Families today look very different from families 50 years ago. They are fluid things, constantly shifting, expanding, shrinking, and adapting. Family demography research is concerned with behavior, attitudes, and norms related marriage, cohabitation, divorce, childbearing, gender roles, intergenerational relations, and kinship interactions, both within the United States and internationally.
Family Demography Featured Projects
Family Demography Funded Research
Family Demography Publications
Jane M. Stephenson, Angela Turkelson, Karen L. Fingerman, Kira S Birditt. 2025. I love you no matter what: Negative relationship quality and daily encounters in the parent-child tie and their implications for daily mood across the lifespan. Family Process 64(1):e13094.
Toni C Antonucci, Jasmine A. Manalel, Robin C. Fenley, Martha C. Bial. 2024. Social relations and the family. A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy :151-166.
William G Axinn, Banchoff,Emma, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Scott, Kate M.. 2024. Parental depression and their Children’s marriage timing: The long-term consequences of parental mental disorders. Social Science & Medicine 347:116745.
Roshanak Mehdipanah, Emily M. Briceño, Madelyn Malvitz, Wen Chang, Lisa Lewandowski-Romps, Steven G Heeringa, Deborah Levine, Darin B. Zahuranec,, Kenneth M Langa, Xavier F. Gonzales,, Nelda Garcia, Lewis B. Morgenstern. 2024. Exploring Pathways to Caregiver Health: The Roles of Caregiver Burden, Familism, and Ethnicity. Journal of Aging and Health
Lucía Labaut, Agustín Lage-Castellanos, María José Rodrigo, Silvia Herrero-Roldán, Colter Mitchell, Fisher,Jonah, Inmaculada León. 2024. Mother adversity and co-residence time impact mother?child similarity in genome-wide and gene-specific methylation profiles. Clinical Epigenetics 16(1):1-12.
Rakesh Ghosh, Aminata (Nene) Konipo, Emily Treleaven, Sasha Rozenshteyn, Jessica Beckerman, Caroline Whidden, Ari Johnson, Kassoum Kayentao, Jenny Liu. 2024. Factors influencing pregnancy care and institutional delivery in rural Mali: a secondary baseline analysis of a cluster-randomised trial. BMJ Open 14(4):e084315.
Banchoff,Emma, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Kate M. Scott. 2024. Intergenerational associations of maternal depression with daughters’ family formation. Journal of Marriage and Family
Wu, Huijing, Margolis, Rachel, Verdery, Ashton, Sarah Elizabeth Patterson. 2024. Changes in Family Structure and Increasing Care Gaps in the United States, 2015-2050. Demography 61(5):1403-1426.
William G Axinn, Brady Thomas West, Heather Marie Schroeder, Laura D. Lindberg. 2024. Pandemic changes in U.S. contraceptive use: National survey estimates reveal significant differences by demographic subgroups. Contraception
Emily Treleaven, Banchoff,Emma. 2024. Children under 5 in polygynous households in sub-Saharan Africa, 2000 to 2020. Demographic Research 51:999-1016.
Sarah Elizabeth Patterson. 2023. Cohabiting adult children’s transfers to parents in the United States. Journal of Marriage and Family 85(1):321-336.
Rebecca Ryan, Pamela Davis-Kean, Leticia Bode, Jule Krüger, Zeina Mneimneh, Lisa Singh. 2023. Parenting online: analyzing information provided by parenting-focused Twitter accounts. Atlantic Journal of Communication 31(3):243-259.
Emily Treleaven. 2023. The relationship between extended kin resources and children’s healthcare utilization: An analysis of family networks. Social Science & Medicine 321:115720.
Kim, Hansol, Beach, Scott R, Esther M Friedman, Donovan, Heidi, Schulz, Richard. 2023. Effects of Childcare, Work, and Caregiving Intensity on Male and Female Family Caregivers. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 78(6):959-968.
Paula M. Lantz, Katherine Michelmore, Michelle H. Moniz, Okeoma Mmeje, William G Axinn, Kayte Spector-Bagdady. 2023. Abortion Policy in the United States: The New Legal Landscape and Its Threats to Health and Socioeconomic Well-Being. The Milbank Quarterly 101(S1):283-301.
Alexandra Achen Killewald, Lee, Angela, England, Paula. 2023. Wealth and Divorce. Demography 60(1):147-171.
