Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research

Katherine McGonagle is Associate Director of PSID and Research Professor at the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. Dr. McGonagle is a social psychologist with research interests in the areas of survey research methods, health, and well-being. McGonagle’s recent work is on the design and evaluation of data collection protocols to increase retention of panel study members and improve data quality, including the development of respondent contact materials, questionnaire design features, and the use of mixed mode approaches.
Funded Research
- Continuity and Change in American Economic and Social Life: The PSID 2017 – 2020
- Covid-19 Effects on Children & Families: 2021 Follow-Up of the PSID Child Development Supplement
- Developing Data on Food Security for New PSID Components
- Family Dynamics, Fertility and Contraception, and Investments in Children across Generations
- Family Dynamics, Fertility, and Investments in Children across Generations
- Health and Well-being Over the Life Course and Across Multiple Generations
- Philanthropy Panel Study – PSID 2023 Philanthropy Module (Wave 43) Gates
- PSID 2021-2024: Continuity and Change in American Economic and Social Life
- PSID 2025: Continuity and Change in American Economic and Social Life
- The Transition from Childhood into Adulthood among PSID Children, 2021 and 2023
- Transition to Adulthood within its Life Course & Intergenerational Family Context
- Transitions from Preschool through High School: Family, Schools & Neighborhoods
- Transitions from Preschool through High School: Family, Schools & Neighborhoods
- Katherine A McGonagle, Narayan Sastry. 2023. Transitioning to a Mixed-Mode Study Design in a National Household Panel Study: Effects on Fieldwork Outcomes, Sample Composition and Costs. Survey Research Methods 17(4):411-427.
- Narayan Sastry, Katherine A McGonagle. 2022. Switching from telephone to web-first mixed-mode data collection: Results from the Transition into Adulthood Supplement to the US Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 185(3):933-954.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Narayan Sastry, Vicki A Freedman. 2022. The Effects of a Targeted “Early Bird” Incentive Strategy on Response Rates, Fieldwork Effort, and Costs in a National Panel Study. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
- Katherine A McGonagle, Narayan Sastry. 2021. An Experimental Evaluation of an Online Interview Scheduler: Effects on Fieldwork Outcomes. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 9(3):412-428.
- Narayan Sastry, Paula Fomby, Katherine A McGonagle. 2021. Effects on Core Panel Attrition and Fieldwork Outcomes from Selection for a Supplemental Study: Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology :74-99.
- Katherine A McGonagle. 2020. The Effects of an Incentive Boost on Response Rates, Fieldwork Effort, and Costs across Two Waves of a Panel Study. methods, data, analyses 14(2):241-250.
- Narayan Sastry, Katherine A McGonagle, Paula Fomby. 2020. Effects of the COVID-19 Crisis on Survey Fieldwork: Experience and Lessons From Two Major Supplements to the U.S. Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Survey Research Methods 14(2):241-245.
- Johnson,David Scott, Katherine A McGonagle, Vicki A Freedman, Narayan Sastry. 2018. Fifty Years of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics: Past, Present, and Future. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 680(1):9-28.
- Narayan Sastry, Paula Fomby, Katherine A McGonagle. 2018. Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to Conduct Life Course Health Development Analysis. Handbook of Life Course Health Development :579-599.
- Vicki A Freedman, Katherine A McGonagle. 2018. Use of a Targeted Sequential Mixed Mode Protocol in a Nationally Representative Panel Study. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 6(1):98-121.
- Paula Fomby, Narayan Sastry, Katherine A McGonagle. 2017. Effectiveness of a Time-limited Incentive on Participation by Hard-to-reach Respondents in a Panel Study. Field Methods 29(3):238-251.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Vicki A Freedman. 2017. The Effects of a Delayed Incentive on Response Rates, Response Mode, Data Quality, and Sample Bias in a Nationally Representative Mixed Mode Study. Field Methods 29(3):221-237.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Vicki A Freedman. 2016. The Effects of a Delayed Incentive on Response Rates, Response Mode, Data Quality, and Sample Bias in a Nationally Representative Mixed Mode Study. Field Methods 29(3):221-237.
- Paula Fomby, Katherine A McGonagle. 2016. Effectiveness of a Time-limited Incentive on Participation by Hard-to-reach Respondents in a Panel Study. Field Methods 29(3):238-251.
- Katherine A McGonagle. 2016. Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics To Analyze Housing Decisions, Dynamics, and Effects. Cityscape (Washington, DC) 18(1):185-199.
- Katherine A McGonagle. 2015. Cohort Profile: The Panel Study of Income Dynamics' Child Development Supplement and Transition into Adulthood Study. International journal of epidemiology 44(2):415-422.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Narayan Sastry. 2015. Cohort Profile: The Panel Study of Income Dynamicsâ Child Development Supplement and Transition into Adulthood Study. International journal of epidemiology 44(2):415-422.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Charles C Brown, Schoeni, Bob. 2015. The Effects of Respondents' Consent to Be Recorded on Interview Length and Data Quality in a National Panel Study. Field Methods 27(4):373-390.
- Katherine A McGonagle. 2013. Survey Breakoffs in a Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview. Survey Research Methods 7(2):79-90.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Schoeni, Bob. 2013. The Effects of a Between-Wave Incentive Experiment on Contact Update and Production Outcomes in a Panel Study. Journal of Official Statistics 29(2):261-276.
