Professor Emeritus of Economics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Research Professor Emeritus, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
Dr. Brown is an empirically-oriented labor economist. His past research has focused on topics such as compensating differentials, effects of minimum wage laws and of EEO policies, the determinants of enlistment and re-enlistment in the military, the relationship between employer size and labor market outcomes, and measurement error in survey data. Current work focuses on effects of pensions and early-retirement “windows”, and labor supply of salaried workers.
Funded Research
- Charles C Brown, Daniel S. Hamermesh. 2019. Middle-aged adultsâ daily sleep and worries about aging parents and adult children. 5(5):68-87.
- Schoeni, Bob, Charles C Brown, Diez Roux, Ana V., Moffitt, Robert , Chase-Lansdale, P Lindsay, Hurst, Erik , Seltzer, Judith A. 2015. Assessing the need for a new nationally representative household panel survey in the United States. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 40(1-4):1-26.
- Katherine A McGonagle, Charles C Brown, Schoeni, Bob. 2015. The Effects of Respondents' Consent to Be Recorded on Interview Length and Data Quality in a National Panel Study. Field Methods 27(4):373-390.
- Charles C Brown. 2012. "The Mouse that Roared" Turns Thirty Introduction to ?The Federal Attack on Labor Market Discrimination?. 35th Anniversary Retrospective 35:803-805.
- Charles C Brown. 2012. “The Mouse that Roared” Turns Thirty: Introduction to “The Federal Attack on Labor Market Discrimination”. 35th Anniversary Retrospective (Research in Labor Economics, Volume 35) 35:803-805.
- Charles C Brown, Medoff, James . 2003. Firm Ages and Wages. Journal of Labor Economics July
- Charles C Brown, Medoff, James L. 2003. Firm Age and Wages. Journal of Labor Economics 21(3):677-697.
- John Bound, Charles C Brown, Mathiowetz, Nancy . 2002. Measurement Errors in Surveys of the Low-Income Population. Studies of Welfare Populations
- John Bound, Charles C Brown, Mathiowetz, Nancy A. 2001. Measurement Error in Survey Data. Handbook of Econometrics Pp. 3705-3843
- Charles C Brown. 2001. Review of Meritocracy and Economic Inequality. Journal of Economic Literature 39(1):93-104.
- Charles C Brown, John Bound, Mathiowetz, Nancy A. 2001. Measurement Error in Surveys of the Low-Income Population. Studies of Welfare Population: Data Collection and Research Issues Pp. 157-194
- Charles C Brown. 2001. Review of 'Meritocracy and Economic Equality', Edited By Kenneth Arrow, Samuel Bowles, and Steven Durlaf. Journal of Economic Literature March
- Charles C Brown. 2000. Early Retirement Windows. Forecasting retirement needs and retirement wealth :253-73.
- Charles C Brown. 1999. Minimum Wages, Employment, and the Distribution of Income. Handbook of labor economics. Volume 3B :2101-2163.
- Charles C Brown, Corcoran, Mary E.. 1997. Sex-Based Differences in School Content and the Male-Female Wage Gap. Journal of Labor Economics 15(3):431-465.
- Charles C Brown. 1996. The old minimum wage literature and its implications of the new. The effects of the minimum wage on employment
- Charles C Brown, Medoff, James L. 1996. Employer Characteristics and Work Environment. Annales d'economie et de statistique (41-42):275-298.
- Charles C Brown, Stafford, Frank P., Duncan, Greg J. 1996. Data Watch: The Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Journal of Economic Perspectives 10(2):155-168.
- Charles C Brown. 1995. Equalizing Differences in the Labor Market. Labor economics, vol 4: Labor market discrimination, labor mobility and compensating wage differentials
- Charles C Brown, Gilroy, Curtis L, Kohen, Andrew . 1995. The Effect of the Minimum Wage on Employment and Unemployment. Labor economics. Volume 1. Labor supply and labor demand
- Charles C Brown. 1994. Pay and Performance. Labour market and economic performance: Europe, Japan and the USA :216-250.
- Charles C Brown. 1993. Retirement Windows: Windows of Opportunity? Defenestrations?.
- Charles C Brown. 1992. Wage Levels and Method of Pay. RAND Journal of Economics 23(3):366-375.
- Charles C Brown. 1991. Establishment surveys and labor market analysis. Industrial Relations Research Association Proceedings 1st
- Charles C Brown. 1990. Empirical Evidence on Private Training. Research in Labor Economics, vol. 11 :97-113.
- Charles C Brown. 1990. The Quality Dimension in Army Retention. Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 33:221-255.
- Charles C Brown, John Bound, Rodgers, Willard L., Duncan, Greg J. 1990. Measurement error in cross-sectional and longitudinal labor market surveys: Results from two validation studies. Panel data and labor market studies
- Charles C Brown, Medoff, James L. 1989. The Impact of Firm Acquisitions on Labor. Corporate takeovers: Causes and consequences :9-25.
- Charles C Brown, Medoff, James L. 1988. Employer Size, Pay, and the Ability to Pay in the Public Sector. When public sector workers unionize :195-213.
- Charles C Brown, Wilcher, Shirley J. 1987. Sex-Based Employment Quotas in Sweden. Gender in the workplace :271-298.
- Charles C Brown. 1985. Military Enlistments: What Can We Learn from Geographic Variation?. American Economic Review 75(1):228-234.
- Charles C Brown. 1984. Black-White Earnings Ratios since the Civil Rights Act of 1964: The Importance of Labor Market Dropouts. Quarterly Journal of Economics 99(1):31-44.
- Charles C Brown, Gilroy, Curtis L, Kohen, Andrew . 1983. Time-Series Evidence of the Effect of the Minimum Wage on Youth Employment and Unemployment. Journal of Human Resources 18(1):3-31.
- Charles C Brown, Gilroy, Curtis L, Kohen, Andrew . 1982. The Effect of the Minimum Wage on Employment and Unemployment. Journal of Economic Literature 20(2):487-528.
- Charles C Brown. 1982. Dead-end jobs and youth unemployment. The Youth labor market problem : its nature, causes, and consequences
- Charles C Brown. 1982. The federal attack on labor market discrimination: The mouse that roared?. Research in labor economics. Volume 5, 1982, a research annual
- Charles C Brown. 1982. Estimating the Determinants of Employee Performance. Journal of Human Resources 17(2):178-194.
- Charles C Brown. 1982. The federal attack on labor market discrimination: The mouse that roared?. Research in labor economics. Volume 5, 1982, a research annual
- Charles C Brown. 1980. The "Overtaking" Point Revisited. Review of Economics and Statistics 62(2):309-313.
- Charles C Brown. 1980. Equalizing Differences in the Labor Market. Quarterly Journal of Economics 94(1):113-134.
- Charles C Brown. 1980. A Note on the Determination of "Acceptable" Performance in Thorndike's Standard of Fair Selection. Journal of Educational Measurement 17(3):203-209.
- Charles C Brown. 1978. Education and Jobs: An Interpretation. Journal of Human Resources 13(3):416-421.
- Charles C Brown, Medoff, James L. 1978. Trade Unions in the Production Process. Journal of Political Economy 86(3):355-378.
- Charles C Brown. 1976. A Model of Optimal Human-Capital Accumulation and the Wages of Young High School Graduates. Journal of Political Economy 84(2):299-316.
- Charles C Brown, Medoff, James L. 1974. Revenue Sharing: The Share of the Poor. Public policy 22(2):169-188.
- Charles C Brown, Fane, George , Medoff, James L. 1973. The Income Distribution as a Pure Public Good: Comment. Quarterly Journal of Economics 87(2):296-303.