Sarah Elizabeth Patterson, Margolis, Rachel. 2023. Family Ties and Older Adult Well-Being: Incorporating Social Networks and Proximity. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 78(12):2080–2089.
Sarah Compton, Emmanuel Nakua, Cheryl Moyer, Veronica Dzomeku, Emily Treleaven, Easmon Otupiri, Jody Lori. 2023. Contraceptive use by number of living children in Ghana: Evidence from the 2017 maternal health survey. PLOS ONE 18(12):e0295815.
Yang Zhang, William G Axinn. 2022. Cohabitation dissolution and psychological distress among young adults: The role of parenthood and gender. Social Science Research 102:102626.
Paula Fomby. 2022. Accounting for Race Differences in How Family Structure Shapes the Transition into Adulthood. Intergenerational Mobility: How Gender, Race, and Family Structure Affect Adult Outcomes :193-228.
Paula Fomby, Johnson,David Scott. 2022. Continuity and Change in U.S. Children’s Family Composition, 1968-2017. Demography 59(2):731-760.
Serap Kavas, Arland Thornton. 2022. Distinguishing between Old and New Developmental Idealism and among Beliefs about Correlation, Causation, and Expectations: Beliefs about Family Change and Development in Turkey. Sociology of Development
Dearing, Eric, Casey, Beth, Pamela Davis-Kean, Eason, Sarah, Gunderson, Elizabeth, Levine, Susan C., Laski, Elida V., Libertus, Melissa, Lu, Linxi, Lombardi, Caitlin McPherran, Nelson, Ariadne, Ramani, Geetha, Susperreguy, María Inés . 2022. Socioeconomic Variations in the Frequency of Parent Number Talk: A Meta-Analysis. Education Sciences 12(5):312.
Xu, Xiao, Liang, Jersey, Raymo, James M., Kim, BoRin, Mary Beth Ofstedal. 2022. Defining Childlessness Among Middle-Aged and Older Americans: A Research Note. Demography
Christina J. Cross, Paula Fomby, Bethany Letiecq. 2022. Interlinking structural racism and heteropatriarchy: Rethinking family structure’s effects on child outcomes in a racialized, unequal society. Journal of Family Theory & Review
Ken Resnicow, Matthew Jaber Stiffler, Kristine J Ajrouch. 2022. Looking Back: The Contested Whiteness of Arab Identity. American Journal of Public Health 112(9):1092-1096.
Kira S Birditt, Angela Elizabeth Turkelson, Polenick, Courtney A, Cranford, James A, Blow, Frederic C. 2022. Alcohol Use and Blood Pressure Among Older Couples: The Moderating Role of Negative Marital Quality. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 77(9):1592-1602.
Ng, Yee To, Huo, Meng, Han, Sae Hwang, Kira S Birditt, Fingerman, Karen L. 2022. Older Adult’s Marital Status, Conversation Frequency, and Well-Being in Everyday Life. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 77(3):499-512.
Lauren A. Tighe, Kira S Birditt, Angela Elizabeth Turkelson, Narayan Sastry. 2022. Under my skin: Parenting behavior and children’s cortisol in the Los Angeles family and neighborhood survey. Developmental Psychobiology 64(4):e22263-undefined.
Noah J Webster, Toni C Antonucci, Kristine J Ajrouch. 2022. Linked Lives and Convoys of Social Relations. Advances in Life Course Research 54:100502.
Schoeni, Robert F., Vicki A Freedman, Cornman, Jennifer C., Seltzer, Judith A.. 2022. The Strength of Parent-Adult Child Ties in Biological Families and Stepfamilies: Evidence From Time Diaries From Older Adults. Demography 59(5):1821–1842.
Adriana M. Reyes, Robert F. Schoeni, Vicki A Freedman. 2022. National estimates of kinship size and composition among adults with activity limitations in the United States. Demographic Research 45:1097-1114.
William G Axinn, Banchoff,Emma, Cole,Faith, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Jordan W. Smoller. 2022. The transition to parenthood, opportunity to drink, drinking, and alcohol use disorder. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 241:109697.
Sarah Elizabeth Patterson, Adriana M. Reyes. 2022. Co-residence beliefs 1973-2018: Older adults feel differently than younger adults. Journal of Marriage and Family 84(2):673-684.
