Research Associate Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research and Research Associate Professor, Statistics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Dr. Almirall develops methods used to form adaptive interventions, also known as dynamic treatment regimens. Adaptive interventions can be used to inform individualized treatment guidelines for the on-going management of chronic illnesses or disorders such as anxiety, depression, autism, diabetes, obesity, or HIV/AIDS. Dr. Almirall works primarily on methods related to the design, execution, and analysis of sequential multiple assignment randomized trials (SMARTs). SMARTs give rise to high-quality data that can be used to build and optimize ATSs. He is also interested in the development of methods for causal inference using longitudinal intervention data in which treatments, covariates, and outcomes are all time-varying. A specific interest in this area has been the development of methods for examining time-varying effect moderation.
Funded Research
- An Adaptive Preventive Intervention to Optimize the Transition from Universal to Indicated Resources for College Student Alcohol Use
- Center for Methodologies for Adapting and Personalizing Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Services for SUD and HIV (MAPS Center)
- Comprehensive Program for Adaptive Interventions Training in Education Sciences (CATIE)
- Novel Methods for Intensive Longitudinal Data in SMART Studies of Drug Abuse and HIV
- Novel use of mHealth data to identify states of vulnerability and receptivity to JITAIs
- PRISM (Personalized, Responsive Intervention Sequences for Minimally Verbal Children with Autism)
- Connie Kasari , Stephanie Shire , Wendy Shih , Ann Kaiser , Catherine Lord , Lynne Levato , Tristram Smith , Daniel Almirall. 2025. Adaptive Intervention for School-Age, Minimally Verbal Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Community: Primary Aim Results. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
- Tanya R. Schlam, Timothy B. Baker, Megan E. Piper, Jessica W. Cook, Stevens S. Smith, Deejay Zwaga, Douglas E. Jorenby, Daniel Almirall, Daniel M. Bolt, Linda M. Collins, Robin Mermelstein, Michael C. Fiore. 2024. What to do after smoking relapse? A sequential multiple assignment randomized trial of chronic care smoking treatments. Addiction 119(5):898-914.
- Shawna N. Smith, Daniel Almirall, Seo Youn Choi, Carolyn Andrews, Elizabeth Koschmann, Amy Rusch, Emily Bilek, Annalise Lane, James L. Abelson, Daniel Eisenberg, Joseph A. Himle, Celeste Liebrecht, Amy M. Kilbourne. 2024. Student mental health outcomes of a clustered SMART for developing an adaptive implementation strategy to support school-based CBT delivery. Journal of Affective Disorders 367:399-407.
- Amy Kilbourne, Matthew Chinman, Shari Rogal, Daniel Almirall. 2023. Adaptive Designs in Implementation Science and Practice: Their Promise and the Need for Greater Understanding and Improved Communication. Annual Reviews 45
- Steven S. Fu, Alexander J. Rothman, David M. Vock, Bruce R. Lindgren, Daniel Almirall, Abbie Begnaud, Anne C. Melzer, Kelsey L. Schertz, Mariah Branson, David Haynes, Patrick Hammett, Anne M. Joseph. 2023. Tobacco Cessation Treatment in Lung Cancer Screening. JAMA Network Open 6(8):e2329903.
- John J. Dziak, Daniel Almirall, Walter Dempsey, Catherine Stanger, Inbal Nahum-Shani. 2023. SMART Binary: New Sample Size Planning Resources for SMART Studies with Binary Outcome Measurements. Multivariate Behavioral Research
- Kelley M. Kidwell, Daniel Almirall. 2023. Sequential, Multiple Assignment, Randomized Trial Designs. JAMA 329(4):336-337.
- Carpenter,Stephanie Marita, Jamie Roslyn Yap, Megan E Patrick, Nicole Morrell, John Dziak, Daniel Almirall, Carolyn Yoon, Inbal Nahum-Shani. 2023. Self-relevant appeals to engage in self-monitoring of alcohol use: A microrandomized trial. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 37(3):434-446.
