Professor of Sociology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Research Professor, Population Studies Center, Center Director, Population Studies Center, Faculty Associate, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health and Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy
Sarah Burgard conducts research on the social stratification of aging and health with population-based survey data, and has published extensively on the social factors underlying health disparities by socioeconomic status, gender, and race/ethnicity across the life course. Some of her recent research and funding has centered on understanding these questions in the context of economic recessions, which disrupt career, economic, and health paths for many adults, but especially for socioeconomically-marginalized groups. Dr. Burgard is PI of the 2020 Americans’ Changing Lives Study ACLLIFE wave, which collected full retrospective life histories including extensive information about life events from a cohort now in their late 50s, and a PI of the Michigan Recession and Recovery Study, a panel survey of adults in Southeast Michigan that has been tracking the life events and mental health of these individuals in the wake of the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Using these data, she has published on the influences of job loss, financial shocks, debt, housing instability, and material hardship, with a focus on creating life course measures of cumulative disadvantage for which retrospective or prospective life history data are essential.
Funded Research
- ACL-LIFE Life History Interview and Validation
- Network for Advancing Methodological Research in Longitudinal Studies of Aging
- The longitudinal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and related multi-level mitigation and contextual factors on health and socioeconomic outcomes of individuals and families from a vulnerable population
- Briana Mezuk, Viktoryia Kalesnikava, Aparna Ananthasubramaniam, Annalise Lane, Alejandro Rodriguez-Putnam, Lily Johns, Courtney Bagge, Sarah Andrea Burgard, Kara Zivin. 2024. Psychosocial and pandemic-related circumstances of suicide deaths in 2020: Evidence from the National Violent Death Reporting System. PLOS ONE 19(10):e0312027.
- Margaret D. Whitley, Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2023. Working conditions and racial and ethnic disparities in self-rated health. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 65(7):533-540.
- Lucie Kalousová, Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2022. Employment Pathways during Economic Recession and Recovery and Adult Health. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 63(1):105-124.
- H. Kim, Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2022. Housing instability and mental health among renters in the michigan recession and recovery study. Public Health 209:30-35.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Michael R Elliott, Seelye, Sarah, Lin, Katherine Y. P., Segal, Brian D. 2020. Stability and Change in Health Behavior Profiles of U.S. Adults. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 75(3):674-683.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Needham, Belinda L., Liu, Hui , Zhang, Yan . 2019. Marital status and cognitive impairment in the United States: evidence from the National Health and Aging Trends Study. Annals of Epidemiology
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Brady Thomas West, Harlow, Sioban D., Iglesias-Rios, Lisbeth , Kiss, L , Zimmerman, C . 2019. Patterns of violence and coercion with mental health among female and male trafficking survivors: a latent class analysis with mixture models. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences :1-9.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Hoffman, G , Mendez-Luck, C , Gaugler, J . 2019. Interdependence in Health and Functioning Among Older Spousal Caregivers and Care Recipients. Western Journal of Nursing Research 41(5):685-703.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Harlow, Sioban D., Iglesias-Rios, Lisbeth , Kiss, Ligia , Zimmerman, Cathy . 2019. Gender differences in the association of living and working conditions and the mental health of trafficking survivors. International Journal of Public Health 64(7):1015-1024.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2019. Material Hardship and Sleep: Results from the Michigan Recession and Recovery Study. Material Hardship and Sleep: Results from the Michigan Recession and Recovery Study 5(2):113-127.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Harlow, Sioban D., Iglesias-Rios, Lisbeth , Kiss, Ligia , Zimmerman, Cathy . 2018. Mental health, violence and psychological coercion among female and male trafficking survivors in the greater Mekong sub-region: a cross-sectional study. BMC Psychology 6(15)
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Michael R Elliott, Kenneth M Langa, Needham, Belinda L., Mendes de Leon, Carlos F., Pool, Lindsay R. 2018. Association of a negative wealth shock with all-cause mortality in middle-aged and older adults in the united states. JAMA 319(13):1341-1350.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Lin, Katherine Y. 2018. Working, parenting and work-home spillover: Gender differences in the work-home interface across the life course. Advances in Life Course Research 35:24-36.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2018. Association of a Negative Wealth Shock with AllCause Mortality in Middle-aged and Older Adults in the United States. Association of a Negative Wealth Shock with AllCause Mortality in Middle-aged and Older Adults in the United States 319(13):1341-1350.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Kara Zivin, Assari, Shervin . 2017. The effect of sleep disturbance on the association between chronic medical conditions and depressive symptoms over time. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 8(2):138-151.
