Arthur F Thurnau Professor, Jessie Jean Storey-Fry Distinguished University Professor of Education, Professor of Education, Marsal Family School of Education and Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
Deborah Loewenberg Ball is the William H. Payne Collegiate Professor in education at the University of Michigan, and an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor. She currently serves as dean of the School of Education and as director of TeachingWorks. She taught elementary school for more than 15 years, and continues to teach mathematics to elementary students every summer. Her research focuses on the practice of mathematics instruction, and on the improvement of teacher training and development. She is an expert on teacher education, with a particular interest in how professional training and experience combine to equip beginning teachers with the skills and knowledge needed for responsible practice. Ball has authored or co-authored more than 150 publications and has lectured and made numerous major presentations around the world. Her research has been recognized with several awards and honors, and she has served on several national and international commissions and panels focused on policy initiatives and the improvement of education, including the National Mathematics Advisory Panel and the Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education. She serves on the National Science Board and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Board of Trustees, and chairs the Spencer Foundation Board of Directors. Ball has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Education, and is a fellow of the American Mathematics Society and the American Educational Research Association.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball. 2022. Reimagining American Education: Possible Futures: Coming to terms with the power of teaching. Phi Delta Kappan 103(7):51-55.
- Mark Hoover, Deborah Loewenberg Ball. 2021. Practice-based research on the teaching of mathematics: progress and imperatives for the future. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education 26(3-4):171-190.
- Meghan Shaughnessy, Nicole M. Garcia, Michaela Krug O’Neill, Sarah Kate Selling, Amber T. Willis, Charles E. Wilkes, Sabrina Bobsin Salazar, Deborah Loewenberg Ball. 2021. Formatively assessing prospective teachers? skills in leading mathematics discussions. Educational Studies in Mathematics 108:451-472.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Shaughnessy, Meghan , Garcia, Nicole . 2017. A Laboratory Approach to the Professional Development of Elementary Mathematics Specialists. Elementary Mathematics Specialists: Developing, Refining, and Examining Programs That Support Mathematics Teaching and Learning :123-131.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Selling, Sarah Kate, Garcia, Nicole . 2016. What Does it Take to Develop Assessments of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching?: Unpacking the Mathematical Work of Teaching. The Mathematics Enthusiast 13:35-51.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hoover, Mark , Mosvold, Reidar , Lai, Yvonne . 2016. Making Progress on Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. The Mathematics Enthusiast 13(1-2):3-34.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Francesca M. Forzani. 2013. Building a common core for learning to teach: and connecting professional learning to practice. American Educator 35(Summer):17-39.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hyman Bass, Timothy A. Boerst, Laurie Sleep. 2013. Combining the development of practice and the practice of development in teacher education. The Elementary School Journal 109(5):458-474.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Corey, Douglas Lyman, Demonte, Jenny , Harrison, Delena , Phelps, Geoffrey . 2012. Explaining Variation in Instructional Time: An Application of Quantile Regression. Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis 34(2):146-163.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Forzani, Francesca M. 2011. Building a common core for learning to teach: and connecting professional learning to practice. American Educator 35(Summer):17-39.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hill, HeatherC , Bass, Hyman , Blunk, Merrie , Brach, Katie , Charalambous, C Y, Cole, Yaa , Dean, Carolyn , Delaney, Sean , Eskelson, Sam , Goffney, Imani , Lewis, Jennifer , Phelps, Geoffrey , Sleep, Laurie , Thames, Mark , Zopf, Deborah . 2011. Measuring the mathematical quality of instruction. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 14(1):25-47.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Forzani, Francesca M. 2010. What Does It Take to Make a Teacher?. The Phi Delta Kappan 92(2):8-12.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Thames, Mark Hoover. 2010. What math knowledge does teaching require?. Teaching Children Mathematics 17(4):220-229.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Forzani, Francesca M. 2010. Teaching skillful teaching. Educational Leadership 68(4):40-45.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Heather Hill. 2009. The curiousâand crucialâcase of mathematical knowledge for teaching. Phi Delta Kappan 91(2):68-71.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Bass, Hyman , Boerst, Timothy A, Sleep, Laurie . 2009. Combining the development of practice and the practice of development in teacher education. The Elementary School Journal 109(5):458-474.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Forzani, Francesca M. 2009. The work of teaching and the challenge for teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education 60(5):497-511.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Lewis, J . 2009. Defining the problem of equity in teaching elementary school mathematics. The next 25 years? Affirmative Action and Higher Education in the United States and South Africa
