Adjunct Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
Funded Research
- Norbert Schwarz, Ellsworth, Phoebe C., O'Brien, Ed , Kristal, Alexander C. 2018. (Mis)imagining the good life and the bad life: Envy and pity as a function of the focusing illusion. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 75:41-53.
- Sunghee Lee, Norbert Schwarz, Tuba Suzer Gurtekin, Keusch, Florian , Liu, Mingnan . 2018. Cross-cultural Comparability of Response Patterns of Subjective Probability Questions. Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) :455-475.
- Norbert Schwarz, Ellsworth, Phoebe C., Chen, Patricia . 2015. Finding a Fit or Developing It: Implicit Theories About Achieving Passion for Work. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41(10):1411-1424.
- Vicki A Freedman, Norbert Schwarz, Carr, Deborah S., Cornman, J C. 2014. Happy Marriage, Happy Life? Marital Quality and Subjective Well-Being in Later Life. Journal of marriage and the family 76(5):930-948.
- Vicki A Freedman, Frederick G Conrad, Norbert Schwarz, Stafford, Frank P., Cornman, J . 2014. Does Time Fly When You Are Having Fun? A Day Reconstruction Method Analysis. Journal of happiness studies 15(3):639-655.
- Sunghee Lee, Norbert Schwarz. 2014. Question Context and Priming Meaning of Health: Effect on Differences in Self-Rated Health Between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Whites. American journal of public health 104(1):179-185.
- Sunghee Lee, Norbert Schwarz, Goldstein, Leanne Streja. 2014. Culture-Sensitive Question Order Effects of Self-Rated Health Between Older Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Adults in the United States. Journal of aging and health 26(5):860-883.
- Vicki A Freedman, Norbert Schwarz, Frederick G Conrad, Stafford, Frank P.. 2013. Measuring Time Use of Older Couples: Lessons from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Field Methods 25(4):405-422.
- Oyserman,Daphna R, Norbert Schwarz, Uskul, Ayse K, Lee, Spike W. S., Xu, Alison Jing. 2013. How Successful You Have Been in Life Depends on the Response Scale Used: The Role of Cultural Mindsets in Pragmatic Inferences Drawn from Question Format. Social Cognition 31(2):222-236.
- Chandler,Jesse Joseph, Norbert Schwarz, Morewedge, Carey K, Smith, Robert , Schooler, Jonathan . 2013. Lost in the crowd: Entitative group membership reduces mind attribution. Consciousness and Cognition 22(4):1195-1205.
- Chandler,Jesse Joseph, Norbert Schwarz, Reinhard, David . 2012. To judge a book by its weight you need to know its content: Knowledge moderates the use of embodied cues. Journal of experimental social psychology 48(4):948-952.
- Norbert Schwarz, Cho, Hyejeung . 2012. I Like Your Product When I Like My Photo: Misattribution Using Interactive Virtual Mirrors. Journal of Interactive Marketing 26(4):235.
- Vicki A Freedman, Frederick G Conrad, Norbert Schwarz, Stafford, Frank P., Cornman, Jennifer C. 2012. Assessing Time Diary Quality for Older Couples: An Analysis of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics' Disability and Use of Time (DUST) Supplement. Annals of economics and statistics 105:271-289. PMCID: PMC3613756.
- Vicki A Freedman, Norbert Schwarz, Frederick G Conrad, Stafford, Frank P., Cornman, Jennifer C. 2012. Disability, participation, and subjective wellbeing among older couples. Part Special Issue: Men, masculinities and suicidal behaviour 74(4):588-596.
- Norbert Schwarz, Lee, Spike W. S.. 2012. Bidirectionality, mediation, and moderation of metaphorical effects: The embodiment of social suspicion and fishy smells. Journal of personality and social psychology 103(5):737-749.
- Seifert,Colleen M, Norbert Schwarz, Lewandowsky, Stephan , Ecker, Ullrich K. H., Cook, John . 2012. Misinformation and Its Correction: Continued Influence and Successful Debiasing. Psychological Science in the Public Interest 13(3):106-131.
- Norbert Schwarz, Meier, Brian P, Schnall, Simone , Bargh, John A. 2012. Embodiment in Social Psychology. Topics in Cognitive Science 4(4):705-716.
- Norbert Schwarz, Ellsworth, Phoebe C., O'Brien, Ed . 2012. Today's misery and yesterday's happiness: Differential effects of current life-events on perceptions of past wellbeing. Journal of experimental social psychology 48(4):968-972.
- Norbert Schwarz, Petrova, P , Song, H . 2012. Fluency and social influence: Lessons from judgement and decision making. Six degrees of social influence: Science, application, and the psychology of Robert Cialdini :39-48.
- Norbert Schwarz, Peytchev, Andrey A.. 2012. Total survey error. Modern marketing research : concepts, methods, and cases 2nd:350-353.
- Norbert Schwarz, Reinhard, Marc-André . 2012. The influence of affective states on the process of lie detection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 18(4):377-389.
- Sara Konrath, Norbert Schwarz, Schuldt, Jonathon P. 2012. The Right Angle: Visual Portrayal of Products Affects Observers? Impressions of Owners. Psychology & Marketing 29(10):705-711.
- Norbert Schwarz, Schuldt, Jonathon P, Muller, Dominique . 2012. The "Fair Trade" Effect: Health Halos From Social Ethics Claims. Social Psychological and Personality Science 3(5):581.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2012. Why researchers should think "real-time": A cognitive rationale. Handbook of research methods for studying daily life :22-42.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2012. Feelings-as-information theory. Handbook of theories of social psychology :289-308.
- Norbert Schwarz, Peytchev, Andrey A.. 2012. Self-reports in marketing research: How the questions shape the answers. Modern marketing research : concepts, methods, and cases 2nd:291-295.
- Norbert Schwarz, Smith, Robert W. 2012. When promoting a charity can hurt charitable giving: A metacognitive analysis. Journal of Consumer Psychology 22(4):558.
- Norbert Schwarz, Weaver, Kimberlee . 2012. The Presenter's Paradox. Journal of Consumer Research 39(2):445-460.
- Norbert Schwarz, Winkielman, P , Huber, D E, Kavanagh, L . 2012. Fluency of consistency: When thoughts fit nicely and flow smoothly. Cognitive consistency: A fundamental principle in social cognition :89-111.
- Norbert Schwarz, Xu, Alison Jing, Zwick, Rami . 2012. Washing away your (good or bad) luck: Physical cleansing affects risk-taking behavior.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141(1):26-30.
- Norbert Schwarz, Zhang, Y Charles. 2012. How and Why 1 Year Differs from 365 Days: A Conversational Logic Analysis of Inferences from the Granularity of Quantitative Expressions. Journal of Consumer Research 39(2):pp. 248-259.
- Norbert Schwarz, Park, Denise . 2012. Cognitive Aging: A Primer.
- Vicki A Freedman, Frank P. Stafford, Frederick G Conrad, Norbert Schwarz, Jennifer Cornman C. 2012. Assessing Time Diary Quality for Older Couples: An Analysis of the Panel Study of Income Dynamicsâ Disability and Use of Time (DUST) Supplement. Annals of economics and statistics 105:271-289. PMCID: PMC3613756.
- P. Winkielman, D. E. Huber, L. Kavanagh, Norbert Schwarz. 2012. Fluency of consistency: When thoughts fit nicely and flow smoothly. Cognitive consistency: A fundamental principle in social cognition :89-111.
- P. Petrova, Norbert Schwarz, H. Song. 2012. Fluency and social influence: Lessons from judgement and decision making. Six degrees of social influence: Science, application, and the psychology of Robert Cialdini :39-48.