Keera Allendorf, Arland Thornton, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Linda C Young-Demarco, Colter Mitchell. 2021. A Good Age to Marry? An Intergenerational Model of the Influence of Timing Attitudes on Entrance into Marriage. European Journal of Population 37:179-209.
Hui Liu, Ning Hsieh, Zhenmei Zhang, Yan Zhang, Kenneth M Langa. 2021. Same-Sex Couples and Cognitive Impairment: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 76(7):1388-1399.
Savannah Larimore, Mosi Ifatunji, Hedwig Lee, Rafferty,Jane, Jackson, James Sidney, Margaret Takako Hicken. 2021. Geographic Variation in Reproductive Health Among the Black Population in the US: An Analysis of Nativity, Region of Origin, and Division of Residence. Population Research and Policy Review 40(1):33-59.
Zhang, Yang, William G Axinn. 2021. Marital Experiences and Depression in an Arranged Marriage Setting. American Journal of Sociology 126(6):1439-1486.
Paula Fomby, Ariane Ophir, Marcia J. Carlson. 2021. Family Complexity and Childrenâs Behavior Problems over Two U.S. Cohorts. Journal of Marriage and Family 83(2):340-357.
Emily Treleaven, Toan Ngoc Pham, Anh Duy Nguyen, Nadia Diamond-Smith. 2021. The list experiment: An approach to measuring stigmatized behaviours related to sex-selective abortion. Population Studies 75(3):363-380.
Lee, Haena, Lindsay H Ryan, Mary Beth Ofstedal, Jacqui Smith. 2021. Multigenerational Households During Childhood and Trajectories of Cognitive Functioning Among U.S. Older Adults. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 76(6):1161-1172.
Elizabeth Vasquez, Weihui Zhang, Joanna Dreby, Sunghee Lee, Anda Botoseneanu. 2021. Nativity, Family, Disability: Results from the Hispanic Established Populations for the Epidemiologic Study of the Elderly. Ethnicity & Disease 31(2):253-262.
SarahBrauner-Otto, Sarah Baird, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2021. Womenâs employment and Childrenâs education: Longitudinal evidence from Nepal. Social Science Research 103:102669.
Christopher J. Mehus, Megan E Patrick. 2021. Prevalence of Spanking in US National Samples of 35-Year-Old Parents From 1993 to 2017. JAMA Pediatrics 175(1):92-93.
Sarah Elizabeth Patterson, Schoeni, Bob, Vicki A Freedman, Seltzer, Judith A. 2021. Care Received and Unmet Care Needs Among Older Parents in Biological and Stepfamilies. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B
Arland Thornton, Kavas, Serap . 2020. Developmental Idealism and Beliefs About Marriage and Fertility in Turkey. Population Research and Policy Review 39:47-75.
Schoeni, Bob, Hwajung Choi, Reyes, Adriana. 2020. Race/Ethnic Differences in Spatial Distance Between Adult Children and Their Mothers. Journal of Marriage and Family 82(2):810-821.
William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Stephanie A Chardoul, Zhang, Yang , Scott, Kate M, Bruffaerts, Ronny . 2020. The Association between Marital Transitions and the Onset of Major Depressive Disorder in a South Asian General Population. Journal of Affective Disorders 266
Kira S Birditt, Fingerman, Karen L, Huo, Meng . 2020. A Decade of Research on Intergenerational Ties: Technological, Economic, Political, and Demographic Changes. Journal of Marriage and Family 82(1):383-403.
Hwajung Choi, Schoeni, Bob, Wiemers, Emily E, Hotz, V Joseph, Seltzer, Judith A. 2020. Spatial Distance Between Parents and Adult Children in the United States. Journal of Marriage and Family 82(2):822-840.
Sarah R. Brauner-Otto, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2020. Parentsâ Marital Quality and Childrenâs Transition to Adulthood. Demography 57:195-220.
Luke Williamson Hyde, Gard, Arianna Morgan, Rachel C. Tomlinson, S. Alexandra Burt, Colter Mitchell, Christopher Stephen Monk. 2020. An ecological approach to understanding the developing brain: Examples linking poverty, parenting, neighborhoods, and the brain. American Psychologist 75(9):1245-1259.
Courtney A. Polenick, Yijung Kim, Nicole DePasquale, Kira S Birditt, Steven H. Zarit, Karen L. Fingerman. 2020. Midlife Childrenâs and Older Mothersâ Depressive Symptoms: Empathic Mother-Child Relationships as a Key Moderator. Family Relations 69(5):1073-1086.
