction: In Pursuit of the Social Determinants of Health: The Evolution of Health Services Research. Health Services Research 38(6):1641-1644.
- James S House, Lynch, John W., Kaplan, George A., Smith, George Davey. 2003. Income inequality and mortality: importance to health of individual income, psychosocial environment, or material conditions. Health and Social Justice: Politics, Ideology, and Inequity in the Distribution of Disease
- James S House, Zimmer, Zachary S. 2003. Education, Income, and Functional Limitation Transitions Among American Adults: Contrasting Onset and Progression. International Journal of Epidemiology 32(6):1089-1097.
- James S House. 2002. Understanding Social Factors and Inequalities in Health: 20th Century Progess and 21st Century Prospects.. Journal of health & social behavior 43(2):125-142.
- James S House, Mellor, Jennifer M, Milyo, Jeffrey , Kawachi, Ichiro , Blakely, Tony A. 2002. On the use of age-adjusted mortality rates in studies of income inequality and population health / Responses. Journal of health politics, policy and law 27(2):293.
- James S House, Kessler,Ronald C, Carr, Deborah S., Wortman, Camille B, Nesse, Randolph M. 2001. Psychological Adjustment to Sudden and Anticipated Spousal Death Among the Older Widowed Persons. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 56B(4):S237-S248.
- James S House. 2001. Social Isolation Kills, But How and Why?. Psychosomatic Medicine 63(2):273-274.
- James S House. 2001. Relating Social Inequalities in Health and Income. Journal of health politics, policy and law 26(3):523-532.
- James S House, James M Lepkowski, Lantz, Paula M., Lynch, John W., Mero, Richard, Musick, Marc A., Williams, David R.. 2001. Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Change in a Longitudinal Study of US Adults: the Role of Health-Risk Behaviors. Social Science & Medicine 53(1):29-40.
- James S House, Williams, David R.. 2001. Understanding and Reducing Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Health. Promoting Health: Intervention Strategies from Social and Behavioral Research
- James S House, Kessler,Ronald C, Carr, Deborah S., Nesse, Randolph M, Sonnega, John , Wortman, Camille B. 2000. Marital Quality and Psychological Adjustment to Widowhood Among Older Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 55(4):S197–S207.
- James S House, James M Lepkowski, Williams, David R., Mero, Richard, Lantz, Paula M., Robert, Stephanie A, Chen, Jieming . 2000. Excess Mortality Among Urban Residents: How Much for Whom and Why?. American Journal of Public Health 90(12):1898-1904.
- James S House, Williams, David R.. 2000. Understanding and Reducing Socioeconomic and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Health. Promoting Health: Intervention Strategies from Social and Behavioral Research Pp. 81-124
- James S House, Lynch, John W., Kaplan, George A., Smith, George Davey. 2000. Income inequality and mortality: importance to health of individual income, psychosocial environment, or material conditions. (Education and Debate) 320(7243):1200.
- James S House, Williams, David R., McDonough, Peggy , Duncan, Greg J. 2000. The Impact of Income Dynamics on Mortality in the United States. The Mortality Crisis In Transitional Economies Pp. 392-419
- James S House, Robert, Stephanie A. 2000. Socioeconomic inequalities in health: Integrating individual-, community-, and societal-level theory and research. Handbook of social studies in health and medicine :115-135.
- James S House, Robert, Stephanie A. 2000. Socioeconomic inequalities in health: an enduring sociological problem. Handbook of medical sociology 5th ed. / editors, Chloe E. Bird, Peter Conrad, Allen M. Fremont:79-97.
- James S House, Williams, David R., McDonough, Peggy , Duncan, Greg J. 1999. Gender and the Socioeconomic Gradient in Mortality. Journal of health & social behavior 40 (1), 17-31
- James S House, Musick, Marc A., Herzog, Anna R.. 1999. Volunteering and mortality among older adults: Findings from a national sample. 54B(3):S173.
- James S House. 1998. Commentary: Age, Work, and well-being: Toward a broader view. Impact of work on older adults :297-303.
- James S House, James M Lepkowski, Lantz, Paula M., Williams, David R., Mero, Richard, Chen, Jieming . 1998. Socioeconomic factors, health behaviors, and mortality: results from a nationally representative prospective study of US adults. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 279:p1703(6).
- James S House, Lantz, Paula M., Weigers, Margaret E. 1997. Education and Income Differentials in Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening: Policy Implications for Rural Women. Medical care 35(3):219-236.
- James S House, Williams, David R., McDonough, Peggy , Duncan, Greg J. 1997. Income dynamics and adult mortality in the United States, 1972 through 1989. American Journal of Public Health 87:p1476(8).