- Norbert Schwarz, Andrey Peytchev. 2012. Self-reports in marketing research: How the questions shape the answers. Modern marketing research : concepts, methods, and cases :291-295.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2012. Why researchers should think “real-time”: A cognitive rationale. Handbook of research methods for studying daily life :22-42.
- Norbert Schwarz, Lee, Spike W. S.. 2011. Wiping the Slate Clean. Current Directions in Psychological Science 20(5):307-311.
- Norbert Schwarz, Nickerson, C , Diener, E . 2011. Positive Affect and College Success. Journal of Happiness Studies 12(4):717-746.
- Norbert Schwarz, Sagiv, L , Sverdlik, N . 2011. To compete or to cooperate? Values' impact on perception and action in social dilemma games. European Journal of Social Psychology 41(1):64-77.
- Sara Konrath, Norbert Schwarz, Schuldt, J P. 2011. "Global warming" or "climate change"?. Public opinion quarterly 75(1):115-124.
- Norbert Schwarz, Oyserman,Daphna R. 2011. Asking questions about behavior: Self -reports in evaluation research. Social psychology and evaluation :244-263.
- Norbert Schwarz, Xu, J . 2011. Why don't we learn from poor choices? The consistency of expectation, choice, and memory clouds the lessons of experience. Journal of Consumer Psychology 21(2):142-145.
- Norbert Schwarz, Skurnik, I , Yoon, C . 2011. Thinking about health and obesity: How consumers' mental experiences influence health judgments. Leveraging consumer psychology for effective health communications: The obesity challenge :1335-1350.
- I. Skurnik, C. Yoon, Norbert Schwarz. 2011. Thinking about health and obesity: How consumers’ mental experiences influence health judgments. Leveraging consumer psychology for effective health communications: The obesity challenge :1335-1350.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert . 2010. Mental Construal and the Emergence of Assimilation and Contrast Effects: The Inclusion/Exclusion Model. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 42:319.
- Chandler,Jesse Joseph, Norbert Schwarz. 2010. Use does not wear ragged the fabric of friendship: Thinking of objects as alive makes people less willing to replace them. Journal of Consumer Psychology 20(2):138-145.
- Norbert Schwarz, Cho, H . 2010. I like those glasses on you, but not in the mirror: Fluency, preference, and virtual mirrors. Journal of Consumer Psychology 20(4):471-475.
- Norbert Schwarz, Drolet, Aimee Leigh, Yoon, Carolyn . 2010. The aging consumer : perspectives from psychology and economics. Marketing and consumer psychology series; Variation: Marketing and consumer psychology series. :301.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kim, H , Park, K . 2010. Will This Trip Really Be Exciting? The Role of Incidental Emotions in Product Evaluation. Journal of Consumer Research 36(6):983.
- Norbert Schwarz, Lee, Spike W. 2010. Dirty Hands and Dirty Mouths: Embodiment of the Moral-Purity Metaphor is Specific to the Motor Modality Involved in Moral Transgression. Psychological Science 21(10):1423-1425.
- Norbert Schwarz, Lee, Spike W. S.. 2010. Washing Away Postdecisional Dissonance. Science 328(5979):709.
- Norbert Schwarz, Lee, Spike W. S., Taubman, Danielle , Hou, Mengyuan . 2010. Sneezing in Times of a Flu Pandemic: Public Sneezing Increases Perception of Unrelated Risks and Shifts Preferences for Federal Spending. Psychological Science 21(3):375-377.
- Norbert Schwarz, Schuldt, J P. 2010. The "organic" path to obesity? organic claims influence calorie judgments and exercise recommendations. Judgment and Decision Making 5(3):144-150.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2010. Meaning in context: Metacognitive experiences. The mind in context :105.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2010. Measurement as cooperative communication: What research participants learn from questionnaires. The SAGE handbook of measurement :43.
- Norbert Schwarz, Oyserman,Daphna R, Peytcheva, Emilia . 2010. Cognition, communication, and culture: Implications for the survey response process. Survey methods in multinational, multiregional, and multicultural contexts :177.
- Norbert Schwarz, Song, Hyunjin . 2010. If it's easy to read, it's easy to do, pretty, good and true. The Psychologist 23(2):108-111.
- Oyserman,Daphna R, Norbert Schwarz, Uskul, A K. 2010. Cultural emphasis on honor, modesty, or self-enhancement: Implications for the survey response process. Survey methods in multinational, multiregional, and multicultural contexts :191.
- Norbert Schwarz, Yoon, Carolyn , Feinberg, Fred M. 2010. Why do older consumers tell us they are more satisfied?. The aging consumer : perspectives from psychology and economics :209.
- Arland Thornton, Barber, Jennifer S, Barber, Jennifer S, Julie Ann Josefosky de Jong, Colter Mitchell, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Norbert Schwarz, Linda C Young-Demarco, Jiang, Yang , Julie Ann Josefosky de Jong, King, Katherine E, Lesthaeghe, Ron J., Mehanna, Sohair , Colter Mitchell, Moaddel, Mansoor, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Norbert Schwarz, Wang, Guangzhou , Xie, Yu, Yang, Li-Shou, Linda C Young-Demarco, Yount, Kathryn . 2010. Creating Questions and Protocols for an International Study of Ideas About Development and Family Life. Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional and Multicultural Conexts
- Arland Thornton, ..., Barber, Jennifer S, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Colter Mitchell, Norbert Schwarz, Linda C Young-Demarco, et al.. 2010. Creating questions and protocols for an international study of development and family life. Survey methods in multinational, multiregional, and multicultural contexts
- Norbert Schwarz, Oyserman,Daphna R, Peytcheva,Emilia A. 2010. Cognition, communication, and culture: Implications for the survey response process. Survey methods in multinational, multiregional, and multicultural contexts :177.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2010. Measurement as cooperative communication: What research participants learn from questionnaires. The SAGE handbook of measurement :43.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2010. Meaning in context: Metacognitive experiences. The mind in context :105.
- Norbert Schwarz, ChandIer, J . 2009. How extending your middle finger affects your perception of others: Learned movements influence concept accessibility. Journal of experimental social psychology 45(1):123.
- Chandler,Jesse Joseph, Sara Konrath, Norbert Schwarz. 2009. Online and On My Mind: Temporary and Chronic Accessibility Moderate the Influence of Media Figures. Media Psychology 12(2):210.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kahneman, Daniel . 2009. Life-satisfaction. The Oxford companion to emotion and the affective sciences :499.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kahneman, Daniel . 2009. Pleasure. The Oxford companion to emotion and the affective sciences :309.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kahneman, Daniel . 2009. Well-Being. The Oxford companion to emotion and the affective sciences :413.
- Norbert Schwarz, Krueger, A , Kahneman, D , Fischler, C , Schkade, D , Stone, A . 2009. Time Use and Subjective Well-Being in France and the U.S.. Social Indicators Research 93(1):7.
- Norbert Schwarz, Krueger, Alan B, Kahneman, Daniel , Schkade, D , Stone, A . 2009. National time accounting: The currency of life. Measuring the subjective well-being of nations : national accounts of time use and well-being :9.
- Norbert Schwarz, Krueger, Alan B, Kahneman, Daniel , Schkade, D , Stone, A . 2009. Rejoinder. Measuring the subjective well-being of nations : national accounts of time use and well-being :243.
- Norbert Schwarz, Sanna, Lawrence J, Kennedy, L A. 2009. It's hard to imagine: Mental simulation, metacognitive experiences, and the success of debiasing. Handbook of imagination and mental simulation :197.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2009. Mental construal in social judgment. Social cognition : the basis of human interaction :121.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kahneman, Daniel , Xu, J . 2009. Global and episodic reports of hedonic experience. Calendar and time diary : methods in life course research :157.