- Brown, C. Hendricks, Hedeker, Donald, Gibbons, Robert D., Duan, Naihua, Daniel Almirall, Gallo, Carlos, Burnett-Zeigler, Inger, Prado, Guillermo, Young, Sean D., Valido, Alberto, Wyman, Peter A.. 2022. Accounting for Context in Randomized Trials after Assignment. Prevention Science 23:1321-1332.
- Nina Zhou, Lu Wang, Daniel Almirall. 2022. Estimating tree-based dynamic treatment regimes using observational data with restricted treatment sequences. Biometrics
- Cheng, Hannah, McGovern, Mark P., Hélène Chokron Garneau, Hurley, Brian, Fisher, Tammy, Copeland, Meaghan, Daniel Almirall. 2022. Expanding access to medications for opioid use disorder in primary care clinics: an evaluation of common implementation strategies and outcomes. Implementation Science Communications 3(1):1-18.
- Swindle, Taren, Rutledge, Julie M., Selig, James P., Painter, Jacob, Zhang, Dong, Martin, Janna, Johnson, Susan L., Whiteside-Mansell, Leanne, Daniel Almirall, Barnett-McElwee, Tracey, Curran, Geoff M.. 2022. Obesity prevention practices in early care and education settings: an adaptive implementation trial. Implementation Science 17:Article 25.
- Qian, Tianchen, Yoo, Hyesun, Klasnja, Predrag, Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A. 2021. Estimating time-varying causal excursion effects in mobile health with binary outcomes. Biometrika 108(3):507-527.
- Greg Roberts, Nathan Clemens, Christian T. Doabler, Sharon Vaughn, Daniel Almirall, Inbal Nahum-Shani. 2021. Multitiered Systems of Support, Adaptive Interventions, and SMART Designs. Exceptional Children 88(1):8-25.
- Megan E Patrick, Lyden, Grace R., Morrell, Nicole, Mehus, Christopher J., Gunlicks-Stoessel, Meredith, Lee, Christine M., King, Cheryl A., Bonar, Erin E., Inbal Nahum-Shani, Daniel Almirall, Larimer, Mary E., Vock, David M.. 2021. Main outcomes of M-bridge: A sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART) for developing an adaptive preventive intervention for college drinking. 89(7):601-614.
- Connie Kasari, Stephanie Shire, Wendy Shih, Daniel Almirall. 2021. Getting SMART About Social Skills Interventions for Students With ASD in Inclusive Classrooms. Exceptional Children 88(1):26-44.
- Inbal Nahum-Shani, Daniel Almirall, Jamie Roslyn Yap, McKay, J R, Lynch, K G, Freiheit, E A, Dziak, J J. 2020. SMART longitudinal analysis: A tutorial for using repeated outcome measures from SMART studies to compare adaptive interventions.. Psychological methods 25(1):1-29.
- Megan E Patrick, Jeffrey A. Boatman, Nicole Morrell, Anna C. Wagner, Grace R. Lyden, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Cheryl A. King, Erin E. Bonar, Christine M. Lee, Mary E. Larimer, David M. Vock, Daniel Almirall. 2020. A sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART) protocol for empirically developing an adaptive preventive intervention for college student drinking reduction. Contemporary Clinical Trials 96:106089.
- Denis Agniel, Daniel Almirall, Q. Burkhart, Sean Grant, Sarah B. Hunter, Eric R. Pedersen, Rajeev Ramchand, Beth Ann Griffin. 2020. Identifying optimal level-of-care placement decisions for adolescent substance use treatment. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 212:107991.
- Andrew Quanbeck, Daniel Almirall, Nora Jacobson, Randall T. Brown, Jillian K. Landeck, Lynn Madden, Andrew Cohen, Brienna M. F. Deyo, James Robinson, Roberta A. Johnson, Nicholas Schumacher. 2020. The Balanced Opioid Initiative: protocol for a clustered, sequential, multiple-assignment randomized trial to construct an adaptive implementation strategy to improve guideline-concordant opioid prescribing in primary care. Implementation Science 15(1):26.
- Nicholas J Seewald, Kelley M Kidwell, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Tianshuang Wu, James R McKay, Daniel Almirall. 2020. Sample size considerations for comparing dynamic treatment regimens in a sequential multiple-assignment randomized trial with a continuous longitudinal outcome. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 29(7):1891-1912.