- Lindsay R. Pool, Needham,Belinda L, Sarah Andrea Burgard, Michael R Elliott, Carlos de Leon F.Mendes. 2017. Negative wealth shock and short-term changes in depressive symptoms and medication adherence among late middle-aged adults. Journal of epidemiology and community health 71:758-763.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Amanda J Sonnega. 2017. Occupational Differences in BMI, BMI Trajectories, and Implications for Employment Status among Older U.S. Workers. Work, Aging and Retirement 4(1):21-36.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Castiglione, D de Pina, Lin, Katherine Y, Nobre, Aline A, Aquino, Estela M. L., Pereira, Alexandre C, Bensenor, Isabela J. Martins, Barreto, Sandhi M, Chor, Dora . 2017. Differential reporting of discriminatory experiences in Brazil and the United States. Cadernos de Saude Publica 33
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Seefeldt, Kristin, Kim, Huiyun . 2017. Housing assistance and housing insecurity: A study of renters in southeastern Michigan in the wake of the great recession. Social Service Review 91(1):41-70.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2017. Histories of Perceived Job Insecurity and Psychological Distress among Older U.S.Adults. Society and Mental Health 7(1):21-35. PMCID: PMC5558894.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Byhoff, Elena , Hamati, Mary C, Power, Robyn , Chopra, Vineet . 2017. Increasing educational attainment and mortality reduction: a systematic review and taxonomy. BMC Public Health 17:719.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2017. Negative Wealth Shock and Short-Term Changes in Depressive Symptoms and Medication Adherence among Late Middle Aged Adults. Negative Wealth Shock and Short-Term Changes in Depressive Symptoms and Medication Adherence among Late Middle Aged Adults 71(8)
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Assari, S , Lankarani, M . 2016. Black-white difference in long-term predictive power of self-rated health on all-cause mortality in United States. Annals of Epidemiology 26(2):106-114. PMCID: PMC4792698.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Kara Zivin. 2016. The Impact of Sleep Disturbance on the Association Between Stressful Life Events and Depressive Symptoms. Journals of Gerontology B: Psychological and Social Sciences 71(1):118-128. PMCID: PMC4861642.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2016. Histories of job insecurity and Psychological Distress among Older U.S. Adults. Histories of job insecurity and Psychological Distress among Older U.S. Adults 7(1):21-35.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Kara Zivin, Assari, Shervin . 2015. Long-Term Reciprocal Associations Between Depressive Symptoms and Number of Chronic Medical Conditions: Longitudinal Support for Black-White Health Paradox. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 2(4):589-597.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Kalousova, Lucie . 2015. Effects of the Great Recession: Health and Well-Being. Annual Review of Sociology 41:181-201.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Assari, S . 2015. Black-White differences in the effect of baseline depressive symptoms on deaths due to renal diseases: 25 year follow up of a nationally representative community sample. Journal of Renal Injury Prevention 4(4):127-134. PMCID: PMC4685983.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Grandner, Michael A, Smith, Tony E, Jackson, Nicholas , Jackson, Tara , Branas, Charles . 2015. Geographic distribution of insufficient sleep across the United States: a county-level hotspot analysis. Sleep Health 1(3):158-165. PMCID: PMC4790125.