Jamie L. Fuentecilla, Yin Liu, Meng Huo, Kyungmin Kim, Kira S Birditt, Steven H. Zarit, Karen L. Fingerman. 2020. Midlife Adults? Daily Support to Children and Parents: Implications for Diurnal Cortisol. Journal of Aging and Health 32(9):926-936.
Karen L. Fingerman, Meng Huo, Kira S Birditt. 2020. Mothers, Fathers, Daughters, and Sons: Gender Differences in Adults? Intergenerational Ties. Journal of Family Issues 41(9):1597-1625.
Joelle Hillary Abramowitz. 2020. Infertility insurance mandates and maternal mortality. Fertility and Sterility [Epub] [Full Text]
Kevin Constante, Edward Huntley, Yajuan Si, Emma Schillinger, Christine Wagner, Daniel P Keating. 2020. Conceptualizing protective family context and its effect on substance use: Comparisons across diverse ethnic-racial youth. Substance Abuse 42(4):796-805.
Colter Mitchell, Luke Williamson Hyde, Gard, Arianna M, McLoyd, Vonnie C. 2020. Evaluation of a longitudinal family stress model in a population-based cohort. Social Development 29(4):1155-1175.
Rebecca J. Evans-Polce, Jang,Bohyun, Jennifer L Maggs, Megan E Patrick. 2020. Gender and age differences in the associations between family social roles and excessive alcohol use. Social Science & Medicine 244:112664.
Sarah Elizabeth Patterson, Ashton M. Verdery, Jonathan Daw. 2020. Linked Lives and Childhood Experience of Family Death on Educational Attainment. Socius
Sarah Elizabeth Patterson, Rachel Margolis, Ashton M. Verdery. 2020. Family embeddedness and older adult mortality in the United States. Population Studies 74(3):415-435.
Jeffrey E. Stokes, Sarah Elizabeth Patterson. 2020. Intergenerational Relationships, Family Caregiving Policy, and COVID-19 in the United States. Journal of Aging & Social Policy 32(4-5):416-424.
Sarah Elizabeth Patterson. 2020. Educational Attainment Differences in Attitudes toward Provisions of IADL Care for Older Adults in the U.S.. Journal of Aging & Social Policy
Christina Hughes, Prem Bhandari, Linda C Young-Demarco, Jeffrey Swindle, Arland Thornton, Nathalie Williams. 2020. Family Obligation Attitudes, Gender, and Migration. International Journal of Sociology 50(5)
Kira S Birditt, Noah J Webster, Newton, Nicky J, Cranford, Jim A. 2019. Chronic Stress and Negative Marital Quality Among Older Couples: Associations With Waist Circumference. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 74(2):318-328.
Barber, Jennifer S, Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Guzzo, Karen Benjamin, Hayford, Sarah R, Lang, Vanessa Wanner, Wu, Hsueh-Sheng . 2019. Dimensions of Reproductive Attitudes and Knowledge Related to Unintended Childbearing Among U.S. Adolescents and Young Adults. Demography 56(1):201-228.
John E Schulenberg, Staff, Jeremy, Lansford, Jennifer E, Pettit, Gregory S, Rauer, Amy , Vandenberg, Carlynn E, Jager, Justin , Dodge, Kenneth A, Bates, John E. 2019. Intergenerational continuity and stability in early family formation. Journal of Family Psychology 33(3):370-379.
Schoeni, Bob, Wiemers, Emily E, Seltzer, Judith A, Hotz, V Joseph, Bianchi, Suzanne M. 2019. Stepfamily Structure and Transfers Between Generations in U.S. Families. Demography
Kira S Birditt, Toni C Antonucci, Manalel, Jasmine A, Orbuch, Terri L. 2019. Beyond destructive conflict: Implications of marital tension for marital well-being. Journal of Family Psychology 33(5):597-606.
Barber, Jennifer S, Heather Gatny, Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Batra, Peter Rakesh, Ela, Elizabeth , Fakih, Souhiela , Farris, Karen . 2019. Contraceptive Desert? Black-White Differences in Characteristics of Nearby Pharmacies. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 6(4):9-732.