- Daniel Almirall, Schoenfelder, Erin N, Chronis-Tuscano, Andrea , Strickland, Jennifer , Stein, Mark A. 2019. Piloting a Sequential, Multiple Assignment, Randomized Trial for Mothers with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Their At-Risk Young Children. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 29(4)
- Inbal Nahum-Shani, Megan E Patrick, Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Hall, Kelly L, August, Gerald J. 2019. Adaptive Intervention Designs in Substance Use Prevention. Prevention of Substance Use :263-280.
- Jamie Roslyn Yap, Daniel Almirall, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Dziak, John J, McKay, James R, Lynch, Kevin G. 2019. A Data Analysis Method for Using Longitudinal Binary Outcome Data from a SMART to Compare Adaptive Interventions. Multivariate Behavioral Research
- Smith, Shawna, Daniel Almirall, Eisenberg, Daniel, Prenovost, Katherine , Liebrecht, Celeste , Kyle, Julia , Bauer, Mark S, Kilbourne, Amy M. 2019. Change in Patient Outcomes After Augmenting a Low-level Implementation Strategy in Community Practices That are Slow to Adopt a Collaborative Chronic Care Model: A Cluster Randomized Implementation Trial. Medical Care 57(7):503-511.
- Daniel Almirall, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Lu Wang, Connie Kasari. 2018. Experimental Designs for Research on Adaptive Interventions: Singly and Sequentially Randomized Trials. Optimization of Behavioral, Biobehavioral, and Biomedical Interventions: Advanced Topics :89-120.
- Daniel Almirall, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Murphy, Susan A., Bidargaddi, Niranjan , Kovalcik, Michael , Pituch, Timothy , Maaieh, Haitham , Strecher, Victor . 2018. To Prompt or Not to Prompt? A Microrandomized Trial of Time-Varying Push Notifications to Increase Proximal Engagement With a Mobile Health App. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6(11):e10123.
- Smith, Shawna, Eisenberg, Daniel, Daniel Almirall, Kilbourne, Amy M, Choi, Seo Youn, Koschmann, Elizabeth , Liebrecht, Celeste , Rusch, Amy , Abelson, James L, Himle, Joseph A, Fitzgerald, Kate . 2018. Adaptive School-based Implementation of CBT (ASIC): clustered-SMART for building an optimized adaptive implementation intervention to improve uptake of mental health interventions in schools. Implementation Science 13(1):119.
- Daniel Almirall, Tao, Yebin , Wang, Lu . 2018. Tree-based reinforcement learning for estimating optimal dynamic treatment regimes. The Annals of Applied Statistics 12(3):1914-1938.
- Daniel Almirall, Joseph, Anne M, Rothman, Alexander J, Begnaud, Abbie , Chiles, Caroline , Cinciripini, Paul M, Fu, Steven S, Graham, Amanda L, Lindgren, Bruce R, Melzer, Anne C, Ostroff, Jamie S, Seaman, Elizabeth L, Taylor, Kathryn L, Toll, Benjamin A, Zeliadt, Steven B, Vock, David M. 2018. Lung Cancer Screening and Smoking Cessation Clinical Trials: SCALE Collaboration. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 197(2):172-182.
- Daniel Almirall, Kidwell, Kelley M, Seewald, Nicholas J, Tran, Qui , Kasari, Connie . 2018. Design and analysis considerations for comparing dynamic treatment regimens with binary outcomes from sequential multiple assignment randomized trials. Journal of Applied Statistics 45(9):1628-1651.
- Daniel Almirall, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Kasari, Connie , McCaffrey, Daniel F. 2018. Developing Optimized Adaptive Interventions in Education. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 11(1):27-34.
- Smith, Shawna, Daniel Almirall, Katherine Prenovost, David E. Goodrich, Kristen M. Abraham, Celeste Liebrecht, Amy M. Kilbourne. 2018. Organizational culture and climate as moderators of enhanced outreach for persons with serious mental illness: results from a cluster-randomized trial of adaptive implementation strategies. Implementation Science 13(1):93.
