Research Associate Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research and Adjunct Lecturer in Quantitative Methods and Social Sciences Program, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Sunghee Lee is an Associate Research Professor at the Survey Methodology Program. She holds a PhD from the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland. Before joining the Survey Methodology Program, she served as Survey Methodologist for California Health Interview Survey and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Biostatistics at UCLA.
Her research interests include sampling and measurement issues in data collection with linguistic and racial minorities as well as hard-to-reach populations and cross-cultural survey methodology.
Funded Research
- Exploring Design Aspects of Web-Based Respondent-Driven Sampling for Racial/Ethnic Minorities
- Health and Retirement Study: Yrs 35-40
- Improving Inclusivity of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Research for Asian Americans and Latinx through Nationally Representative Hybrid Sampling.
- Improving Reproducibility of Respondent Driven Sampling through Adaptive Design
- Network for Advancing Methodological Research in Longitudinal Studies of Aging
- Older Adults Living with Alzheimer?s Disease and Caregivers: Testing Evidence-Based Intervention for Underserved Populations
- Paul Burton, Sunghee Lee, Trivellore E Raghunathan, Brady Thomas West. 2024. Combining Information from Multiple Data Sources to Improve Sampling Efficiency. methods, data, analyses 18(2)
- Davis, Rachel E., Frederick G Conrad, Dong, Shaohua, Mesa, Anna, Sunghee Lee, Johnson, Timothy P.. 2023. An ounce of prevention: using conversational interviewing and avoiding agreement response scales to prevent acquiescence. Quality & Quantity
- Yajuan Si, Sunghee Lee, Steven G Heeringa. 2023. Population Weighting in Statistical Analysis. JAMA Internal Medicine 184(1):98-99.
- Mengyao Hu, Sunghee Lee, Hongwei Xu, Roberto Melipillán, Jacqui Smith, Arie Kapteyn. 2022. Improving Anchoring Vignette Methodology in Health Surveys with Image Vignettes. methods, data, analyses
- Josh Pasek, Sunghee Lee. 2022. Integrating Data Across Sources. Measurement and Analysis of Public Opinion: An Analytical Framework :161-212.
- Sunghee Lee, Fernanda Alvarado-Leiton, Wenshan Yu, Rachel Davis, Timothy P.J ohnson. 2022. Developing a short screener for acquiescent respondents. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 18(5):2817-2829.
- Elizabeth Vasquez, Weihui Zhang, Joanna Dreby, Sunghee Lee, Anda Botoseneanu. 2021. Nativity, Family, Disability: Results from the Hispanic Established Populations for the Epidemiologic Study of the Elderly. Ethnicity & Disease 31(2):253-262.
- Sunghee Lee, Ai Rene Ong, Chen, Chen, Michael R Elliott. 2021. Respondent Driven Sampling for Immigrant Populations: A Health Survey of Foreign-Born Korean Americans. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 23:784-792.
- Eunice Zhang, Renuka Tipirneni, Erin R. Beathard, Sunghee Lee, Matthias A. Kirch, Cengiz Salman, Erica Solway, Sarah J. Clark, Adrianne N. Haggins, Edith C. Kieffer, John Z. Ayanian, Susan D. Goold. 2020. Health Risk Assessments in Michiganâs Medicaid Expansion: Early Experiences in Primary Care. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 58(3):e79-e86.
- Minal R. Patel, Renuka Tipirneni, Edith C. Kieffer, Jeffrey T. Kullgren, John Z. Ayanian, Tammy Chang, Erica Solway, Erin Beathard, Matthias Kirch, Sunghee Lee, Sarah Clark, Jennifer Skillicorn, Zachary Rowe, Susan D. Goold. 2020. Examination of Changes in Health Status Among Michigan Medicaid Expansion Enrollees From 2016 to 2017. JAMA Network Open 3(7):e208776.