- Hwajung Choi, Sarah Andrea Burgard, Heisler, Michele, Elo, Irma T. 2015. Are older adults living in more equal counties healthier than older adults living in more unequal counties? A propensity score matching approach. Social Science and Medicine 141(Sept 2015):82-90. PMCID: PMC4550487.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Harlow, Sioban D., Sznajder, Kristin K, Wang, Yangrang , Han, Cheng , Liu, Jing . 2014. Gynecologic pain related to occupational stress among female factory workers in Tianjin, China. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 20(1):33-45. PMCID: PMC4137809.
- James S House, Sarah Andrea Burgard, Schoeni, Bob, Tapia Granados, José A, Ionides, Edward L. 2014. Individual Joblessness, Contextual Unemployment, and Mortality Risk. American Journal of Epidemiology 180(3):280-287.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Hawkins, Jaclynn . 2014. Race/Ethnicity, Educational Attainment, and Foregone Health Care in the United States in the 2007-2009 Recession. American Journal of Public Health 104(2):e134-e140. PMCID: PMC3935707.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Ingersoll-Dayton, Berit, Kwak, Minyoung . 2014. Receipt of Care and Depressive Symptoms in Later Life: The Importance of Self-Perceptions of Aging. Journals of Gerontology B: Psychological and Social Sciences 69(2):325-335.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Chen, Patricia V. 2014. Challenges of health measurement in studies of health disparities. Social Science and Medicine 106:143-150. PMCID: PMC4077714.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Kalousova, Lucie . 2014. Unemployment, measured and perceived decline of economic resources: Contrasting three measures of recessionary hardships and their implications for adopting negative health behaviors. Social Science and Medicine 106:28-34.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Kalousova, Lucie . 2014. Tough Choices in Tough Times Debt and Medication Nonadherence. Health Education and Behavior 41(2):155-163.
- Margaret Takako Hicken, Sarah Andrea Burgard, Williams, David R., Lee, H , Ailshire, J . 2013. "Every shut eye, ain't sleep": The role of racism-related vigilance in racial/ethnic disparities in sleep difficulty. Race and social problems 5(2):100-112.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Zajacova, Anna . 2013. Healthier, Wealthier, and Wiser: A Demonstration of Compositional Changes in Aging Cohorts Due to Selective Mortality. Population Research and Policy Review 32(3):311-324. PMCID: PMC4112120.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Lin, Katherine . 2013. Bad Jobs, Bad Health? How Work and Working Conditions Contribute to Health Disparities. American Behavioral Scientist 57(8):1105-1127. PMCID: PMC3813007.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Kalousova, Lucie . 2013. Debt and Foregone Medical Care. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 54(2):203-219.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Ailshire, Jennifer . 2013. Gender and Time for Sleep among U.S. Adults. American Sociological Review 78(1):51-69. PMCID: PMC4164903.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Ailshire, Jennifer , Kalousova, Lucie . 2013. The Great Recession and Health: People, Populations, and Disparities. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 650(1):194-213.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Michael R Elliott, Kara Zivin, James S House. 2013. Working conditions and depressive symptoms: a prospective study of US adults. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 55(9):1007-1014.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Story, W T. 2012. Couples' reports of household decision-making and the utilization of maternal health services in Bangladesh. Social Science and Medicine 75(12):2403-2411. PMCID: PMC3523098.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Seefeldt, Kristin, Kalousova, Lucie . 2012. Perceived job insecurity and health: the Michigan recession and recovery study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 54(9):1101-1106.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Seefeldt, Kristin, Zelner (Johnson), Sarah W. 2012. Housing Instability and Health: Findings from the Michigan Recession and Recovery Study. Social Science and Medicine 75(12):2215-2224.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Ailshire, Jennifer . 2012. Family relationships and troubled sleep among U.S. adults: examining the influences of contact frequency and relationship quality. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 53(2):248-262. PMCID: PMC3674886.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Story, William , Lori, J , Taleb, F , Ali, N , Hoque, D . 2012. Husbands' involvement in delivery care utilization in rural Bangladesh: A qualitative study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 12:28. PMCID: PMC3364886.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Zajacova, Anna . 