- Daniel Almirall, Griffin, Beth Ann, McCaffrey, Daniel F, Burgette, Lane F, Setodji, Claude Messan. 2017. Chasing Balance and Other Recommendations for Improving Nonparametric Propensity Score Models. Journal of Causal Inference 5(2)
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Boruvka, Audrey , Witkiewitz, Katie . 2017. Assessing Time-Varying Causal Effect Moderation in Mobile Health. Journal of the American Statistical Association 113(523):1112-1121.
- Daniel Almirall, Grant, Sean , Agniel, Denis , Burkhart, Q , Hunter, Sarah B, McCaffrey, Daniel F, Pedersen, Eric R, Ramchand, Rajeev , Griffin, Beth Ann. 2017. Developing adaptive interventions for adolescent substance use treatment settings: protocol of an observational, mixed-methods project. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 12(1):35.
- Daniel Almirall, Setodji, Claude M, McCaffrey, Daniel F, Burgette, Lane F, Griffin, Beth Ann. 2017. The right tool for the job: choosing between covariate balancing and generalized boosted model propensity scores. Epidemiology 28(6):802-811.
- Daniel Almirall, Wodtke, Geoffrey T. 2017. Estimating Moderated Causal Effects with Time-Varying Treatments and Time-Varying Moderators: Structural Nested Mean Models and Regression with Residuals. Sociological Methodology 47(1):212-245.
- Inbal Nahum-Shani, Daniel Almirall, Ertefaie, Ashkan , Lu, Xi , Lynch, Kevin G, McKay, James R, Oslin, David . 2017. A SMART Data Analysis Method for Constructing Adaptive Treatment Strategies for Substance Use Disorders. Addiction 112(3):901-909.
- Daniel Almirall, Kilbourne, A M, Barbaresso, M M, Lai, Z , Nord, K M, Bramlet, M , Goodrich, D E, Post, E P, Bauer, M S. 2017. Improving Physical Health in Patients With Chronic Mental Disorders: Twelve-Month Results From a Randomized Controlled Collaborative Care Trial. The Journal of clinical psychiatry 78(1):129-137.
- Daniel Almirall, Fu, Steven S, Rothman, Alexander J, Vock, David M, Lindgren, Bruce , Begnaud, Abbie , Melzer, Anne , Schertz, Kelsey , Glaeser, Susan , Hammett, Patrick , Joseph, Anne M. 2017. Program for lung cancer screening and tobacco cessation: Study protocol of a sequential, multiple assignment, randomized trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 60:86-95.
- Daniel Almirall, Smith, Shawna N, Lai, Zongshan , Goodrich, David E, Abraham, Kristen M, Nord, Kristina M, Kilbourne, Amy M. 2017. Implementing Effective Policy in a National Mental Health Reengagement Program for Veterans. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 205(2):161-170.
- Daniel Almirall, Chronis-Tuscano, Andrea . 2016. Adaptive Interventions in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 45:383-395.
- Daniel Almirall, Chronis-Tuscano, Andrea , Wang, Christine H, Strickland, Jennifer , Stein, Mark A. 2016. Personalized Treatment of Mothers With ADHD and Their Young At-Risk Children: A SMART Pilot. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 45:510-521.
- Daniel Almirall, Sherwood, Nancy E, Butryn, Meghan L, Forman, Evan M, Seburg, Elisabeth M, Lauren Crain, A , Kunin-Batson, Alicia S, Hayes, Marcia G, Levy, Rona L, Jeffery, Robert W. 2016. The BestFIT trial: A SMART approach to developing individualized weight loss treatments. Contemporary Clinical Trials 47:209-216.
- Daniel Almirall, Inbal Nahum-Shani, DiStefano, Charlotte , Chang, Ya-Chih , Shire, Stephanie , Kaiser, Ann , Lu, Xi , Landa, Rebecca , Mathy, Pamela , Kasari, Connie . 2016. Longitudinal Effects of Adaptive Interventions With a Speech-Generating Device in Minimally Verbal Children With ASD. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 45(4):442-456.