Barber, Jennifer S, Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Weitzman, Abigail M.. 2019. Sexual Concurrency and Contraceptive Use Among Young Adult Women. Demography 56(2):549-572.
Narayan Sastry, Schickedanz, Adam B, Escarce, José J, Halfon, Neal , Chung, Paul J. 2019. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Household Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Costs. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 56(5):698-707.
Christopher Stephen Monk, Colter Mitchell, Luke Williamson Hyde, Waller, Rebecca , Gard, Arianna M, Bazzi, Benjamin , Sypher, Isaiah , Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne , McLanahan, Sara . 2019. The System for Coding Interactions and Family Functioning (SCIFF) in low-income and urban adolescents. Psychological Assessment 31(8):974-984.
Arland Thornton, Colter Mitchell, Linda C Young-Demarco, Allendorf, Keera . 2019. The Influence of Developmental Idealism on Marital Attitudes, Expectations, and Timing. Journal of Family Issues :0192513X19856642.
Kira S Birditt, Kim, Yijung , Kim, Kyungmin , Boerner, Kathrin , Zarit, Steven H, Fingerman, Karen L. 2019. Recent Parental Death and Relationship Qualities Between Midlife Adults and Their Grown Children. Journal of Marriage and Family 81(3):616-630.
Barber, Jennifer S, Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Miller, Warren , Hayford, Sarah R, Guzzo, Karen Benjamin. 2019. Intimate Relationship Dynamics and Changing Desire for Pregnancy Among Young Women. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 51(3):143-152.
William G Axinn, William G Axinn. 2019. Mass Education, International Travel, and Ideal Ages at Marriage. Demography 56(6):2083-2108. PMCID: PMC7029419.
Toni C Antonucci, Kristine J Ajrouch, Noah J Webster, Laura Beth Zahodne. 2019. Social Relations Across the Life Span: Scientific Advances, Emerging Issues, and Future Challenges. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology 1:313-336.
Paula Fomby, Cavanagh, Shannon E. 2019. Family Instability in the Lives of American Children. Annual Review of Sociology 45:493-513.
Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Barber, Jennifer S. 2019. Intimate relationship dynamics and Womenâs expected control over sex and contraception. Contraception 100(6):484-491.
Jonathan Daw, Ashton M. Verdery, Sarah Elizabeth Patterson. 2019. Beyond household walls: the spatial structure of American extended kinship networks. Mathematical Population Studies 26(4):208-237.
Sarah Elizabeth Patterson, Rachel Margolis. 2019. The Demography of Multigenerational Caregiving: A Critical Aspect of the Gendered Life Course. Socius
David J. Harding, Jeffrey D Morenoff, Jessica J. B. Wyse. 2019. On the Outside: Prisoner Reentry and Reintegration.
Joelle Hillary Abramowitz. 2018. Planning parenthood: the Affordable Care Act young adult provision and pathways to fertility. Journal of Population Economics 31(4):1097-1123.
Paula Fomby. 2018. Motherhood in Complex Families. Journal of Family Issues 39(1):245-270.
Kira S Birditt, Polenick, Courtney Allyn, Renn, B N. 2018. Dyadic effects of depressive symptoms on medical morbidity in middle-aged and older couples. Health Psychology 37(1):28-36.
Kira S Birditt, Monin, Joan K, Doyle, Margaret , Van Ness, Peter H, Schulz, Richard , Marottoli, Richard A, Feeney, Brooke C, Kershaw, Trace . 2018. Longitudinal Associations between Cognitive Functioning and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adult Spouses in the Cardiovascular Health Study. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 26(10):1036-1046.
Barber, Jennifer S, Moseson, Heidi , Dehlendorf, Christine , Gerdts, Caitlin , Vittinghoff, Eric , Hiatt, Robert A. 2018. No one to turn to: low social support and the incidence of undesired pregnancy in the United States. Contraception 98(4):275-280.
Barber, Jennifer S, Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Heather Gatny, Budnick, Jamie . 2018. The Dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence and the Risk of Pregnancy during the Transition to Adulthood. American Sociological Review 83(5):1020-1047.
Johnson,David Scott, Katherine A McGonagle, Vicki A Freedman, Narayan Sastry. 2018. Fifty Years of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics: Past, Present, and Future. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 680(1):9-28.
Heather Gatny, Barber, Jennifer S, Kusunoki, Yasmin . 2018. Pregnancy scares and change in contraceptive use. Contraception 98(4):260-265.