- James S House, Robert, Stephanie A. 1996. SES Differentials in Health by Age and Alternative Indicators of SES. Journal of Aging and Health 8(3):359-388.
- Meichu Chen, James S House, Umberson, Debra , Hopkins, Kristine , Slaten, Ellen . 1996. The Effect of Social Relationships on Psychological Well-Being: Are Men and Women Really So Different?. American Sociological Review 61(5):837-857.
- James S House, Cook, Karen S, Fine, Gary Alan. 1995. Sociological perspectives on social psychology. :721.
- James S House, Fine, Gary A, Cook, Karen S. 1995. Methodological approaches to social psychology: Introduction to Part IV: Invitation to methodology. Sociological perspectives on social psychology :601.
- James S House, Mero, Richard, Heaney, Catherine A, Israel, Barbara A. 1995. The relationship of organizational and social coping resources to employee coping behavior: A longitudinal analysis. Work & Stress 9(4):416-431.
- James S House. 1995. Social structure, relationships and the individual: Introduction to Part III: Social structure and personality: Past, present and future. Sociological perspectives on social psychology :387.
- James S House, Fine, Gary A, Cook, Karen S. 1995. Reply: The Promise of Sociological Social Psychology. Social psychology quarterly 58(4):336-338.
- Gary A. Fine, James S House, Karen S. Cook. 1995. Methodological approaches to social psychology: Introduction to Part IV: Invitation to methodology. Sociological perspectives on social psychology :601.
- James S House. 1995. Social structure, relationships and the individual: Introduction to Part III: Social structure and personality: Past, present and future. Sociological perspectives on social psychology :387.
- James S House. 1992. LuAnn Aday, "Designing and Conducting Health Surveys: A Comprehensive Guide" (Book Review). Public Opinion Quarterly 56(1):139-141.
- James S House. 1992. Social stratification, health, and well-being over the life course. Journal of Employee Assistance 1(2):268-308.
- James S House, Schaie, K Warner, Blazer, Dan G. 1992. Aging, health behaviors, and health outcomes. Social structure and aging :194.
- James S House, Herzog, Anna R.. 1991. Productive activities and aging well. Generations (Winter):48-54.
- James S House. 1991. Sociology, psychology and social psychology (and social sciences). The Future of social psychology : defining the relationship between sociology and psychology :45.
- James S House, Israel, Barbara A, Schurman, Susan J. 1991. Action Research on Occupational Stress: Involving Workers as Researchers. The psychosocial work environment: Work organizations, democratization and health. Essays in memory of Bertil Gardell.
- Barbara A. Israel, Susan J. Schurman, James S House. 1991. Action Research on Occupational Stress: Involving Workers as Researchers.
- James S House. 1990. The nature of social psychology and its place in the curriculum of sociology and the social and natural sciences. The Introductory social psychology course : syllabi and related materials :10.
- James S House. 1989. Gender and Stress edited by Rosalind C. Barnett, Lois Biener, and Grace K. Baruch (Book Review). Contemporary Psychology 34(12):1090.
- James S House. 1989. Zum soziolepidemiologischen verstandnis von Public Health: Soziale, Unterstutzlin und gesundheit. Zukunftsaug-gabe gesundheitsforderung :173.
- James S House, Landis, Karl R, Umberson, Debra . 1989. Social relationships and health. The sociology of health and illness
- James S House. 1989. Zum soziolepidemiologischen verstandnis von Public Health: Soziale, Unterstutzlin und gesundheit. Zukunftsaug-gabe gesundheitsforderung :173.
- Kessler,Ronald C, J. Blake Turner, James S House. 1988. Effects of Unemployment on Health in a Community Survey: Main, Modifying, and Mediating Effects. Journal of Social Issues 44(4):69.
- James S House. 1987. Arbetslivet och livet utanfor arbetet: stod och konflikt. Forskning for framtidens arbetsliv :164.
- James S House, Mason, William M, Martin, Steven S. 1985. Dimensions of Political Alienation in America: Theoretical and Empirical. Sociological Methodology 1984-85 :111-151.
- James S House. 1985. Chronic life situations and life change events: Content discussion. Measuring psychosocial variables in epidemiologic studies of cardiovascular disease : proceedings of a workshop :129-135.
- James S House. 1985. Barriers to work stress: I. Social support. Behavioral medicine–work, stress, and health
- James S House. 1983. "An Immodest Agenda: Rebuilding America Before the Twenty-first Century", by Amitai Etzioni (Book Review). Human Resource Management 22(3):318.