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Gunlicks-Stoessel, Meredith , Mufson, Laura , Westervelt, Ana . 2016. A Pilot SMART for Developing an Adaptive Treatment Strategy for Adolescent Depression. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 45(4):480-494.
- Inbal Nahum-Shani, Daniel Almirall, Lu, Xi , Kasari, Connie , Lynch, Kevin G, Oslin, David W, Pelham, William E, Fabiano, Gregory . 2016. Comparing dynamic treatment regimes using repeated-measures outcomes: modeling considerations in SMART studies. Statistics in medicine 35(10):1595-1615.
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Klasnja, Predrag , Hekler, Eric B, Shiffman, Saul , Boruvka, Audrey , Tewari, Ambuj . 2015. Microrandomized trials: An experimental design for developing just-in-time adaptive interventions. Health Psychology 34(Suppl):1220-1228.
- Daniel Almirall, Peris, Tara S, Compton, Scott N, Kendall, Philip C, Birmaher, Boris , Sherrill, Joel , March, John , Gosch, Elizabeth , Ginsburg, Golda , Rynn, Moira , McCracken, James T, Keeton, Courtney P, Sakolsky, Dara , Suveg, Cynthia , Aschenbrand, Sasha , Iyengar, Satish , Walkup, John T, Albano, Anne Marie, Piacentini, John . 2015. Trajectories of change in youth anxiety during cognitive-behavior therapy. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 83(2):239-252.
- Daniel Almirall, Griffin, B A, Ramchand, R , Slaughter, M E, Burgette, L F, McCaffery, D F. 2014. Estimating the causal effects of cumulative treatment episodes for adolescents using marginal structural models and inverse probability of treatment weighting. Drug and alcohol dependence 136(March):69-78.
- Daniel Almirall, Kilbourne, Amy M, Goodrich, David E, Lai, Zongshan , Abraham, Kristen M, Nord, Kristina M, Bowersox, Nicholas W. 2014. Enhancing outreach for persons with serious mental illness: 12-month results from a cluster randomized trial of an adaptive implementation strategy. Implementation Science 9:163.
- Daniel Almirall, Eisenberg, Daniel, Murphy, Susan A., Kilbourne, Amy M, Waxmonsky, Jeanette , Goodrich, David E, Fortney, John C, Kirchner, JoAnn E, Solberg, Leif I, Main, Deborah , Bauer, Mark S, Kyle, Julia , Nord, Kristina M, Thomas, Marshall R. 2014. Protocol: Adaptive Implementation of Effective Programs Trial (ADEPT): cluster randomized SMART trial comparing a standard versus enhanced implementation strategy to improve outcomes of a mood disorders program. Implementation Science : IS 9:132.
- Daniel Almirall, Schuler, Megan S, Griffin, Beth Ann, Ramchand, Rajeev , McCaffrey, Daniel F. 2014. Effectiveness of treatment for adolescent substance use: is biological drug testing sufficient?. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 75(2):358-370.
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Kasari, Connie , Kaiser, Ann , Goods, Kelly , Nietfeld, Jennifer , Mathy, Pamela , Landa, Rebecca . 2014. Communication Interventions for Minimally Verbal Children With Autism: A Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 53(6):635-646.
- Daniel Almirall, Ramchand, Rajeev , Griffin, Beth Ann, Slaughter, Mary Ellen, McCaffrey, Daniel F. 2014. Do improvements in substance use and mental health symptoms during treatment translate to long-term outcomes in the opposite domain?. Journal of substance abuse treatment 47(5):339-346.
- Daniel Almirall, MITHAS, SUNIL , KRISHNAN, MAYURAM S. 2014. A potential outcomes approach to assess causality in information systems research. Economics, Information Systems, and Electronic Commerce: Empirical Research :63-85.
- Daniel Almirall, Compton, S N, Peris, T S, Birmaher, B , Sherrill, J , Kendall, P C, March, J S, Gosch, E A, Ginsburg, G S, Rynn, M A, Piacentini, J C, McCracken, J T, Keeton, C P, Suveg, C M, Aschenbrand, S G, Sakolsky, D , Iyengar, S , Walkup, J T, Albano, A M. 2014. Predictors and moderators of treatment response in childhood anxiety disorders: results from the CAMS trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 82(2):212-224.