- Norbert Schwarz, Song, Hyunjin , Xu, J . 2009. When thinking is difficult: Metacognitive experiences as information. Social psychology of consumer behavior :201.
- Norbert Schwarz, Song, Hyunjin . 2009. If It's Difficult to Pronounce, It Must Be Risky: Fluency, Familiarity, and Risk Perception. Psychological Science 20(2):135-138.
- Norbert Schwarz, Xu, J . 2009. Do We Really Need a Reason to Indulge?. JMR, Journal of Marketing Research 46(1):25.
- Norbert Schwarz, Zhang, C Y. 2009. Looking for Great Discounts-How Store Coupons Shape Attention, Product Memory, and Store Impressions. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol Xxxvi 36:1058-1059.
- Lawrence J. Sanna, Norbert Schwarz, L. A. Kennedy. 2009. It’s hard to imagine: Mental simulation, metacognitive experiences, and the success of debiasing. Handbook of imagination and mental simulation :197.
- Alan B. Krueger, Daniel Kahneman, D. Schkade, Norbert Schwarz, A. Stone. 2009. National time accounting: The currency of life. Measuring the subjective well-being of nations : national accounts of time use and well-being :9.
- Norbert Schwarz, Cho, Hyejeung . 2008. Of great art and untalented artists: Effort information and the flexible construction of judgmental heuristics. Journal of Consumer Psychology 18(3):205-211.
- Norbert Schwarz, Cho, Hyejeung , Song, Hyunjin . 2008. Images and preferences: A feelings-as-information analysis. Visual marketing : from attention to action :259.
- Norbert Schwarz, Hippler, Hans-Jurgen . 2008. Not forbidding isn't allowing: The cognitive basis of the forbid-allow asymmetry. Attitude measurement 3
- Norbert Schwarz, Hippler, Hans-Jurgen . 2008. "No opinion" filters: A cognitive perspective. Attitude measurement 2
- Norbert Schwarz, Labroo, A , Dhar, R . 2008. Of Frog Wines and Frowning Watches: Semantic Priming, Perceptual Fluency, and Brand Evaluation. Journal of Consumer Research 34(6):819.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2008. The psychology of survey response. The SAGE handbook of public opinion research :374.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2008. Attitude Measurement. Attitudes and attitude change :41.
- Norbert Schwarz, Clore, Gerald L. 2008. Mood, misattribution, and judgments of well-being: Informative and directive functions of affective states. Psychology of emotions
- Norbert Schwarz, Oyserman,Daphna R, Knäuper, Bärbel , Stitch, C . 2008. The psychology of asking questions. International handbook of survey methodology :18.
- Norbert Schwarz, Song, H . 2008. Fluency and the Detection of Misleading Questions: Low Processing Fluency Attenuates the Moses Illusion. Social Cognition 26(6):791.
- Norbert Schwarz, Song, Hyunjin . 2008. If It's Hard to Read, It's Hard to Do: Processing Fluency Affects Effort Prediction and Motivation. Psychological Science 19(10):986-988.
- Norbert Schwarz, Stone, A , Broderick, J , Schwartz, J . 2008. Context Effects in Survey Ratings of Health, Symptoms, and Satisfaction. Medical care 46(7):662.
- Norbert Schwarz, Weaver, Kimberlee . 2008. Self-reports in consumer research. Handbook of consumer psychology :1081.
- Norbert Schwarz, Xu, J , Song, H J, Cho, H J. 2008. "From Feelings to Judgments: Constructing Heuristics on the Spot". Advances in Consumer Research, Vol 35 35:136-137.
- Hans-Jurgen Hippler, Norbert Schwarz. 2008. Not forbidding isn’t allowing: The cognitive basis of the forbid-allow asymmetry. Attitude measurement 3
- Norbert Schwarz, Kahneman, Daniel , Krueger, Alan B, Schkade, David A, Stone, A A. 2007. A survey method for characterizing daily life experience: The day reconstruction method (DRM). Recent developments in behavioral economics :105.
- Norbert Schwarz, Knäuper, Bärbel , Park, Denise C, Fritsch, A . 2007. The perils of interpreting age differences in attitude reports: Question order effects decrease with age. Journal of Official Statistics 23(4):515-528.
- Sara Konrath, Norbert Schwarz. 2007. Do Male Politicians Have Big Heads? Face-ism in Online Self-Representations of Politicians. Media Psychology 10(3):436.
- Norbert Schwarz, Nickerson, Carol , Diener, Ed . 2007. Financial aspirations, financial success, and overall life satisfaction: who? and how?. Journal of Happiness Studies 8(4):467-515.
- Norbert Schwarz, Nickerson, Carol , Diener, Ed , Kahneman, Daniel . 2007. Zeroing in on the dark side of the American dream: A closer look at the consequences of the goal for financial success. Recent developments in behavioral economics :289.
- Norbert Schwarz, Novemsky, Nathan , Dhar, Ravi , Simonson, Itamar . 2007. Preference Fluency in Choice. JMR, Journal of Marketing Research 44(3):347.
- Norbert Schwarz, Sanna, Lawrence J. 2007. Metacognitive experiences and hindsight bias: It's not just the thought (content) that counts!. Social Cognition 25(1):185-202.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2007. Cognitive Aspects of Survey Methodology. Applied Cognitive Psychology 21(2):277-287.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2007. Evaluating Surveys and Questionnaires. Critical thinking in psychology. :54-74.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2007. Retrospective and concurrent self-reports: The rationale for real-time data capture. The science of real-time data capture : self-reports in health research :11-26.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2007. Self-reports: How the questions shape the answers. Attitudes : their structure, function, and consequences :49.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2007. Attitude Construction: Evaluation in Context. Social Cognition 25(5):638.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert . 2007. Mental Construal Processes: The Inclusion/Exclusion Model. Assimilation and contrast in social psychology. :119-141.
- Norbert Schwarz, Clore, Gerald L. 2007. Feelings and phenomenal experiences. Social psychology : handbook of basic principles 2nd:385-407.
- Norbert Schwarz, Hippler, Hans-Jurgen . 2007. Response alternatives: The impact of their choice and ordering. Attitude measurement 2
- Norbert Schwarz, Sanna, Lawrence J, Skurnik, Ian , Yoon, Carolyn . 2007. Metacognitive Experiences and the Intricacies of Setting People Straight: Implications for Debiasing and Public Information Campaigns - II Metacognitive Experiences. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 39:129-161.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz . 2007. Thinking about your life: Healthy lessons from social cognition. The scope of social psychology: Theory and applications. :121-136.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz . 2007. Asking questions: Measurement in the social sciences. Psychology's Territories: Historical and contemporary perspectives from different disciplines. :225-250.
- Garcia,Stephen M, Norbert Schwarz, Weaver, Kimberlee , Miller, Dale T. 2007. Inferring the popularity of an opinion from its familiarity: A repetitive voice can sound like a chorus. Journal of personality and social psychology 92(5):821-833.
- Norbert Schwarz, Wittenbrink, Bernd . 2007. Introduction. Implicit measures of attitudes. :1-13.
- Norbert Schwarz, Wittenbrink, Bernd . 2007. Implicit measures of attitudes.
- Norbert Schwarz, Xu, J . 2007. Do We Really Need a Reason to Indulge?. Advances in Consumer Research Vol Xxxiv 34:456-457.
- Daniel Kahneman, Alan B. Krueger, David A. Schkade, Norbert Schwarz, A. A. Stone. 2007. A survey method for characterizing daily life experience: The day reconstruction method (DRM). Recent developments in behavioral economics :105.