John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Richard Allen Miech, Megan E Patrick. 2018. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2017. Volume II, College Students & Adults Ages 19-55.
Richard Allen Miech, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Megan E Patrick. 2018. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2017. Volume I, Secondary School Students.
Megan Lemmon, Sarah Elizabeth Patterson, Molly A. Martin. 2018. Mothers’ Time and Relationship With Their Adolescent Children: The Intersecting Influence of Family Structure and Maternal Labor Force Participation. Journal of Family Issues 39(9)
Arland Thornton, Arland Thornton, Colter Mitchell, Linda C Young-Demarco, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2017. Early Women, Late Men: Timing Attitudes and Gender Differences in Marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family 79(5):1478-1496. PMCID: PMC5679473.
William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Smith-Greenaway, Emily. 2017. Emotional Variation and Fertility Behavior. Demography 54(2):437-458. PMCID: PMC5426117.
William G Axinn, William G Axinn. 2017. Natural resource collection and desired family size: a longitudinal test of environment-population theories. Population and Environment 38(4):381–406. PMCID: PMC5608093.
Barber, Jennifer S, Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Heather Gatny, Robert A Melendez. 2017. The Relationship Context of Young Pregnancies. Law and Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 35(2):175-198.
Colter Mitchell, McLanahan, Sara , Schneper, Lisa , Garfinkel, Irv , Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne , Notterman, Daniel . 2017. Father Loss and Child Telomere Length. Pediatrics 140(2):e20163245.
Kira S Birditt, Polenick, Courtney Allyn, Zarit, Steven H, Bangerter, Lauren R, Seidel, Amber J, Fingerman, Karen L. 2017. Intergenerational Support and Marital Satisfaction: Implications of Beliefs About Helping Aging Parents. Journal of Marriage and Family 79(1):131-146.
Barber, Jennifer S, Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Weitzman, Abigail M., England, Paula . 2017. Desire for and to Avoid Pregnancy During the Transition to Adulthood. Journal of Marriage and Family 79(4):1060-1075.
Kira S Birditt, Toni C Antonucci, Wan, Wylie H, Orbuch, Terri L. 2017. The Development of Marital Tension: Implications for Divorce Among Married Couples. Developmental psychology 53(10):1995-2006.
Kira S Birditt, G¸rmen, M Selenga, Huff, Scott C, Brown, Edna , Orbuch, Terri L. 2017. Divorced Yet Still Together: Ongoing Personal Relationship and Coparenting Among Divorced Parents. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 58(8):645-660.
Paula Fomby, Osborne, C . 2017. Family Instability, Multipartner Fertility, and Behavior in Middle Childhood. Journal of Marriage and Family 79(1):75-93. HIHMS: NIHMS826658.
Emily Treleaven, Moseson, Heidi , Gerdts, Caitlin , Diamond-Smith, Nadia . 2017. The List Experiment for Measuring Abortion: What We Know and What We Need. Studies in Family Planning 48(4):397-405.
A. Conlon, J. Taylor, Michael R Elliott. 2017. Surrogacy assessment using principal stratification and a Gaussian copula model. Statistical methods in medical research 26(1):88-107.
Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Barber, Jennifer S, Heather Gatny, Robert A Melendez. 2017. Physical Intimate Partner Violence and Contraceptive Behaviors Among Young Women. Journal of Women's Health
William G Axinn, Stephanie A Chardoul, Scott, K M. 2016. Demography of Mental Health. Encyclopedia of Mental Health (Second Edition) :18-25.
Kira S Birditt, Lee, Jeong Eun, Zarit, Steven H, Rovine, Michael J, Fingerman, Karen L. 2016. The Interdependence of Relationships with Adult Children and Spouses. Family Relations 65(2):342-353.
Barber, Jennifer S, Heather Gatny, Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Schulz,Paul Chapin. 2016. Effects of intensive longitudinal data collection on pregnancy and contraceptive use. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 19:205-222.
Kira S Birditt, Fiori, Katherine L, Rauer, Amy J, Brown, Edna , Jager, Justin , Orbuch, Terri L. 2016. Social Network Typologies of Black and White Married Couples in Midlife. Journal of Marriage and Family 79(2):571-589.