2012. Shape of the BMI-Mortality Association by Cause of Death, Using Generalized Additive Models: NHIS 1986-2006. Journal of Aging and Health 24(2):191-211. HIHMS: NIHMS779894.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Zajacova, Anna , Dowd, J B. 2011. Overweight Adults May Have the Lowest Mortality-Do They Have the Best Health?. American Journal of Epidemiology 173(4):430-437. PMCID: PMC3900866.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2011. Changes in Diarrheal Disease and Treatment Among Brazilian Children from 1986 to 1996. Population Research and Policy Review 30(1):81-100.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Diez Roux, Ana V., Kershaw, Kiarri N, Lisabeth, Lynda D, Mujahid, Mahasin S, Schulz, Amy J. 2011. Metropolitan-Level Racial Residential Segregation and Black-White Disparities in Hypertension. American Journal of Epidemiology 174(5):537-545. PMCID: PMC3202148.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Song, Shige . 2011. Dynamics of Inequality: Mother's Education and Infant Mortality in China, 1970-2001. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 52(3):349-364.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2011. The Needs of Others: Gender and Sleep Interruptions for Caregivers. Social Forces 89(4):1189-1215.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Zajacova, Anna . 2010. Body Weight and Health from Early to Mid-Adulthood: A Longitudinal Analysis. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 51(1):92-107. PMCID: PMC2874756.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Ailshire, Jennifer . 2009. Putting work to bed: stressful experiences on the job and sleep quality. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 50(4):476-492. PMCID: PMC3320737.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Nicklett, Emily J. 2009. Downward Social Mobility and Major Depressive Episodes Among Latino and Asian-American Immigrants to the United States. American Journal of Epidemiology 170(6):793-801. PMCID: PMC2768522.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Lee-Rife, Susan . 2009. Community characteristics, sexual initiation, and condom use among young black South Africans. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 50(3):293-309.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, James S House, Brand, J . 2009. Perceived job insecurity and worker health in the United States. Social science & medicine 69(5):777-785.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2008. Occupational Status. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
- Richard H Price, Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2008. The New Employment Contract and Worker Health in the United States. Making Americans healthier: social and economic policy as health policy
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Brand, Jennie . 2008. Job Displacement and Social Participation: Findings for a Cohort of Joiners. Social Forces 87(1):211-242. PMCID: PMC2935181.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Kaplan, George A., Ranjit, Nalini . 2008. Lifting Gates, Lengthening Lives: Did Civil Rights Policies Improve the Health of African American Women in the 1960s And 1970s?. Making Americans healthier: social and economic policy as health policy
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Song, S . 2008. Does son preference influence children's growth in height? A comparative study of Chinese and Filipino children. Population Studies 62(3):305-320.
- Richard H Price, Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2007. The new employment contract and worker health in the United States. Making Americans healthier: Social and economic policy as health policy :201.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, James S House, Brand, Jennie . 2007. Toward a Better Estimation of the Effect of Job Loss on Health. Journal of health & social behavior 48(4):369-384.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Treiman, D J. 2006. Trends and Racial Differences in Infant Mortality in South Africa. Social Science and Medicine 62(5):1126-1137.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2005. The prevalence of diarrheal disease among Brazilian children: trends and differentials from 1986 to 1996. Social Science & Medicine 60 (5): 911-1163
- Sarah Andrea Burgard, Cochran, Susan , Mays, Vickie . 2005. Alcohol and Tobacco Use Patterns among Heterosexually and Homosexually Experienced California Women. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 77(1):61-70.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2004. Race and Pregnancy-Related Care in Brazil and South Africa. Social Science and Medicine 59(6):1127-1146.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2004. Factors associated with contraceptive use in late- and post-apartheid South Africa. Studies in Family Planning 35(2):91-104.
- Sarah Andrea Burgard. 2002. Does Race Matter? Children's Height in Brazil and South Africa. Demography 39(4):763-790.