- Norbert Schwarz, Hans-Jurgen Hippler. 2007. Response alternatives: The impact of their choice and ordering. Attitude measurement 2
- Norbert Schwarz. 2007. Self-reports: How the questions shape the answers. Attitudes : their structure, function, and consequences :49.
- Ybarra,Oscar, Norbert Schwarz, Chan, Emily . 2006. Reversing the affective congruency effect: The role of target word frequency of occurrence. Journal of experimental social psychology 42(3):365-372.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kahneman, Daniel , Krueger, Alan B, Schkade, David A, Stone, Arthur A. 2006. Would You Be Happier If You Were Richer? A Focusing Illusion. Science 312(5782):1908-1910.
- Norbert Schwarz, Miyamoto, Yuri . 2006. When conveying a message may hurt the relationship: Cultural differences in the difficulty of using an answering machine. Journal of experimental social psychology 42(4):540-547.
- Norbert Schwarz, Norenzayan, Ara . 2006. Conversational relevance in the presentation of the self. Polish Psychological Bulletin 37:51-54.
- Norbert Schwarz, Reber, Rolf . 2006. Perceptual fluency, preference, and evolution. Polish Psychological Bulletin 37:16-22.
- Norbert Schwarz, Sanna, Lawrence J. 2006. Metacognitive Experiences and Human Judgment: The Case of Hindsight Bias and Its Debiasing. Current Directions in Psychological Science 15(4):172-176.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2006. Attitude Research: Between Ockham's Razor and the Fundamental Attribution Error. Journal of Consumer Research 33(1):19-21.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2006. Feelings, fit, and funny effects: A situated cognition perspective. Journal of Marketing Research 43(1):20-23.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2006. Individualism and Collectivism. Journal of Consumer Psychology 16(4):324.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2006. Measurement: Aging and the Psychology of Self-Report. When I'm 64. :219-230.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2006. on judgments of truth & beauty. Daedalus 135(2):136-138.
- Norbert Schwarz, Smith, Dylan M, Roberts, Todd R, Ubel, Peter A. 2006. Why are you calling me? How study introductions change response patterns. Quality of Life Research 15(4):621-630.
- Norbert Schwarz, Stone, Arthur A, Schwartz, Joseph E, Schkade, David A, Krueger, Alan B, Kahneman, Daniel . 2006. A population approach to the study of emotion: Diurnal rhythms of a working day examined with the day reconstruction method. Emotion 6(1):139-149.
- Norbert Schwarz, Yoon, Yeosun , Gürhan-Canli, Zeynep . 2006. The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities on Companies With Bad Reputations. Journal of Consumer Psychology 16(4):377-390.
- Norbert Schwarz, Robert J Willis, McFadden, Daniel L., Bemmaor, A C, Caro, F G, Dominitz, J , Jun, B H, Lewbel, A , Matzkin, R L, Molinary, F , Winter, J K. 2005. Statistical analysis of choice experiments and surveys. Marketing Letters 16(3/4):183-196.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2005. When Thinking Feels Difficult: Meta-Cognitive Experiences in Judgment and Decision Making. Medical Decision Making 25(1):105-112.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2005. Response process. Polling America : an encyclopedia of public opinion 2:695-701.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Strack, Fritz , Klumpp, Gisela , Rittenauer-Schatka, Helga , Simons, Annette . 2005. Ease of retrieval as information: Another look at the availability heuristic. Social cognition: Key readings :178.
- Norbert Schwarz, Skurnik, Ian , Yoon, Carolyn , Park, Denise C. 2005. How Warnings about False Claims Become Recommendations. Journal of Consumer Research 31(4):713-724.
- Norbert Schwarz, Ubel, Peter A, Loewenstein, George , Smith, Dylan M. 2005. Misimagining the Unimaginable: The Disability Paradox and Health Care Decision Making. Health Psychology 24(4):S57-s62.
- Garcia,Stephen M, Norbert Schwarz, Weaver, Kimberlee , Miller, Dale T. 2005. Metacognitive beliefs about groups. Advances in Consumer Research 32:307-308.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kahneman, Daniel , Krueger, Alan B, Schkade, David A, Stone, Arthur A. 2004. A Survey Method for Characterizing Daily Life Experience: The Day Reconstruction Method. Science 306(5702):1776-1780.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kahneman, Daniel , Krueger, Alan B, Schkade, David A, Stone, Arthur A. 2004. Toward National Well-Being Accounts. American Economic Review 94(2):429.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kemmelmeier, Markus , Bless, Herbert , Bohner, Gerd . 2004. What research participants learn from rewards: A conversational logic analysis of rewarding reasoning performance. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/Current Psychology of Cognition 22(2):267-287.
- Norbert Schwarz, Knäuper, Bärbel . 2004. Why your research may be out of order. Psychologist 17(1):28-31.
- Norbert Schwarz, Knäuper, Bärbel , Park, Denise C. 2004. Frequency Reports Across Age Groups. Journal of official statistics 20(1):91-96.
- Norbert Schwarz, Reber, Rolf , Winkielman, Piotr . 2004. Processing Fluency and Aesthetic Pleasure: Is Beauty in the Perceiver's Processing Experience?. Personality and Social Psychology Review 8(4):364-382.
- Norbert Schwarz, Sanna, Lawrence J. 2004. Integrating Temporal Biases: The Interplay of Focal Thoughts and Accessibility Experiences. Psychological Science 15(7):474-481.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2004. Errors of judgment and the logic of conversation: Comment. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27(3):355.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2004. Metacognitive Experiences in Consumer Judgment and Decision Making. Journal of Consumer Psychology 14(4):332-348.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2004. Metacognitive Experiences: Response to Commentaries. Journal of Consumer Psychology 14(4):370-373.
- Norbert Schwarz, Knäuper, Bärbel . 2004. Kognitionpsychologie and Umfrageforschung: Altersabhangige Kontexteffekteb (Cognitive psychology and survey research: Age-sensitive context effects). Kolner Zeitschrift fur Sozialogie und Sozialpsychologie 44(Special issue on research methods):203-216.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz . 2004. Wie Sie uber Ihr Leben in nachdenken sollten (und wie nicht): Einige Einsichten aus der sozialen Urteilsbildung (How to think (and not to think) about your life: Lessons from social judgement research). Zum Gluck :163-182.
- Norbert Schwarz, Fritz Strack. 2004. Wie Sie uber Ihr Leben in nachdenken sollten (und wie nicht): Einige Einsichten aus der sozialen Urteilsbildung (How to think (and not to think) about your life: Lessons from social judgement research). Zum Glück :163-182.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Wänke, Michaela . 2003. The size of context effects in social judgment. Social judgments: Implicit and explicit processes. :180-197.
- Norbert Schwarz, Johar, Gita Venkataramani, Moreau, Page . 2003. Gender typed advertisements and impression formation: The role of chronic and temporary accessibility. Journal of Consumer Psychology 13(3):220-229.
- Norbert Schwarz, Nickerson, Carol , Diener, Ed , Kahneman, Daniel . 2003. Zeroing on the dark side of the American Dream: A closer look at the negative consequences of the goal for financial success. Psychological Science 14(6):531-536.
- Norbert Schwarz, Riis, Jason . 2003. Approaching and Avoiding Linda: Motor Signals Influence the Conjunction Fallacy. Social Cognition 21(4):247-262.