Jeffrey D Morenoff, Harding, David J., Dobson, Cheyney C, Lane, Erin R, Opatovsky, Kendra , Williams, Ed-Dee G, Wyse, Jessica . 2016. Families, Prisoner Reentry, and Reintegration. Boys and Men in African American Families :105-160.
Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Barber, Jennifer S, Hayford, Sarah R, Guzzo, Karen Benjamin. 2016. Perceived Costs and Benefits of Early Childbearing: New Dimensions and Predictive Power. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 48:83-91.
Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Barber, Jennifer S, Wu, Justine P, Ela, Elizabeth J. 2016. Patterns of Contraceptive Consistency among Young Adult Women in Southeastern Michigan: Longitudinal Findings Based on Journal Data. Women's Health Issues 26(3):305-312.
Emily Treleaven, Toan, Pham Ngoc, Le, Duy Ngoc, Diamond-Smith, Nadia , Partridge, J Colin, Le, Hai Thanh. 2016. Gender disparities in child health care seeking in northern Vietnam. Asian Population Studies 12(3):312-330.
Jeffrey D Morenoff, Harding, David J., Dobson, Cheney , Lane, Erin , Opatovsky, Kendra , Williams, Eddee , Wyse, Jessica . 2016. Families, Prisoner Reentry, and Reintegration. Boys and Men in African American Families :105-160.
William G Axinn. 2015. Demographic Change: The Case of Chitwan Valley in Nepal. International Journal of Sociology 45(1):1-3.
William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Williams, N E, Scott, K M. 2015. Associations between the social organization of communities and psychiatric disorders in rural Asia. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 50(10):1537-145.
Barber, Jennifer S, Heather Gatny, Yarger, J E. 2015. Black-White Differences in Attitudes Related to Pregnancy Among Young Women. Demography 52(3):751-786.
Kira S Birditt, Toni C Antonucci, Hartnett, Caroline Sten, Fingerman, Karen L, Zarit, Steven H. 2015. Extending the Intergenerational Stake Hypothesis: Evidence of an Intra-individual Stake and Implications for Well-being. Journal of Marriage and Family 77(4):877-888.
Pamela Davis-Kean, Tang,Sandra. 2015. Parenting with Digital Devices. Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Michael R Elliott, Li,Yan, Conlon, A S, Kaciroti, N , Taylor, J M. 2015. Surrogacy marker paradox measures in meta-analytic settings. Biostatistics (Oxford, England) 16:400-412.
Paula Fomby, James-Hawkins, Laurie , Mollborn, Stefanie . 2015. Family Resources in Two Generations and School Readiness Among Children of Teen Parents. Population Research and Policy Review 34(5):733-759.
Arland Thornton, Lai, Q . 2015. The making of family values: developmental idealism in Gansu, China. Social science research 51:174-188.
Colter Mitchell, Brooks-Gunn, J , Garfinkel, I , McLanahar, S , Notterman, D , Hobcraft, J . 2015. Family structure instability, genetic sensitivity, and child well-being. AJS; American Journal of Sociology 120(4):1195-1225.
Colter Mitchell, Luke Williamson Hyde, Christopher Stephen Monk, Wiggins, Jillian Lee. 2015. Identifying early pathways of risk and resilience: The codevelopment of internalizing and externalizing symptoms and the role of harsh parenting. Development and psychopathology 27(4):1295-1312.
Daniel P Keating, Friedman, Sarah L, Scholnick, Ellin K, Bender, Randall H, Vandergrift, Nathan , Spieker, Susan , Hirsh Pasek, Kathy , Park, Yoonjung . 2014. Planning in Middle Childhood: Early Predictors and Later Outcomes. Child development 85(4):1446-1460.
Kira S Birditt, Kim, Kyungmin , Zarit, Steven H, Fingerman, Karen L. 2014. Discrepancy in reports of support exchanges between parents and adult offspring: Within- and between-family differences. Journal of Family Psychology 28(2):168-179.
Arland Thornton, Linda C Young-Demarco, Pierotti, R S, Watkins, S . 2014. Developmental Idealism and Cultural Models of the Family in Malawi. Population research and policy review 33(5):693-716.
Colter Mitchell, Wiggins, J L, Stringaris, A , Leibenluft, E . 2014. Developmental trajectories of irritability and bidirectional associations with maternal depression. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 53(11):1191-1205.
