Research Professor Emeritus, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research and Professor Emeritus, Economics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Funded Research
- Robert J Willis, Carr, Dawn C, Kail, Ben Lennox, Carstensen, Laura L. 2020. Alternative Retirement Paths and Cognitive Performance: Exploring the Role of Preretirement Job Complexity. The Gerontologist 60(3):460-471.
- Amanda J Sonnega, Robert J Willis, Gwenith Gwyn Fisher, Hudomiet, Peter . 2017. A Comparison of Subjective and Objective Job Demands and Fit With Personal Resources as Predictors of Retirement Timing in a National U.S. Sample. Work, Aging and Retirement 4(1):37-51.
- Brooke Helppie-McFall, Robert J Willis, Murray-Close, Marta , Chen, Uniko . 2015. Is It All Worth It? The Experiences of New PhDs on the Job Market, 2007-10. The Journal of Economic Education 46(1):83-104.
- Robert J Willis. 2014. Expectations, Aging and Cognitive Decline. Discoveries in the Economics of Aging :305-337.
- Robert J Willis, Hsu, Joanne W. 2013. Dementia Risk and Financial Decision Making by Older Households: The Impact of Information. Journal of Human Capital 7(4):340-377.
- Robert J Willis, Hudomiet, Peter . 2013. Estimating Second Order Probability Beliefs from Subjective Survival Data. Decision Analysis 10(2):152-170.
- Robert J Willis, Parker, Andrew M, de Bruin, Wändi Bruine, Yoong, Joanne . 2012. Inappropriate Confidence and Retirement Planning: Four Studies with a National Sample. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 25(4):382-389.
- Robert J Willis, Gwenith Gwyn Fisher. 2012. Research Methods in Retirement Research. The Oxford Handbook of Retirement Wang, Mo
- Robert J Willis, Hudomiet, Peter . 2011. Stock market crash and expectations of American households. Journal of Applied Econometrics 26(3):393-415.
- Robert J Willis, Smith, James P, McArdle, John J. 2010. Financial Decision Making and Cognition in a Family Context. The Economic Journal 120(548):F363-F380.
- Robert J Willis, Rohwedder, Susann . 2010. Mental Retirement. Journal of Economic Perspectives 24(1):119-38.
- Robert J Willis. 2009. Lifecycle asset allocation strategies and the distribution of 401(k) retirement wealth: Comment. Developments in the economics of aging :50.
- Robert J Willis, Brien, M . 2008. Costs and Consequences for the Fathers. Kids having kids: economic costs and social consequences of teen pregnancy
- Robert J Willis. 2008. Interpreting norms of obligation as planner’s preferences for distributional justice : a formal economic model. Intergenerational caregiving :341.
- Kenneth M Langa, Gwenith Gwyn Fisher, Steven G Heeringa, David R Weir, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Robert J Willis, Burke, James F., Rodgers, Willard L., Plassman, B , Hurd, M , Potter, G , Steffens, D , McArdle, J , Wallace, R . 2008. Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment without Dementia in the United States. Annals of Internal Medicine 148(6):427-434.
- Robert J Willis. 2008. Interpreting norms of obligation as planner's preferences for distributional justice : a formal economic model. Intergenerational caregiving :341.
- Robert J Willis. 2008. Ageing in the U.S.: The Health and Retirement Study. Social protection in an ageing world :47.
- Robert J Willis. 2008. Ageing in the U.S.: The Health and Retirement Study. Social protection in an ageing world :47.
- Kenneth M Langa, Gwenith Gwyn Fisher, Steven G Heeringa, David R Weir, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Robert J Willis, Burke, James F., Rodgers, Willard L., Plassman, B L, Hurd, M D, Potter, G G, Steffens, D C, Wallace, R B. 2007. Prevalence of Dementia in the United States: The Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study. Neuroepidemiology 29(1/2):125-132.
- Norbert Schwarz, Robert J Willis, McFadden, Daniel L., Bemmaor, A C, Caro, F G, Dominitz, J , Jun, B H, Lewbel, A , Matzkin, R L, Molinary, F , Winter, J K. 2005. Statistical analysis of choice experiments and surveys. Marketing Letters 16(3/4):183-196.
- Robert J Willis, Hauser, Robert Mason. 2005. Two voyages underway: Survey design and methodology in the Health and Retirement Study and the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. Population and Development Review 30(Supplement)
- Robert J Willis. 2005. Individual Subjective Survival Curves: Comment. Analyses in the Economics of Aging :402-411.