- Norbert Schwarz, Sanna, Lawrence J. 2003. Debiasing the hindsight bias: The role of accessibility experiences and (mis)attributions. Journal of experimental social psychology 39(3):287-295.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2003. Self-reports in consumer research: The challenge of comparing cohorts and cultures. Journal of Consumer Research 29(4):588-594.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2003. Culture-sensitive context effects: A challenge for cross-cultural surveys. Cross-cultural survey methods
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Wänke, Michaela , Winkielman, Piotr . 2003. Accessibility revisited. Foundations of Social Cognition: A Festschrift in Honor of Robert S. Wyer, Jr. :51-77.
- Norbert Schwarz, Clore, Gerald L. 2003. Mood as Information: 20 Years Later. Psychological Inquiry 14(3):296-303.
- Norbert Schwarz, Clore, Gerald L. 2003. Mood, misattribution, and judgments of well-being: Informative and directive functions of affective states. Social psychology: a general reader :263.
- Norbert Schwarz, Skurnik, Ian . 2003. Feeling and thinking: Implications for problem solving. The psychology of problem solving. :263-290.
- Norbert Schwarz, Smith, Rachel A. 2003. Language, Social Comparison, and College Football: Is Your School Less Similar to the Rival School than the Rival School is to Your School?. Communication Monographs 70(4):351-360.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz . 2003. Nobelpreis für Daniel Kahneman und die Psychologie. Zeitschrift fur Sozialpsychologie 34(1):3-8.
- Norbert Schwarz, Wänke, Michaela , Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth . 2003. Asking comparative questions: The impact of the direction of comparison. Questionnaires
- Norbert Schwarz, Winkielman, Piotr , Fazendeiro, Tedra A, Reber, Rolf . 2003. The hedonic marking of processing fluency: Implications for evaluative judgment. The psychology of evaluation: Affective processes in cognition and emotion. :189-217.
- Norbert Schwarz, Winkielman, Piotr , Reber, Rolf , Fazendeiro, Tedra A. 2003. Cognitive and affective consequences of visual fluency: When seeing is easy on the mind. Persuasive imagery: A consumer response perspective. :75-89.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, F . 2003. A Nobel Prize for Daniel Kahneman and for Psychology. Zeitschrift Fur Sozialpsychologie 34(1):3/8/2005.
- Norbert Schwarz, Tesser, Abraham . 2003. Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Intraindividual Processes.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kahneman, Daniel , Diener, Ed . 2003. Well-being : the foundations of hedonic psychology.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert . 2002. Konzeptgesteuerte Informationsverarbeitung (Schema driven information processing). Theorien der Sozialpsychologie 2nd:257-278.
- Norbert Schwarz, Chasteen, Alison L, Park, Denise C. 2002. The activation of aging stereotypes in younger and older adults. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 57(6):P540-p547.
- Oyserman,Daphna R, Norbert Schwarz, Haberstroh, Susanne , Kühnen, Ulrich , Ji, Li-Jun . 2002. Is the interdependent self more sensitive to question context than the independent self? Self-construal and the observation of conversational norms. Journal of experimental social psychology 38(3):323-329.
- Norbert Schwarz, Igou, Eric R, Bless, Herbert . 2002. Making sense of standardized survey questions: The influence of reference periods and their repetition. Communication Monographs 69(2):179-187.
- Norbert Schwarz, Knäuper, Bärbel , Park, Denise C. 2002. Selbstberichte im Alter (Self-reports in old age). Perspektiven einer empirischer Alter(n)ssoziolgie :75-98.
- Norbert Schwarz, Sanna, Lawrence J, Small, Eulena M. 2002. Accessibility experiences and the hindsight bias: I knew it all along versus it could never have happened. Memory & cognition 30(8):1288-1296.
- Norbert Schwarz, Sanna, Lawrence J, Stocker, Shevaun L. 2002. When debiasing backfires: Accessible content and accessibility experiences in debiasing hindsight. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 28(3):497-502.
- Norbert Schwarz, Schultze, Charles L, Mackie, Christopher D. 2002. At what price? : conceptualizing and measuring cost-of-living and price indexes. Washington, DC: National Academy Press
- Norbert Schwarz. 2002. Feelings as information: Moods influence judgments and processing strategies. Heuristics and biases: The psychology of intuitive judgment. :534-547.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2002. Where are the unique predictions?. Psychological Inquiry 13(1):87-89.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2002. Situated cognition and the wisdom in feelings: Cognitive tuning. The wisdom in feeling: Psychological processes in emotional intelligence. :144-166.
- Norbert Schwarz, Vaughn, Leigh Ann. 2002. The availability heuristic revisited: Ease of recall and content of recall as distinct sources of information. Heuristics and biases: The psychology of intuitive judgment. :103-119.
- Norbert Schwarz, Wänke, Michaela . 2002. Experiential and contextual heuristics in frequency judgement: Ease of recall and response scales. ETC. Frequency processing and cognition. :89-108.
- Norbert Schwarz, Winkielman, Piotr , Nowak, Andrzej . 2002. Affect and processing dynamics: Perceptual fluency enhances evaluations. Emotional cognition: From brain to behaviour. :111-135.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bickart, Barbara . 2001. Service experiences and satisfaction judgments: The use of affect and beliefs in judgment formation. Journal of Consumer Psychology 11(1):29-41.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Bohner, Gerd , Strack, Fritz . 2001. Mood and persuasion: A cognitive response analysis. Emotions in social psychology: Essential readings. :216-226.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Bodenhausen, Galen V, Thiel, Lutz . 2001. Personalized versus generalized benefits of stereotype disconfirmation: Trade-offs in the evaluation of atypical exemplars and their social groups. Journal of experimental social psychology 37(5):386-397.
- Norbert Schwarz, Chasteen, Alison L, Park, Denise C. 2001. Implementation intentions and facilitation of prospective memory. Psychological Science 12(6):457-461.
- Norbert Schwarz, Reber, Rolf . 2001. The hot fringes of consciousness: Perceptual fluency and affect. Consciousness & Emotion 2(2):223-231.
- Norbert Schwarz, Rothman, Alexander J, Haddock, Geoffrey . 2001. 'How many partners is too many?' Shaping perceptions of personal vulnerability. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 31(10):2195-2214.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2001. Feelings as information: Implications for affective influences on information processing. Theories of mood and cognition: A user's guidebook. :159-176.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2001. Attitude measurement. International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences 1st:905-908.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2001. metacognition in social judgement: The interplay of experiential and declarative information. Psychologie 2000
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- Norbert Schwarz, Bohner, Gerd . 2001. The construction of attitudes. Blackwell handbook of social psychology: intraindividual processes :436-457.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bohner, Gerd . 2001. Attitudes, persuasion and behavior. Blackwell handbook of social psychology: intraindividual processes :413-435.
- Norbert Schwarz, Oyserman,Daphna R. 2001. Asking questions about behavior: Cognition, communication, and questionnaire construction. American Journal of Evaluation 22(2):127-160.
- Norbert Schwarz, Tesser, Abraham . 2001. Blackwell handbook of social psychology: intraindividual processes. Blackwell handbook of social psychology
- Norbert Schwarz, Winkielman, Piotr . 2001. How pleasant was your childhood? Beliefs about memory shape inferences from experienced difficulty of recall. Psychological Science 12(2):176-179.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bishop, George F, Hippler, Hans-Juergen . 2001. A comparison of response effects in self-administered and telephone surveys. Telephone Survey Methodology
- Norbert Schwarz, Singer, Eleanor, Belli, Robert F, Talarico, Jennifer . 2000. Decomposition can harm the accuracy of behavioural frequency reports. Applied Cognitive Psychology 14(4):295-308.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Igou, Eric R, Wänke, Michaela . 2000. Reducing context effects by adding context information: The direction and size of context effects in political judgment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 26(9):1036-1045.