- Inbal Nahum-Shani, Daniel Almirall, Collins, LM . 2014. Optimization of behavioral dynamic treatment regimens based on the sequential, multiple assignment, randomized trial (SMART).. Clinical Trails 11(4):426-434.
- Daniel Almirall, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Murphy, Susan A., Sherwood, Nancy E. 2014. Introduction to SMART designs for the development of adaptive interventions: with application to weight loss research. Translational Behavioral Medicine 4(3):260-274.
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Griffin, Beth Ann, Ramchand, Rajeev , Yuen, R . 2014. Time-varying effect moderation using the structural nested mean model: estimation using inverse-weighted regression with residual.. Statistics in Medicine 33(20):3466-3487.
- Daniel Almirall, Kilbourne, Amy M, Goodrich, David E, Lai, Zongshan , Nord, Kristina M, Bowersox, Nicholas W, Abraham, Kristen M. 2014. Reengaging veterans with serious mental illness into care: preliminary results from a national randomized trial. Psychiatric Services 66(1):90-93.
- Daniel Almirall, Kilbourne, Amy M, Bramlet, Margretta , Barbaresso, Michelle M, Nord, Kristina M, Goodrich, David E, Lai, Zongshan , Post, Edward P, Verchinina, Lilia , Duffy, Sonia A. 2014. SMI life goals: Description of a randomized trial of a collaborative care model to improve outcomes for persons with serious mental illness. Contemporary clinical trials 39(1):74-85.
- Daniel Almirall, McCaffrey, Daniel F, Griffin, Beth Ann, Slaughter, Mary Ellen, Ramchand, Rajeev , Burgette, Lane F. 2013. A tutorial on propensity score estimation for multiple treatments using generalized boosted models. Statistics in medicine 32(19):3388-3414.
- Daniel Almirall, Kilbourne, Amy M, Abraham, Kristen , Goodrick, DE , Bowersox, N , Lai, Zongshan , Nord, KM . 2013. Cluster randomized adaptive implementation trial comparing a standard versus enhanced implementation intervention to improve uptake of an effective re-engagement program for patients with serious mental illness. Implementation Science 8:136.
- Daniel Almirall, Yancy Jr., William S, Coffman, Cynthia J, Geiselman, Paula J, Kolotkin, Ronette L, Oddone, Eugene Z, Mayer, Stephanie B, Gaillard, Leslie A, Turner, Marsha , Smith, Valerie A, Voils, Corrine I. 2013. Considering patient diet preference to optimize weight loss: Design considerations of a randomized trial investigating the impact of choice. Contemporary Clinical Trials 35(1):106-116.
- Inbal Nahum-Shani, Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Qian, Min , Pelham, William E, Gnagy, Beth , Fabiano, Gregory A, Waxmonsky, James G, Yu, Jihnhee . 2012. Experimental design and primary data analysis methods for comparing adaptive interventions. Psychological methods 17(4):457-477.
- Inbal Nahum-Shani, Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Qian, Min , Pelham, William E, Gnagy, Beth , Fabiano, Gregory A, Waxmonsky, James G, Yu, Jihnhee . 2012. Q-learning: A data analysis method for constructing adaptive interventions. Psychological methods 17(4):478-494.
- Daniel Almirall, Lin, Pao-Hwa , Wang, Yanfang , Grambow, Steven C, Goggins, William . 2012. Dietary Saturated Fat Intake Is Negatively Associated With Weight Maintenance Among the PREMIER Participants. Obesity 20(3):571-575.
- Daniel Almirall, Lizotte, Daniel James, Murphy, Susan A.. 2012. SMART Design Issues and the Consideration of Opposing Outcomes: Discussion of "Evaluation of Viable Dynamic Treatment Regimes in a Sequentially Randomized Trial of Advanced Prostate Cancer" by by Wang, Rotnitzky, Lin, Millikan, and Thall.. Journal of the American Statistical Association 107(498):509-512.