- S. Goold, R. Tipirneni, J. Ayanian, E. Beathard, T. Chang, A. Haggins, E. Kieffer, M. Kirch, J.T. Kullgren, Sunghee Lee, M. Lewallen, M. Patel, Z. Rowe, E. Solway, S.J. Clark. 2020. Patterns of Enrollment Churn in Medicaid Expansion, Subsequent Insurance Coverage, and Access to Care: A Longitudinal Study. Health Services Research 51(S1):39-39.
- Sunghee Lee, Ai Rene Ong, Michael R Elliott. 2020. Exploring Mechanisms of Recruitment and Recruitment Cooperation in Respondent Driven Sampling. Journal of Official Statistics 36(2):339-360.
- Sunghee Lee, Elizabeth Vasquez, Lindsay H Ryan, Jacqui Smith. 2020. Measurement Equivalence of Subjective Well-Being Scales under the Presence of Acquiescent Response Style for the Racially and Ethnically Diverse Older Population in the United States. Survey Research Methods 14(4):417-437.
- Renuka Tipirneni, Minal R. Patel, Susan D. Goold, Edith C. Kieffer, John Z. Ayanian, Sarah J. Clark, Sunghee Lee, Corey Bryant, Matthias A. Kirch, Erica Solway, Jamie Luster, Maryn Lewallen, Kara Zivin. 2020. Association of Expanded Medicaid Coverage With Health and Job-Related Outcomes Among Enrollees With Behavioral Health Disorders. Psychiatric Services 71(1):4-11.
- Renuka Tipirneni, John Z. Ayanian, Minal R. Patel, Edith C. Kieffer, Matthias A. Kirch, Corey Bryant, Jeffrey T. Kullgren, Sarah J. Clark, Sunghee Lee, Erica Solway, Tammy Chang, Adrianne N. Haggins, Jamie Luster, Erin Beathard, Susan D. Goold. 2020. Association of Medicaid Expansion With Enrollee Employment and Student Status in Michigan. JAMA Network Open 3(1):e1920316.
- Sunghee Lee, Mengyao Hu, Mingnan Liu, Kelley, Jennifer. 2020. Quantitative Evaluation of Response Scale Translation Through a Randomized Experiment of Interview Language With Bilingual English- and Spanish-Speaking Latino Respondents. The Essential Role of Language in Survey Research :75-100.
- Sunghee Lee, Ong, Ai Rene, Bonar, Erin E. 2020. Understanding disparities in access to naloxone among people who inject drugs in Southeast Michigan using respondent driven sampling. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 206:107743.
- Sunghee Lee, Goold, Susan Dorr, Tipirneni, Renuka , Chang, Tammy , Kirch, Matthias A, Bryant, Corey , Rowe, Zachary , Beathard, Erin , Solway, Erica , Clark, Sarah J, Skillicorn, Jennifer , Ayanian, John Z, Kullgren, Jeffrey T. 2020. Primary Care, Health Promotion, and Disease Prevention with Michigan Medicaid Expansion. Journal of General Internal Medicine 35:800-807.
- Sunghee Lee, Frederick G Conrad, Davis, Rachel E, Johnson, Timothy P, Resnicow, Ken , Thrasher, James F, Mesa, Anna , Peterson, Karen E. 2020. The Influence of Item Characteristics on Acquiescence among Latino Survey Respondents. Field Methods 32(1):3-22.
- Sunghee Lee, Tipirneni, Renuka , Kullgren, Jeffrey T, Ayanian, John Z, Kieffer, Edith C, Rosland, Ann-Marie , Chang, Tammy , Haggins, Adrianne N, Clark, Sarah J, Solway, Erica , Kirch, Matthias A, Mrukowicz, Christina , Beathard, Erin , Sears, Erin , Goold, Susan D. 2019. Changes in Health and Ability to Work Among Medicaid Expansion Enrollees: a Mixed Methods Study. Journal of General Internal Medicine 34(2):272-280.