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hill, Heather . 2009. The curious--and crucial--case of mathematical knowledge for teaching. Phi Delta Kappan 91(2):68-71.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Bass, Hyman . 2008. The Role of Mathematics in Education for Democracy. Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education :171-184.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hill, Heather C, Blunk, Merrie L, Charalambous, Charalambos Y, Lewis, Jennifer M, Phelps, Geoffrey C, Sleep, Laurie . 2008. Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and the Mathematical Quality of Instruction: An Exploratory Study. Cognition and Instruction 26(4):430-511.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Schilling, Stephen G., Delaney, Seán , Hill, Heather C, Zopf, Deborah . 2008. Mathematical knowledge for teaching: adapting U.S. measures for use in Ireland. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 11(3):171-197.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Stylianides, AndreasJ . 2008. Understanding and describing mathematical knowledge for teaching: knowledge about proof for engaging students in the activity of proving. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 11(4):307-332.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Schilling, Stephen G., Hill, Heather C. 2008. Unpacking Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Conceptualizing and Measuring Teachers' Topic-Specific Knowledge of Students. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 39(4):372-400.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Phelps, Geoffrey , Thames, Mark Hoover. 2008. Content knowledge for teaching: what makes it special?. Journal of Teacher Education 59(5):389-407.
- Heather C. Hill, Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Schilling,Stephen Gerard. 2008. Unpacking Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Conceptualizing and Measuring Teachersâ Topic-Specific Knowledge of Students. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 39(4):372-400.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hill, Heather C. 2008. Measuring teacher quality in practice. Measurement issues and assessment for teaching quality :80-98.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Forzani, Francesca M. 2007. What Makes Education Research Educational?. Educational Researcher 36(9):529-540.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hill, H , Sleep, L , Lewis, J . 2007. Assessing teachers' mathematical knowledge: What knowledge matters and what evidence counts?. Handbook of research on mathematics education 2nd:111-155.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Cohen, D K. 2007. Innovation and the problem of scale. Scale-up in education: Ideas in principle (Volume I) :19-36.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Brian P Rowan, Hill, Heather C, Blunk, Merrie , Goffney, Imani Masters. 2007. Validating the Ecological Assumption: The Relationship of Measure Scores to Classroom Teaching and Student Learning. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research & Perspective 5(2/3):107-118.
- H. Hill, L. Sleep, J. Lewis, Deborah Loewenberg Ball. 2007. Assessing teachersâ mathematical knowledge: What knowledge matters and what evidence counts?. Handbook of research on mathematics education :111-155.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Goffney, Imani Masters, Bass, Hyman . 2005. The role of mathematics instruction in building a socially just and diverse democracy. The Mathematics Educator 15(1):2-6.
- Brian P Rowan, Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hill, Heather C. 2005. Effects of Teachers' Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching on Student Achievement. American Educational Research Journal 42(2):371-406.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hill, Heather C, Bass, Hyman . 2005. Who knows mathematics well enough to teach third grade and how can we decide?. American Educator 5(3):14.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Hill, Heather C. 2004. Learning Mathematics for Teaching: Results from California's Mathematics Professional Development Institutes. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 35(5):330-351.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Schilling, Stephen G., Hill, Heather C. 2004. Developing Measures of Teachers' Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching. The Elementary School Journal 105(1):11.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Brian P Rowan. 2004. Introduction: Measuring Instruction. Elementary School Journal 105(1):3-10.
- Schilling,Stephen Gerard, Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Heather C. Hill. 2004. Developing Measures of Teachersâ Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching. The Elementary School Journal 105(1):11.
- Heather C. Hill, Deborah Loewenberg Ball. 2004. Learning Mathematics for Teaching: Results from Californiaâs Mathematics Professional Development Institutes. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 35(5):330-351.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Bass, Hyman . 2003. Making mathematics reasonable in school. Research compendium for the principles and standards fro school mathematics :1-39.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Boaler, Jo , Even, Ruhama . 2003. Preparing Mathematics Education Researchers for Disciplined Inquiry: Learning from, in, and for Practice. Second International Handbook of Mathematics Education 10:491-521.
- Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Raudenbush, Stephen W., Cohen, David K. 2003. Resources, Instruction, and Research. Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis 25(2):119-142.