- Kenneth M Langa, Steven G Heeringa, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Gwenith Gwyn Fisher, David R Weir, Robert J Willis, Herzog, Anna R., Burke, James F., Fultz, Nancy, Rodgers, Willard L., Plassman, Brenda L, Wallace, Robert B, Hurd, Michael D, Potter, Guy G, Steffens, D . 2005. The aging, demographics, and memory study: Study design and methods. Neuroepidemiology 25(4):181-191.
- Robert J Willis. 2005. Utility Evaluation of Risk in Retirement Saving Accounts: Comment. Analyses in the Economics of Aging :53-57.
- Robert J Willis, David R Weir, Herzog, Anna R.. 2004. Research on aging. A Telescope on Society: Survey Research and Social Science at the University of Michigan and Beyond
- Robert J Willis, Rosen, Sherwin . 2004. Education and Self-Selection. Markets and diversity :170-204.
- Kenneth M Langa, David R Weir, Robert J Willis, Larsen, E B, Wallace, Robert B, Fendrick, A Mark, Foster, Norman L, Kabeto, Mohammed U. 2004. Out-of-Pocket Health Care Expenditures Among Older Americans With Dementia. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders 18(2):90-98.
- David R Weir, Robert J Willis, Sevak, Purvi . 2004. The Economic Consequence of a Husband's Death: Evidence from HRS and AHEAD. Social Security Bulletin 65(3):31-44.
- Robert J Willis. 2004. Child Support and the Problem of Economic Incentives. The law and economics of child support payments :31-59.
- Robert J Willis, Lillard, Lee A. 2003. Dynamic Aspects of Earning Mobility. The economics of poverty and inequality 2
- Robert J Willis, Rosen, Sherwin . 2003. Education and Self-Selection. The economics of schooling and school quality 1:73-102.
- Robert J Willis. 2003. Microeconomics of demographic behavior. Encyclopedia of Population :632-637.
- Robert J Willis, Frankenberg, Elizabeth , Lillard, Lee A. 2002. Patterns of Intergenerational Transfers in Southeast Asia. Journal of Marriage and the Family 64(3):627-641.
- Kenneth M Langa, David R Weir, Robert J Willis, Herzog, Anna R., Foster, Norman L, Kabeto, Mohammed U, Fendrick, A Mark. 2002. Out-of-Pocket Health Care Expenditures Among Elderly Individuals With Dementia in the US. Neurobiology of Aging 23(1):S45.
- Kenneth M Langa, David R Weir, Robert J Willis, Hayward, Rodney A., Vijan, Sandeep , Chernew, Michael , Blaum, Caroline S, Kabeto, Mohammed U, Katz, Steven J. 2002. Informal Caregiving for Diabetes and Diabetic Complications Among Elderly Americans. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 57(3):S177-S186.
- Michael W Traugott, Brader,Ted, Richard T Curtin, Jackson, James Sidney, Kinder,Donald R, Matthew D Shapiro, Tessler,Mark A, David R Weir, Robert J Willis, Featherman, David, Groves, Robert M., Hill, Martha Scott, Juster, F. Thomas, Kahn, Robert L., Pennell, Beth-Ellen, Coral, Deborah A, Kennedy, C . 2002. How Americans Responded: A Study of Public Reactions to 9/11/01. PS-Political Science & Politics 35(3):511-516.
- Robert J Willis. 2001. How Does a Community’s Demographic Composition Alter Its Fiscal Burdens? Comment. Demographic change and fiscal policy :155-158.
- Robert J Willis, Weinstein, Maxine . 2001. Stretching Social Surveys to Include Bioindicators: Possibilities for The Health and Retirement Study, Experience from The Taiwan Study of the Elderly. Cells and Surveys: Should Biological Measures be Included In Social Research?
- Kenneth M Langa, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Robert J Willis, Herzog, Anna R., Chernew, Michael , Wallace, Robert B, Mucha, L M, Straus, W L. 2001. National Estimates of the Quantity and Cost of Informal Caregiving for the Elderly with Dementia. Journal of General Internal Medicine 16(11):770-778.
- Robert J Willis. 2001. How Does a Community's Demographic Composition Alter Its Fiscal Burdens? Comment. Demographic change and fiscal policy :155-158.
- Robert J Willis, Hill, Daniel H. 2001. Reducing Panel Attrition: A Search for Effective Policy Instruments.. Journal of Human Resources 36(3):416-438.
- Robert J Willis. 2000. The Economics of Fatherhood. American Economic Review 90(2):378-382.