- Sunghee Lee, McClain, Colleen , Behr, Dorothée , Meitinger, Katharina . 2019. Exploring Mental Models behind Self-rated Health and Subjective Life Expectancy through Web Probing. Field Methods
- Sunghee Lee, Davis, Rachel E, Johnson, Timothy P, Werner, Christopher . 2019. Why Do Latino Survey Respondents Acquiesce? Respondent and Interviewer Characteristics as Determinants of Cultural Patterns of Acquiescence Among Latino Survey Respondents. Cross-Cultural Research 53(1):87-115.
- Sunghee Lee, Davis, Rachel E, Johnson, Timothy P, Rothschild, Steven K. 2019. Measuring the Elusive Construct of Personalismo Among Mexican American, Puerto Rican, and Cuban American Adults. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 41(1):103-121.
- Sunghee Lee, Davis, Rachel E, Johnson, Timothy P, Rothschild, Steven K. 2019. Development of a Bi-Dimensional SimpatÃa Scale for Use with Mexican American, Puerto Rican, and Cuban American Adults. Nursing Research 68(5):348-357.
- Mengyao Hu, Sunghee Lee, Xu, Hongwei. 2018. Using Anchoring Vignettes to Correct for Differential Response Scale Usage in 3MC Surveys. Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) :181-201.
- Sunghee Lee, Pennell, Beth-Ellen, Franzblau, Lauren E, Wang, Keming , Liang, Xuebing , Guo, Yang , Li, Yingni , Lin, Yu-chieh (Jay), Shauver, Melissa J, Chung, Kevin C. 2018. Identifying barriers to the care of the rheumatoid hand in China: comparing attitudes of rheumatologists and hand surgeons. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 21(11):1970-1976.
- Sunghee Lee, Tuba Suzer Gurtekin, Fredriksen-Goldsen, Karen I, McClain, Colleen , Kim, Hyun-Jun . 2018. Are Sexual Minorities Less Likely to Participate in Surveys? An Examination of Proxy Nonresponse Measures and Associated Biases with Sexual Orientation in a Population-based Health Survey. Field Methods 30(3):208-224.
- Sunghee Lee, Goold, Susan Dorr, Tipirneni, Renuka , Kieffer, Edith , Haggins, Adrianne , Salman, Cengiz , Solway, Erica , Szymecko, Lisa , Chang, Tammy , Rowe, Zachary , Clark, Sarah , Campbell, Eric G, Ayanian, John Z. 2018. Primary Care Clinicians' Views About the Impact of Medicaid Expansion in Michigan: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of General Internal Medicine 33(8):1307-1316.
- Tuba Suzer Gurtekin, Sunghee Lee, Liu, Mingnan , Keusch, Florian . 2018. Response Styles in Cross-cultural Surveys. Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) :477-499.
- Sunghee Lee, Norbert Schwarz, Tuba Suzer Gurtekin, Keusch, Florian , Liu, Mingnan . 2018. Cross-cultural Comparability of Response Patterns of Subjective Probability Questions. Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) :455-475.
- Sunghee Lee, Yan,Ting, Jong, Julie A. J., Dorer, Brita , Villar, Ana . 2018. Overview of Questionnaire Design and Testing. Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) :113-137.
- Sunghee Lee, Liu, Mingnan . 2017. Relationship Between Future Time Orientation and Item Nonresponse on Subjective Probability Questions. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 48(5):698-717.
- Sunghee Lee, James Robert Wagner, Valliant, Richard L. 2017. Total Survey Error and Respondent Driven Sampling: Focus on Nonresponse and Measurement Errors in the Recruitment Process and the Network Size Reports and Implications for Inferences. Journal of Official Statistics 33(2):335-366.
- Sunghee Lee, Mingnan Liu, Mengyao Hu. 2017. Relationship Between Future Time Orientation and Item Nonresponse on Subjective Probability Questions: A Cross-Cultural Analysis. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 48(5):698-717.