- Schoeni, Bob, Katherine A McGonagle, Stafford, Frank P., Andreski, Patricia . 2013. Response Rates in National Panel Surveys. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 645(1):60-87.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Schoeni, Bob, Vicki A Freedman. 2012. The Panel Study of Income Dynamics: overview, recent innovations, and potential for life course research. Longitudinal and Life course Studies 3:268.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Schoeni, Bob, Mohammad Mushtaq. 2011. An incentive experiment designed to increase response to a between-wave contact update mailing in two panel studies. Survey Practice 4
- Katherine A McGonagle, Schoeni, Bob. 2011. Keeping track of panel members: An experimental test of a between-wave contact strategy. Journal of Official Statistics 27(2):319-338. PMCID: PMC3253355.
- Schoeni, Bob, Katherine A McGonagle, Valerio, Melissa A, Andreski, Patricia M. 2010. Examining the Association Between Childhood Asthma and Parent and Grandparent Asthma Status: Implications for Practice. Clinical pediatrics 49(6):535-541.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Schoeni, Bob. 2009. Introduction to the special issue on the scientific assessment of biomeasures in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Biodemography and Social Biology 55(2):113-117.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Schoeni, Bob. 2009. An experimental test of a strategy to maintain contact with families between waves of a panel study. Survey Practice 2
- Katherine A McGonagle, Almeida, David M, King, H . 2009. Assessing Daily Stress Processes in Social Surveys by Combining Stressor Exposure and Salivary Cortisol. Biodemography and Social Biology 55(2):219-237.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Schoeni, Bob, Stafford, Frank P., Davis, Matthew M. 2008. Grandparental and Parental Obesity Influences on Childhood Overweight: Implications for Primary Care Practice. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 21(6):549-554.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Stafford, Frank P., Grafova, Irina . 2007. Functioning and well-being in the third age: 1986-2001. The crown of life : dynamics of the early postretirement period
- Katherine A McGonagle, Kessler,Ronald C, Elaine Wethington, Almeida, David M, Cate, Rodney C. 2003. Psychosocial moderators of emotional reactivity to marital arguments: Results from a daily diary study. Marriage & Family Review 34(1):89-113.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Gerstel, N G. 2002. Job leaves and the limits of the Family and Medical Leave Act. Workplace/women's place : an anthology 2nd
- Katherine A McGonagle, Groves, Robert M.. 2001. A Theory-Guided Interviewer Training Protocol Regarding Survey Participation. Journal of Official Statistics 17(2):249-266.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Mathiowetz, Nancy A. 2000. An assessment of the current state of dependent interviewing in household surveys. Journal of Official Statistics 16(4):401-418.
- Trivellore E Raghunathan, Katherine A McGonagle, Singer, Eleanor, Gebler, Nancy J., Van Hoewyk, John . 1999. The Effect of Incentives on Response Rates in Interviewer-Mediated Surveys. Journal of official statistics 15(2):217.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Gerstel, Naomi . 1999. Job Leaves and the Limits of the Family and Medical Leave Act: The Effects of Gender, Race, and Family. Work and Occupations 26(4):510-534.
- Michael W Traugott, Katherine A McGonagle, Belli, Robert F, Young, Margaret . 1999. Reducing Vote Overreporting in Surveys: Social Desirablity, Memory Failure, and Source Monitoring. Public opinion quarterly 63(1):90-108.
- Kessler,Ronald C, Abelson,Jamie M, Katherine A McGonagle, Norbert Schwarz, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich , Kendler, Kenneth S, Knäuper, Bärbel , Zhao, Shanyang . 1998. Methodological studies of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) in the US national comorbidity survey (NCS). International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 7(1):33-55.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Kessler,Ronald C, Magee, William J, Eaton, William W, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich . 1996. Agoraphobia, simple phobia, and social phobia in the national comorbidity survey. Archives of General Psychiatry 53(2):159-168.
- Kessler,Ronald C, Katherine A McGonagle, Nelson, Christopher B, Liu, Jinyun . 1996. Comorbidity of DSM-III--R major depressive disorder in the general population: Results from the US National Comorbidity Survey. British Journal of Psychiatry 168(30):17-30.
- Kessler,Ronald C, Katherine A McGonagle, Nelson, Christopher B, Edlund, Mark J, Frank, Richard G, Leaf, Philip J. 1996. The epidemiology of co-occurring addictive and mental disorders: Implications for prevention and service utilization. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 66(1):17-31.
- Kessler,Ronald C, Christopher B. Nelson, Katherine A McGonagle, Jinyun Liu. 1996. Comorbidity of DSM-IIIâR major depressive disorder in the general population: Results from the US National Comorbidity Survey. British Journal of Psychiatry 168(30):17-30.
- Kessler,Ronald C, Katherine A McGonagle, Shanyang Zhao, Christopher B. Nelson. 1994. Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of DSM-IIIâR psychiatric disorders in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Study. Archives of General Psychiatry 51(1):8-19.
- Kessler,Ronald C, Katherine A McGonagle, Christopher B. Nelson, Michael Hughes, Marvin Swartz, Dan G. Blazer. 1994. Sex and depression in the national comorbidity survey. II: Cohort effects. Journal of affective disorders 30(1):15-26.
- Kessler,Ronald C, Katherine A McGonagle, Zhao, Shanyang , Nelson, Christopher B. 1994. Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of DSM-III--R psychiatric disorders in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Study. Archives of General Psychiatry 51(1):8-19.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Kessler,Ronald C, Schilling, Elizabeth A. 1992. The Frequency and Determinants of Marital Disagreements in a Community Sample. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 9(4):507-524.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Kessler,Ronald C. 1990. Chronic stress, acute stress, and depressive symptoms. American Journal of Community Psychology 18(5):681-706.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Fuehrer, A . 1987. Individual and situational factors as predictors of burnout among resident assistants. Journal of College Student Development 29:244.