- David R Weir, Robert J Willis. 2000. Prospects for Widow Poverty. Forecasting retirement needs and retirement wealth :208-234.
- Robert J Willis. 1999. A Theory of Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing. Journal of Political Economy 107(6):S33-64.
- Robert J Willis. 1999. Theory Confronts Data: How the HRS Is Shaped by the Economics of Aging and How the Economics of Aging Will Be Shaped by the HRS. Labour Economics 6(2):119-145.
- Robert J Willis, Smith, James P. 1999. Wealth, work, and health: Innovations in measurement in the social sciences: Essays in honor of F. Thomas Juster.
- Robert J Willis, Wray, Linda, Herzog, Anna R., Wallace, Robert B. 1998. The impact of education and heart attack on smoking cessation among middle-aged adults. Journal of health & social behavior 39(4):271-294.
- Robert J Willis. 1997. A New Approach to the Economic Theory of Fertility Behavior. The economics of population: Key modern writings 2:485-538.
- Robert J Willis, Brien, Michael J. 1997. The partners of welfare mothers: Earnings and child support potential. Future of Children 7(1):65-73.
- Robert J Willis, Lillard, Lee A. 1997. Motives for Intergenerational Transfers: Evidence from Malaysia. Demography 34 (1): 115-134
- Robert J Willis, Weiss, Yoram . 1997. Match Quality, New Information, and Marital Dissolution. Journal of Labor Economics 15 (1) pt. 2: S293-S329
- Robert J Willis, Brien, Michael J. 1996. The costs and consequences of early fatherhood: The impact on young men, young women and their children. Kids having kids: Economic costs and Social consequences of teen pregnancy
- Robert J Willis, Haaga, John G. 1996. Economic Approaches to Understanding Nonmarital Fertility. Population and Development Review 22:67-86.
- Robert J Willis, Parish, William L. 1995. Daughters, Education, and Family Budgets: Taiwan Experiences. Investment in women's human capital :239-272.
- Robert J Willis, Lillard, Lee A. 1994. Intergenerational Educational Mobility: Effects of Family and State in Malaysia. Journal of Human Resources 29(4):1126-1166.
- Robert J Willis, Lee, Yean-Ju , Parish, William L. 1994. Sons, daughters, and intergenerational support in Taiwan. American Journal of Sociology 99:p1010(32).
- Robert J Willis, Weiss, Yoram . 1993. Transfers among Divorced Couples: Evidence and Interpretation. Journal of Labor Economics 11(4):629-679.
- Robert J Willis, Parish, William L. 1993. Daughters, Education, and Family Budgets: Taiwan Experiences. Journal of Human Resources 28(4):863-898.
- Robert J Willis. 1988. Life Cycles, Institutions, and Population Growth: A Theory of the Equilibrium Interest Rate in an Overlapping Generations Model. Economics of changing age distributions in developed countries :106-38..
- Robert J Willis. 1987. What Have We Learned from the Economics of the Family?. American Economic Review 77(2):68-81.
- Robert J Willis. 1987. Externalities and Population. Population growth and economic development: Issues and evidence :661-702.
- Robert J Willis. 1986. Wage Determinants: A Survey and Reinterpretation of Human Capital Earnings Functions. Handbook of labor economics 1:525-602.
- Robert J Willis, Weiss, Yoram . 1985. Children as Collective Goods and Divorce Settlements. Journal of Labor Economics 3(3):268-292.
- Robert J Willis. 1982. The Direction of Intergenerational Transfers and Demographic Transition: The Caldwell Hypothesis Reexamined. Population and Development Review 8:207-234.
- Robert J Willis, James, Estelle , Neuberger, Egon . 1979. On Managerial Rewards and Self-Selection: Risk Taking in Public Enterprises: A Comment on A. Bergson, "Managerial Risks and Rewards in Public Enterprises". Journal of Comparative Economics 3(4):395-406.
- Robert J Willis, Heckman, James J. 1979. Reply to Mincer and Ofek [The Distribution of Lifetime Labor Force Participation of Married Women]. Journal of Political Economy 87(1):203-211.
- Robert J Willis, Lillard, Lee A. 1978. Dynamic Aspects of Earning Mobility. Econometrica 46(5):985-1012.
- Robert J Willis, Heckman, James J. 1977. A Beta-logistic Model for the Analysis of Sequential Labor Force Participation by Married Women. Journal of Political Economy 85(1):27-58.
- Robert J Willis. 1973. A New Approach to the Economic Theory of Fertility Behavior. Journal of Political Economy 81(2):S14-64.