- Sunghee Lee, Jacqui Smith. 2016. Methodological Aspects of Subjective Life Expectancy: Effects of Culture-Specific Reporting Heterogeneity Among Older Adults in the United States. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 71(3):558-568.
- Frederick G Conrad, Sunghee Lee, Liu, Mingnan . 2016. Comparing acquiescent and extreme response styles in face-to-face and web surveys. Quality & Quantity
- Sunghee Lee, Noah J Webster, McClain, Colleen , Han, Saram . 2016. Question order sensitivity of subjective well-being measures: focus on life satisfaction, self-rated health, and subjective life expectancy in survey instruments. Quality of Life Research
- Sunghee Lee, Frederick G Conrad, Liu, Mingnan . 2015. Comparing Extreme Response Styles between Agree-Disagree and Item-Specific Scales. Public opinion quarterly 79(4):952-975.
- Sunghee Lee. 2014. Self-Rated Health in Health Surveys. Handbook of Health Survey Methods :193-216.
- Sunghee Lee, James Robert Wagner, Steven G Heeringa, Valliant, Richard L. 2014. Recent developments of sampling hard-to-reach populuations: An assessment. Hard-to-survey populations :424-444.
- Sunghee Lee, Norbert Schwarz. 2014. Question Context and Priming Meaning of Health: Effect on Differences in Self-Rated Health Between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Whites. American journal of public health 104(1):179-185.
- Sunghee Lee, Norbert Schwarz, Goldstein, Leanne Streja. 2014. Culture-Sensitive Question Order Effects of Self-Rated Health Between Older Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Adults in the United States. Journal of aging and health 26(5):860-883.
- Sunghee Lee, James Robert Wagner, Steven G Heeringa, Valliant, Richard L. 2014. Recent developments of sampling hard-to-reach populuations: An assessment. Hard-to-survey populations :424-444.
- Valliant, Richard L, Sunghee Lee, Hubbard, Frost , Chang, Chiungwen . 2014. Efficient Use of Commercial Lists in U.S. Household Sampling. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 2(2):182-209.
- James Robert Wagner, Sunghee Lee. 2014. Sampling Rare Populations. Handbook of Health Survey Methods :77-104.
- Mary Beth Ofstedal, Sunghee Lee. 2013. Encouraging record use for financial asset questions in a web survey. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 1(2):171-182.
- Sunghee Lee, Lim, S , Immerwahr, S , Harris, T G. 2013. Estimating nonresponse bias in a telephone-based health surveillance survey in New York City. American Journal of Epidemiology 178(8):1337-1341.
- Sunghee Lee, Elkasabi, Mahmoud , Streja, Leanne . 2012. Increasing Cell Phone Usage Among Hispanics: Implications for Telephone Surveys. American Journal of Public Health 102(6):e19-e24.
- Kessler,Ronald C, Steven G Heeringa, Sunghee Lee, Aguilar-Gaxiola, S , Alonso, J , Chatterji, S , He, Y , Ormel, J . 2012. Global Mental Health Epidemiology. 21st Century Global Mental Health 1:1-31.
- Sunghee Lee. 2012. Volunteer panel web surveys in Urban Planning. Online research methods in urban planning studies :37-52.
- John M Brick, Sunghee Lee, Flores-Cervantes, I , Norman, G . 2011. Nonsampling errors in dual frame telephone surveys. Survey Methodology 37(1):1-12.
- Sunghee Lee, Nguyen, Hoang , Tsui, Jennifer . 2011. Interview Language: A Proxy Measure for Acculturation Among Asian Americans in a Population-Based Survey. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 13(2):244-252.
- John M Brick, Sunghee Lee, Grant, David , Brown, E Richard. 2010. Growing cell-phone population and noncoverage bias in traditional random digit dial telephone health surveys. Health services research 45(4):1121-1139.