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Compton, Scott N, Gunlicks-Stoessel, Meredith , Duan, Naihua . 2012. Designing a pilot sequential multiple assignment randomized trial for developing an adaptive treatment strategy. Statistics in medicine 31(17):1887-1902.
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Compton, Scott N, Rynn, Moira A, Walkup, John T. 2012. SMARTer Discontinuation Trial Designs for Developing an Adaptive Treatment Strategy. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology 22(5):364-374.
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., McCaffrey, Daniel , Ramchand, Rajeev . 2011. Subgroups Analysis when Treatment and Moderators are Time-varying. Prevention Science 14(2):169-178.
- Daniel Almirall, Franklin, Martin E, Sapyta, Jeffrey , Freeman, Jennifer B, Khanna, Muniya , Compton, Scott , Moore, Phoebe , Choate-Summers, Molly , Garcia, Abbe , Edson, Aubrey L, Foa, Edna B, March, John S. 2011. Cognitive Behavior Therapy Augmentation of Pharmacotherapy in Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderThe Pediatric OCD Treatment Study II (POTS II) Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 306(11):1224-1232.
- Daniel Almirall, Montserrat Sánchez-Ortuño, M , Edinger, Jack D, Means, Melanie K. 2010. Home Is Where Sleep Is: An Ecological Approach to Test the Validity of Actigraphy for the Assessment of Insomnia. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 6(1):21-29.
- Daniel Almirall, Bosworth, Hayden , Weiner, Bryan , Maciejewski, Mathew , Kaufman, Miriam , Powers, Benjamin , Oddone, Eugene , Lee, Shoou-Yih , Damush, Teresa , Smith, Valerie , Olsen, Maren , Anderson, Daren , Roumie, Christianne , Rakley, Susan , Del Monte, Pamela , Bowen, Michael , Kravetz, Jeffrey , Jackson, George . 2010. The implementation of a translational study involving a primary care based behavioral program to improve blood pressure control: The HTN-IMPROVE study protocol (01295). Implementation Science 5(1):1-13.
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Coffman, C J, Yancy Jr, William S. 2010. Maximum likelihood estimation of the structural nested mean model using SAS PROC NLP. Analysis of observational health care data using SAS
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Coffman, C J, Yancy Jr, William S. 2010. Structural nested models. Analysis of observational health-care data using SAS
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Ten Have, Thomas . 2010. Structural Nested Mean Models for Assessing Time-Varying Effect Moderation. Biometrics 66(1):131-139.
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A.. 2009. Dynamic Treatment Regimes. Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making
- Daniel Almirall, Mithas, S , Krishnan, M S. 2009. A framework for causal enquiry in information systems for observational studies. Economics, information systems, and electronic commerce : advanced empirical methodologies
- Daniel Almirall, Gellad, Ziad F, Provenzale, Dawn , Fisher, Deborah A. 2009. Time from Positive Screening Fecal Occult Blood Test to Colonoscopy and Risk of Neoplasia. Digestive diseases and sciences 54(11):2497-2502.
- Daniel Almirall, Yancy Jr, William S, Maciejewski, Matthew L, Kolotkin, Ronette L, McDuffie, Jennifer R, Westman, Eric C. 2009. Effects of two weight-loss diets on health-related quality of life. Quality of Life Research 18(3):281.
- Daniel Almirall, Mithas, Sunil , Krishnan, M S. 2006. Do CRM Systems Cause One-to-One Marketing Effectiveness?. Statistical Science 21(2):223-233.
- Daniel Almirall, Murphy, Susan A., Bray, B C, Zimmerman, R S, Lynam, D . 2006. Assessing the Total Effect of Time-Varying Predictors in Prevention Research. Prevention Science 7(1):1-17.
- Daniel Almirall, Newburger, Jane W, Wypij, David , Bellinger, David C, du Plessis, Adre J, Kuban, Karl C. K., Rappaport, Leonard A, Wessel, David L, Jonas, Richard A, Wernovsky, Gil . 2003. Length of stay after infant heart surgery is related to cognitive outcome at age 8 years. The Journal of pediatrics 143(1):67.