- Norbert Schwarz, Nisbett, Richard E., Ji, Li-Jun . 2000. Culture, autobiographical memory, and behavioral frequency reports: Measurement issues in cross-cultural studies. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 26(5):585-593.
- Norbert Schwarz, Park, Denise C. 2000. Cognitive aging : a primer.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2000. Social judgment and attitudes: Warmer, more social, and less conscious. European Journal of Social Psychology 30(2):149-176.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2000. Attitudes: Attitude Measurement. Encyclopedia of psychology, Vol. 1. :313-317.
- Norbert Schwarz. 2000. In Memoriam: Seymour Sudman, 1928-2000. Public Opinion Quarterly 64(3):351-353.
- Norbert Schwarz, Skurnik, Ian , Winkielman, Piotr . 2000. Drawing inferences from feelings: The role of naive beliefs. The message within: The role of subjective experience in social cognition and behavior. :162-175.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert . 1999. Sufficient and necessary conditions in dual-mode models: The case of mood and information processing. Dual-process theories in social psychology. :423-440.
- Norbert Schwarz, Grayson, Carla E. 1999. Beliefs influence information processing strategies: Declarative and experiential information in risk assessment. Social Cognition 17(1):1-18.
- Norbert Schwarz, Haddock, Geoffrey , Rothman, Alexander J, Reber, Rolf . 1999. Forming judgments of attitude certainty, intensity, and importance: The role of subjective experiences. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 25(7):771-782.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kahneman, Daniel , Diener, Ed . 1999. Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kessler,Ronald C, Knäuper, Bärbel , Cannell, Charles F, Bruce, Martha L. 1999. Improving accuracy of major depression age-of-onset reports in the US National Comorbidity Survey. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 8(1):39-48.
- Norbert Schwarz, Norenzayan, Ara . 1999. Telling what they want to know: Participants tailor causal attributions to researchers' interests. European Journal of Social Psychology 29(8):1011-1020.
- Norbert Schwarz, Reber, Rolf . 1999. Effects of perceptual fluency on judgments of truth. Consciousness and Cognition: An International Journal 8(3):338-342.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1999. Self-reports: How the questions shape the answers. American Psychologist 54(2):93-105.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1999. Self-reports of behaviors and opinions: Cognitive and communicative processes. Cognition, aging, and self-reports. :17-43.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1999. Frequency reports of physical symptoms and health behaviors: How the questionnaire determines the results. Processing of medical information in aging patients: Cognitive and human factors perspectives. :93-108.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1999. Defensible Preferences and the Public: Commentary on "Measuring Constructed Preferences towards a Building Code" by Payne, Bettman and Schkade. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 19(Special Issue):271-272.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1999. Cognitive research int survey measurement: Its impact on cognitive theory and survey methodology. Cognition and survey research :65-76.
- Norbert Schwarz, Knäuper, Bärbel . 1999. Cognition, aging, and self-reports. Cognitive aging: A primer. :233-252.
- Norbert Schwarz, Park, Denise C, Knäuper, Bärbel . 1999. Cognition, aging, and self-reports.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz . 1999. Reports of subjective well-being: Judgmental processes and their methodological implications. Well-being: The foundations of hedonic psychology. :61-84.
- Norbert Schwarz, Tourangeau, Roger, Sirken, Monroe G, Herrmann, Douglas J, Schechter, S , Tanur, J M. 1999. Cognition and survey research.
- Norbert Schwarz, Wänke, Michaela , Bless, Herbert . 1999. Lobster, wine and cigarettes: Ad hoc categories and the emergence of context effects. Marketing Bulletin 10:52-56.
- Norbert Schwarz, Wänke, Michaela , Bless, Herbert . 1999. Assimilation and contrast in brand and product evaluation: Implications for marketing. Advances in Consumer Research 26:95-98.
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- Norbert Schwarz, Belli, Robert F, Winkielman, Piotr , Read, J Don, Lynn, Steven Jay. 1998. Recalling more childhood events leads to judgments of poorer memory: Implications for the recovered/false memory debate. Psychonomic bulletin & review 5(2):318-323.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert . 1998. Context effects in political judgement: Assimilation and contrast as a function of categorization processes. European Journal of Social Psychology 28(2):159-172.
- Kessler,Ronald C, Abelson,Jamie M, Katherine A McGonagle, Norbert Schwarz, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich , Kendler, Kenneth S, Knäuper, Bärbel , Zhao, Shanyang . 1998. Methodological studies of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) in the US national comorbidity survey (NCS). International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 7(1):33-55.
- Norbert Schwarz, Reber, Rolf , Winkielman, Piotr . 1998. Effects of perceptual fluency on affective judgments. Psychological Science 9(1):45-48.
- Norbert Schwarz, Rothman, Alexander J. 1998. Constructing perceptions of vulnerability: Personal relevance and the use of experiential information in health judgments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 24(10):1053-1064.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1998. Warmer and more social: Recent developments in cognitive social psychology. Annual Review of Sociology 24:239-264.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1998. Accessible content and accessibility experiences: The interplay of declarative and experiential information in judgment. Personality and Social Psychology Review 2(2):87-99.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1998. Communication in standardized research situations: A Gricean perspective. Social and cognitive approaches to interpersonal communication. :39-66.
- Norbert Schwarz, Grayson, Carla E, Knäuper, Bärbel . 1998. Formal features of rating scales and the interpretation of question meaning. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 10(2):177-183.
- Norbert Schwarz, Groves, Robert M.. 1998. Survey methods. The handbook of social psychology 4th
- Norbert Schwarz, Stapel, Diederik A, Martin, Leonard L. 1998. The smell of bias: What instigates correction processes in social judgments?. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 24(8):797-806.
- Norbert Schwarz, Stapel, Diederik A. 1998. The Republican who did not want to become president: Colin Powell's impact on evaluations of the Republican party and Bob Dole. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 24(7):690-698.
- Norbert Schwarz, Stapel, Diederik A. 1998. Similarities and Differences between the Impact of Traits and Expectancies: What Matters Is Whether the Target Stimulus Is Ambiguous or Mixed. Journal of experimental social psychology 34(3):227.
- Norbert Schwarz, Wänke, Michaela , Bless, Herbert . 1998. Context effects in product line extensions: Context is not destiny. Journal of Consumer Psychology 7(4):299-322.
- Norbert Schwarz, Winkielman, Piotr , Knäuper, Bärbel . 1998. Looking back at anger: Reference periods change the interpretation of emotion frequency questions. Journal of personality and social psychology 75(3):719-728.
- Norbert Schwarz, Winkielman, Piotr , Belli, Robert F. 1998. The role of ease of retrieval and attribution in memory judgments: Judging your memory as worse despite recalling more events. Psychological Science 9(2):124-126.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kopp, Raymond J, Pommerehne, Werner W. 1997. Determining the value of non-marketed goods : economics, psychological, and policy relevant aspects of contingent valuation methods. Studies in risk and uncertainty ;; 10
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- Norbert Schwarz, Menon, Geeta , Raghubir, Priya . 1997. How much will I spend? Factors affecting consumers' estimates of future expense. Journal of Consumer Psychology 6(2):141-164.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1997. Moods and attitude judgments: A comment on Fishbein and Middlestadt. Journal of Consumer Psychology 6(1):93-98.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1997. Questionnaire design: The rocky road from concepts to questions. Survey measurement and process quality :29-45.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1997. Cognition, communication, and survey measurement: Implications for contingent valuation surveys. Determining the value of non-marketed goods : economics, psychological, and policy relevant aspects of contingent valuation methods :165-188.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1997. Political knowledge, attribution, and inferred interest in politics: the operation of buffer items. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 9:p191(5).