- John M Brick, Sunghee Lee, Zahs, Dan, Groves, Robert M., Baker, Reg , Blumberg, Stephen J, Courtright, Melanie , Dennis, J Michael, Dillman, Don , Frankel, Martin R, Garland, Philip , Kennedy, Courtney , Krosnick, Jon , Lavrakas, Paul J, Link, Michael , Piekarski, Linda , Rao, Kumar , Thomas, Randall K. 2010. Research Synthesis: AAPOR report on online panels. Public opinion quarterly 74(4):711-781.
- Sunghee Lee, Valliant, Richard L. 2009. Estimation for Volunteer Panel Web Surveys Using Propensity Score Adjustment and Calibration Adjustment. Sociological Methods & Research 37(3):319-343.
- Sunghee Lee, John M Brick, Brown, E Richard, Grant, David , Belin, Thomas R. 2009. Exploring nonresponse bias in a health survey using neighborhood characteristics. American Journal of Public Health 99(10):1811-1817.
- Sunghee Lee. 2009. Understanding sample surveys with the total survey error paradigm. Korean Statistical Research 15(1):44-74.
- Sunghee Lee. 2009. Understanding respondent driven sampling from a total survey error perspective. Survey Practice 2
- Sunghee Lee, Grant, David . 2009. The effect of question order on self-rated general health status in a multilingual survey context. American Journal of Epidemiology 169(12):1525-1530.
- Sunghee Lee, Satter, Delight E, Ponce, Ninez A. 2009. Effect of Race and Ethnicity Classification on Survey Estimates: Anomaly of the Weighted Totals of American Indians and Alaska Natives.(Brief article). American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research: The Journal of the National Center 16(3):1-15.
- Sunghee Lee. 2008. Population parameter. Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods
- Sunghee Lee. 2008. Population of Interest. Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods
- Sunghee Lee. 2008. Population of Inference. Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods
- Sunghee Lee. 2008. Noncoverage.. Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods
- Sunghee Lee, Kurata, John , Nguyen, Hoang Anh, Jawad, May . 2008. Linguistic Minorities in a Health Survey. Public opinion quarterly 72(3):470-486.
- Sunghee Lee, Tourangeau, Roger, Mathiowetz, Nancy A. 2007. Measuring disability in surveys: Consistency over time and across respondents. Journal of Official Statistics 23:163-184.
- John M Brick, Sunghee Lee, Edwards, W Sherman. 2007. Sampling Telephone Numbers And Adults, Interview Length, And Weighting In The California Health Interview Survey Cell Phone Pilot Study. Public opinion quarterly 71(5):793-813.
- Sunghee Lee, Valliant, Richard L. 2007. Post-survey weighting methods using propensity scores: A review. Advances in Telephone Survey Methodology
- Sunghee Lee, Valliant, Richard L. 2007. Post-survey weighting methods using propensity scores: A review. Advances in Telephone Survey Methodology
- Sunghee Lee. 2006. Propensity Score Adjustment as a Weighting Scheme for Volunteer Panel Web Surveys. Journal of Official Statistics 22(2):329-349.
- Sunghee Lee. 2006. An Evaluation of Nonresponse and Coverage Errors in a Prerecruited Probability Web Panel Survey. Social Science Computer Review 24(4):460-475.
- Frederick G Conrad, Sunghee Lee, Tourangeau, Roger, Arens, Zachary , Fricker, Scott S, Smith, Elisha . 2006. Everyday Concepts and Classification Errors: Judgments of Disability and Residence. Journal of official statistics 22(3):385-418.
- Sunghee Lee. 2005. Proxy responses. Polling America: An Encyclopedia of Public Opinion
- Valliant, Richard L, Sunghee Lee. 2005. Economic characteristics of internet and non-internet users and implications for web-based surveys. Webuse and Society 1:34-51.
- Sunghee Lee, Tourangeau, Roger, Mathiowetz, Nancy A. 2004. Perceptions of Disability: The Effect of Self- and Proxy Response. Journal of official statistics 20(4):671.