- James S House, Cynthia A. Robbins. 1983. Age, psychosocial stress and health. Aging in society: Selected reviews of recent research
- James S House, LaRocco, James M. 1982. Response to Schaefer. Journal of health & social behavior 23(1):98-101.
- James S House. 1981. Social structure and personality. Social psychology : sociological perspectives :525-561.
- James S House. 1981. Occupational stress and coronary heart disease: A review of theoretical integration. The sociology of health and illness: Critical perspectives
- James S House. 1981. Social indicators, social change and social accounting. Social account systems essays on the state of the art :421.
- James S House, Robbins, Cynthia A. 1981. Age, psychosocial stress and helath. Leading edges : recent research on psychosocial aging
- James S House, Wells, James A, Landerman, Lawrence R, McMichael, Anthony J, Kaplan, Berton H. 1980. Occupational Stress and Health among Factory Workers. Organizational Research
- James S House. 1979. Discussions (of the works of Ivar Berg, M. Harvey Brenner, and George C. Curits). Mental health and the economy : papers presented at a conference co-sponsored by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, the University of Michigan-Wayne State University and the Center for Studies of Metropolitan Problems, National Institute of Mental Health :315-320.
- James S House. 1979. Occupational stress and coronary heart disease: A review of theoretical integration. Health, illness, and medicine : a reader in medical sociology
- James S House. 1978. Facets and Flaws of Hope's Diamond Model. American Sociological Review 43(3):439-442.
- James S House, Wolf, Sharon . 1978. Effects of Urban Residence on Interpersonal Trust and Helping Behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 36(9):1029.
- James S House, Light, Ivan , Coser, Rose , Cline, Hugh F, Becker, Howard S, Theodore, Athena , Miller, George A, Wales, Jeffrey A, Bernard, Jessie , Pavalko, Ronald M, Saltz, Robert F, O'Sullivan See, Katherine , Boyd, Carolyn P, Altheide, David L, Cummings, Scott , Form, William H, Clanton, Gordon , Janson, Philip , Rubin, Lillian B, Magrass, Yale R, Smith, Dorothy E, Phillips, Stephen W, Buttel, Frederick H, Newman, Graeme R, Gogel, Robert , Phillips, W M, Lewis, J David, Furstenberg, Frank F, Muraskin, William A, Smith, James E, Freedman, Ronald , Nam, Charles , O'Neill, John . 1978. Review of 'Dissent of the Governed'. Sociology and Social Research 62(2):294-296.
- James S House. 1978. Occupational stress and coronary heart disease: A review of theoretical integration. Dominant issues in medical sociology
- James S House. 1977. The Three Faces of Social Psychology. Sociometry 40(2):161-177.
- James S House. 1977. Political Society by Ted Goertzel (Book Review). JPMS: Journal of Political and Military Sociology 5(1):147.
- James S House, Gerber, Wayne , McMichael, Anthony J. 1977. Increasing Mail Questionnaire Response: A Controlled Replication and Extension. Public Opinion Quarterly 41(1):95-99.
- James S House. 1976. Using health criteria in a system of indicators of the quality of employment. Measuring work quality for social reporting :63-88.
- James S House, Mason, William M. 1976. Reply to Guest. American Sociological Review 41(2):367-376.
- James S House, Dietch, James . 1975. Affiliative conflict and indvidual differences in self-disclosure. Representative Research in Social Psychology 6(2):69-75.
- James S House. 1975. Occupational stress as a precursor to coronary heart disease. Psychological aspects of myocardial infarction and coronary care :24-36.
- James S House, Harkins, Elizabeth Bates. 1975. Why and When Is Status Inconsistency Stressful?. American Journal of Sociology 81(2):395-412.
- James S House, Mason, William M. 1975. Political Alienation in America, 1952-1968. American Sociological Review 40(2):123-147.
- James S House. 1974. Occupational Stress and Coronary Heart Disease: A Review and Theoretical Integration. Journal of health & social behavior 15(1):12-27.
- James S House. 1974. The effects of occupational stress on physical health. Work and the quality of life; resource papers for Work in America :145-170.
- James S House, Fischer, Robert D. 1971. Authoritarianism, Age and Black Militancy. Sociometry 34(2):174.
- James S House, Sales, Stephen M. 1971. Job dissatisfaction as a possible risk factor in coronary heart disease. Journal of Chronic Diseases 23(12):861-873.
- James S House. 1970. Living room styles and social attributes: The patterning of material artifacts in a modern urban community. Sociology and Social Research 54(April):321-342.
- James S House, Laumann, Edward O. 1970. Living rooms styles and social attibutes: The patterning of material artifacts in a modern urban community. The logic of social hierarchies