- Norbert Schwarz, Wellens, Tracy . 1997. Cognitive Dynamics of Proxy Responding: The Diverging Perspectives of Actors and Observers. Journal of official statistics 13(2):159.
- Norbert Schwarz, Wänke, Michaela . 1997. Reducing question order effects: The operation of buffer items. Survey measurement and process quality :115-140.
- Norbert Schwarz, Winkielman, Piotr , Zajonc, Robert B. 1997. Subliminal affective priming resists attributional interventions. Cognition & Emotion 11(4):433-465.
- Norbert Schwarz, Banaji, Mahzarin R, Blair, Irene V. 1996. Implicit memory and survey measurement. Answering questions: Methodology for determining cognitive and communicative processes in survey research. :347-372.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Clore, Gerald L, Golisano, Verena , Rabe, Christina , Wölk, Marcus . 1996. Mood and the use of scripts: Does a happy mood really lead to mindlessness?. Journal of personality and social psychology 71(4):665-679.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Kemmelmeier, Markus . 1996. Mood and stereotyping: The impact of moods on the use of general knowledge structures. European Review of Social Psychology 7:63-93.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Wieland, Reiner . 1996. Mood and the impact of category membership and individuating information. European Journal of Social Psychology 26(6):935-959.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bohner, Gerd . 1996. The threat of rape: Its psychological impact on nonvictimized women. Sex, power, conflict: Evolutionary and feminist perspectives. :162-175.
- Norbert Schwarz, Nisbett, Richard E., Cohen, Dov , Bowdle, Brian F. 1996. Insult, aggression, and the southern culture of honor: An 'experimental ethnography.'. Journal of personality and social psychology 70(5):945-960.
- Norbert Schwarz, Haddock, Geoffrey , Rothman, Alexander J. 1996. Are (some) reports of attitude strength context dependent?. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement 28(4):313-316.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1996. Survey research: Collecting data by asking questions. Applied social psychology. :65-90.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1996. Cognition and communication: Judgmental biases, research methods, and the logic of conversation.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bohner, Gerd . 1996. Feelings and their motivational implications: Moods and the action sequence. The psychology of action: Linking cognition and motivation to behavior. :119-145.
- Norbert Schwarz, Clore, Gerald L. 1996. Feelings and phenomenal experiences. Social psychology: Handbook of basic principles. :433-465.
- Norbert Schwarz, Hippler, Hans-Jurgen . 1996. Umfragenmethoden (survey research methods). Kontaktlinguistik : ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenossischer Forschung :726-733.
- Norbert Schwarz, Mathiowetz, Nancy A, Belli, Robert F. 1996. Assessing satisfaction with health and health care: Cognitive and communicative processes. Health survey research methods : conference proceedings :21.
- Norbert Schwarz, Sudman, Seymour . 1996. Answering questions : methodology for determining cognitive and communicative processes in survey research. 1st
- Norbert Schwarz, Sudman, Seymour , Bradburn, Norman M. 1996. Thinking about answers: The application of cognitive processes to survey methodology.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bodenhausen, Galen V, Bless, Herbert , Wänke, Michaela . 1995. Effects of atypical exemplars on racial beliefs: Enlightened racism or generalized appraisals?. Journal of experimental social psychology 31(1):48-63.
- Norbert Schwarz, Menon, Geeta , Raghubir, Priya . 1995. Behavioral frequency judgments: An accessibility-diagnosticity framework. Journal of Consumer Research 22(2):212-228.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1995. Social cognition: Information accessibility and use in social judgment. Thinking: An invitation to cognitive science, Vol. 3 (2nd ed.). :345-376.
- Norbert Schwarz, Hippler, Hans-Jurgen . 1995. The numeric values of rating scales: A comparison of their impact in mail surveys and telephone interviews. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 7(1):72-74.
- Norbert Schwarz, Wänke, Michaela , Bless, Herbert . 1995. The availability heuristic revisited: Experienced ease of retrieval in mundane frequency estimates. Acta Psychologica 89(1):83-90.
- Norbert Schwarz, Wänke, Michaela , Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth . 1995. Asking comparative questions: The impact of the direction of comparison. Public opinion quarterly 59(3):347-372.
- Norbert Schwarz, Clore, Gerald L, Conway, Michael . 1994. Affective causes and consequences of social information processing. Handbook of social cognition, Vol. 1: Basic processes; Vol. 2: Applications (2nd ed.). :323-417.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Hippler, Hans-Jurgen , Strack, Fritz , Sudman, Seymour . 1994. Cognitive and communicative aspects of survey measurement. Trends and perspectives in empirical social research :40-56.
- Norbert Schwarz, Sudman, Seymour . 1994. Autobiographical memory and the validity of retrospective reports.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Strack, Fritz . 1993. The informative functions of research procedures: Bias and the logic of conversation. European Journal of Social Psychology 23(2):149-165.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bohner, Gerd . 1993. Mood states influence the production of persuasive arguments. Communication Research 20(5):696-722.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz , Bless, Herbert , Kübler, Almut . 1993. Awareness of the influence as a determinant of assimilation versus contrast. European Journal of Social Psychology 23(1):53-62.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Bohner, Gerd , Hild, Traudel . 1992. Asking difficult questions: Task complexity increases the impact of response alternatives. European Journal of Social Psychology 22(3):309-312.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Mackie, Diane M. 1992. Mood effects on attitude judgments: Independent effects of mood before and after message elaboration. Journal of personality and social psychology 63(4):585-595.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bohner, Gerd , Crow, Kimberly , Erb, Hans-Peter . 1992. Affect and persuasion: Mood effects on the processing of message content and context cues and on subsequent behaviour. European Journal of Social Psychology 22(6):511-530.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bohner, Gerd , Marz, Peter , Bless, Herbert . 1992. Zum EinfluSs von Stimmungen auf Attributionsprozesse. Zeitschrift fur Sozialpsychologie 23(3):194-205.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert . 1992. Scandals and the public's trust in politicians: Assimilation and contrast effects. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 18(5):574-579.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert . 1992. Constructing reality and its alternatives: An inclusion/exclusion model of assimilation and contrast effects in social judgment. The construction of social judgments. :217-245.
- Norbert Schwarz, Scheuring, Bettina . 1992. Selbstberichtete Verhaltens- und Symptomhäufigkeiten: Was Befragte aus Antwortvorgaben des Fragebogens lernen. Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie 21(2):197-208.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz . 1992. Communicative influences in standardized question situations: The case of implicit collaboration. Language, interaction and social cognition. :173-193.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bohner, Gerd , Hormuth, Stefan E. 1991. Die Stimmungs-Skala: Vorstellung und Validierung einer deutschen Version des 'Mood Survey.'. Diagnostica 37(2):135-148.
- Norbert Schwarz, Philippot, Pierre , Carrera, Pilar , de Vries, Nannes . 1991. Differential effects of priming at the encoding and judgment stage. European Journal of Social Psychology 21(4):293-302.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert . 1991. Happy and mindless, but sad and smart? The impact of affective states on analytic reasoning. Emotion and social judgments. :55-71.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Bohner, Gerd , Harlacher, Uwe . 1991. Response scales as frames of reference: The impact of frequency range on diagnostic judgements. Applied Cognitive Psychology 5(1):37-49.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Strack, Fritz , Klumpp, Gisela , Rittenauer-Schatka, Helga , Simons, Annette . 1991. Ease of retrieval as information: Another look at the availability heuristic. Journal of personality and social psychology 61(2):195-202.
- Norbert Schwarz, Knäuper, Bärbel , Hippler, Hans-Jurgen , Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth . 1991. Rating scales: Numeric values may change the meaning of scale labels. Public opinion quarterly 55(4):570-582.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz . 1991. Evaluating one's life: A judgment model of subjective well-being. Subjective well-being: An interdisciplinary perspective. :27-47.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz , Hilton, Denis J, Naderer, Gabi . 1991. Base rates, representativeness, and the logic of conversation: The contextual relevance of 'irrelevant' information. Social Cognition 9(1):67-84.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz , Hippler, Hans-Jurgen , Bishop, George . 1991. The impact of administration mode on response effects in survey measurement. Applied Cognitive Psychology 5(3):193-212.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz , Mai, Hans-Peter . 1991. Assimilation and contrast effects in part-whole question sequences: A conversational logic analysis. Public opinion quarterly 55(1):3-23.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz , Argyle, Michael . 1991. Subjective well-being: An interdisciplinary perspective.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz , Wänke, Michaela . 1991. Semantic and pragmatic aspects of context effects in social and psychological research. Social Cognition 9(1):111-125.
- Norbert Schwarz, Fritz Strack. 1991. Evaluating one’s life: A judgment model of subjective well-being. Subjective well-being: An interdisciplinary perspective. :27-47.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bless, Herbert , Bohner, Gerd , Strack, Fritz . 1990. Mood and persuasion: A cognitive response analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 16(2):331-345.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1990. Feelings as information: Informational and motivational functions of affective states. Handbook of motivation and cognition: Foundations of social behavior, Vol. 2. :527-561.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bienias, Julia . 1990. What mediates the impact of response alternatives on frequency reports of mundane behaviors?. Applied Cognitive Psychology 4(1):61-72.
- Norbert Schwarz, Münkel, Thomas , Hippler, Hans-Jurgen . 1990. What determines a 'perspective'? Contrast effects as a function of the dimension tapped by preceding questions. European Journal of Social Psychology 20(4):357-361.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz , Chassein, Brigitte , Kern, Dieter . 1990. Salience of comparison standards and the activation of social norms: Consequences for judgements of happiness and their communication. British Journal of Social Psychology 29(4):303-314.
- Norbert Schwarz, Nebel, Antje , Strack, Fritz . 1989. Tests als Treatment: Wie die psychologische Messung ihren Gegenstand verändert. Diagnostica 35(3):191-200.
- Norbert Schwarz, Ottati, Victor C, Riggle, Ellen J, Wyer, Robert S, Kuklinski, James . 1989. Cognitive and affective bases of opinion survey responses. Journal of personality and social psychology 57(3):404-415.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kurz, Eva . 1989. What's in a picture? The impact of face-ism on trait attribution. European Journal of Social Psychology 19(4):311-316.
- Norbert Schwarz, Scheuring, Bettina . 1989. Die Vergleichsrichtung bestimmt das Ergebnis von Vergleichsprozessen: Istdealdiskrepanzen in der Beziehungsbeurteilung. Zeitschrift fur Sozialpsychologie 20(3):168-171.
- Norbert Schwarz, Sudman, Seymour . 1989. Contributions of cognitive psychology to advertising research. Journal of Advertising Research 29(3):43-53.
- Norbert Schwarz, Bohner, Gerd , Bless, Herbert , Strack, Fritz . 1988. What triggers causal attributions? The impact of valence and subjective probability. European Journal of Social Psychology 18(4):335-345.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1988. Stimmung als Information: Zum Einfluà von Stimmungen und Emotionen auf evaluative Urteile. Psychologische Rundschau 39(3):148-159.
- Norbert Schwarz, Scheuring, Bettina . 1988. Judgments of relationship satisfaction: Inter- and intraindividual comparisons as a function of questionnaire structure. European Journal of Social Psychology 18(6):485-496.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz , Müller, Gesine , Chassein, Brigitte . 1988. The range of response alternatives may determine the meaning of the question: Further evidence on informative functions of response alternatives. Social Cognition 6(2):107-117.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz , Martin, Leonard L. 1988. Priming and communication: Social determinants of information use in judgments of life satisfaction. European Journal of Social Psychology 18(5):429-442.
- Norbert Schwarz, Costin, Frank . 1987. Beliefs about rape and women's social roles: A four-nation study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2(1):46-56.
- Norbert Schwarz, Hippler, Hans-Jurgen , Sudman, Seymour . 1987. Social information processing and survey methodology.
- Norbert Schwarz, Rheinberg, Falko , Singer, Gerda M. 1987. Symbolische Selbstergänzung und Leistungsmotivation. Zeitschrift fur Sozialpsychologie 18(1):50-58.
- Norbert Schwarz. 1987. Geschlechtsrollenorientierung und die Einstellung zu Gewalt gegen Frauen: Informationsaktivierung als Alternative zu ex post facto-Versuchsplänen. Psychologische Rundschau 38(3):137-144.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz , Kommer, Detlev , Wagner, Dirk . 1987. Soccer, rooms, and the quality of your life: Mood effects on judgments of satisfaction with life in general and with specific domains. European Journal of Social Psychology 17(1):69-79.
- Norbert Schwarz, Wagner, Dirk , Bannert, Maria , Mathes, Lucia . 1987. Cognitive accessibility of sex role concepts and attitudes toward political participation: The impact of sexist advertisements. Sex Roles 17(9):593-601.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz , Kronenberger, Astrid . 1987. Vorstellbarkeit, Empathie und Hilfeverhalten: Zur Umsetzung von Laborbefunden im Feld. Gruppendynamik 18(2):179-188.
- Norbert Schwarz, Hippler, Hans-Jurgen . 1986. Not forbidding isn't allowing: The cognitive basis of the forbid-allow asymmetry. Public opinion quarterly 50(1):87-96.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kommer, Detlev , Strack, Fritz , Bechtel, Gabriele . 1986. Stimmung und soziale Informationsverarbeitung bei depressiven Störungen. Zeitschrift fur Klinische Psychologie, Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie 34(2):127-139.
- Norbert Schwarz, Kumpf, Martin , Bussmann, Wolf . 1986. Resistance to persuasion as a consequence of influence attempts in advertising and non-advertising communications. Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior 23(2):72-76.
- Norbert Schwarz, Hippler, Hans-Jurgen , Deutsch, Brigitte , Strack, Fritz . 1985. Response scales: Effects of category range on reported behavior and comparative judgments. Public opinion quarterly 49(3):388-395.
- Norbert Schwarz, Servay, Wolfgang , Kumpf, Martin . 1985. Attribution of arousal as a mediator of the effectiveness of fear-arousing communications. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 15(2):178-188.
- Norbert Schwarz, Wyer, Robert S. 1985. Effects of rank ordering stimuli on magnitude ratings of these and other stimuli. Journal of experimental social psychology 21(1):30-46.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz , Gschneidinger, Elisabeth . 1985. Happiness and reminiscing: The role of time perspective, affect, and mode of thinking. Journal of personality and social psychology 49(6):1460-1469.
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- Norbert Schwarz, Brand, Julianne F. 1983. Effects of salience of rape on sex role attitudes, trust, and self-esteem in non-raped women. European Journal of Social Psychology 13(1):71-76.
- Norbert Schwarz, Clore, Gerald L. 1983. Mood, misattribution, and judgments of well-being: Informative and directive functions of affective states. Journal of personality and social psychology 45(3):513-523.
- Norbert Schwarz, Strack, Fritz . 1981. Manipulating salience: Causal assessment in natural settings. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 7(4):554-558.
- Norbert Schwarz, Frey, Dieter , Kumpf, Martin . 1980. Interactive effects of writing and reading a persuasive essay on attitude change and selective exposure. Journal of experimental social psychology 16(1):1-17.