Kira S Birditt, Fingerman, K L, Cheng, Y P, Cichy, K E, Zarit, S . 2013. Help With "Strings Attached": Offspring Perceptions That Middle-Aged Parents Offer Conflicted Support.. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 68(6):902-911.
Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn. 2013. Marital processes, arranged marriage, and contraception to limit fertility. Demography 50(5):1663-1686.
Arland Thornton, Kavas, Serap . 2013. Adjustment and Hybridity in Turkish Family Change: Perspectives from Developmental Idealism. Journal of Family History 38(2):223-241.
Noah J Webster, Toni C Antonucci, Sherman, Carey. 2013. Dementia Caregiving in the Context of Late-Life Remarriage: Support Networks, Relationship Quality, and Well-being. Journal of Marriage and Family 75(5):1149-1163.
Brady Thomas West, Frauke Kreuter. 2013. Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Interviewer Observations: Evidence from the National Survey of Family Growth. Public opinion quarterly 77(2):522-548.
Xu, Hongwei, Mberu, Blessing U, Goldberg, Rachel E, Luke, Nancy . 2013. Dimensions of Rural-to-Urban Migration and Premarital Pregnancy in Kenya. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 648(1):104-119.
Kira S Birditt, Toni C Antonucci. 2013. Till Death Do Us Part: Contexts and Implications of Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage Across Adulthood. Research in Human Development 9(2):103-105.
William G Axinn, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2012. Household energy consumption: Community context and the fuelwood transition. Social Science Research 41(3):598. PMCID: PMC3461177.
Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn, Jennings, Elyse A, Pradhan, Meeta S. 2012. A Micro-Level Event-Centered Approach to Investigating Armed Conflict and Population Responses. Demography 49(4):1521-1546. PMCID: PMC3495997.
Arland Thornton, Abbasi-Shavazi, Mohammad , Askari Nodoushan, Abbas . 2012. Family Life and Developmental Idealism in Yazd, Iran. Demographic Research 26(10):207-238.
Toni C Antonucci, Wong, Kristin M, Trinh, Sarah . 2012. The Role of the Family across the Lifespan. The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Couples and Family Relationships :49-65.
Kira S Birditt, Hope, Susannah , Brown, Edna E, Orbuch, Terri L. 2012. Developmental Trajectories of Marital Happiness Over 16 Years. Research in Human Development 9(2):126-144.
Kira S Birditt, Tighe, L A, Fingerman, K L, Zarit, S H. 2012. Intergenerational relationship quality across three generations. The journals of gerontology Series B: Psychological sciences and social sciences 67(5):627-638.
Gwenith Gwyn Fisher, Bulger, C A. 2012. Ethical imperatives of work-life balance. Work and Quality of Life
Paula Fomby, Cavanagh, Shannon E. 2012. Family Instability, School Context, and the Academic Careers of Adolescents. Sociology of Education 85(1):81-97.
Kira S Birditt, Fingerman, Karen L, Cheng, Yen-Pi , Wesselmann, Eric D, Zarit, Steven , Furstenberg, Frank . 2012. Helicopter Parents and Landing Pad Kids: Intense Parental Support of Grown Children. Journal of Marriage and the Family 74(4):880-896.
Philippa J Clarke, Gallagher, Nancy , Ronis, David L. 2012. Influences on Neighborhood Walking in Older Adults. Research in Gerontological Nursing 5(4):238-250.
Heather Gatny, William G Axinn. 2012. Willingness to Participate in Research during Pregnancy. Field Methods 24(2):135-154.
Colter Mitchell, Heaton, Tim B. 2012. Changing intergroup boundaries in Brazilian marriages: 1991-2008. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 43(4):461-482. PMCID: PMC3768282.
Xu, Hongwei, Luke, Nancy , Mberu, Blessing U, Goldberg, Rachel E. 2012. Migration Experience and Premarital Sexual Initiation in Urban Kenya: An Event History Analysis. Studies in family planning 43(2):115-126.
Paula Fomby, Mollborn, Stefanie , Dennis, Jeff A. 2012. Extended household transitions, race/ethnicity, and early childhood cognitive outcomes. Social science research 41(5):1152-1165.
Gwenith Gwyn Fisher, Ratnasingam, P F, Spitzmueller, C , King, WR , Rubino, C , Luksyte, A , Matthews, Russel A. 2012. Can On-Site Childcare Have Detrimental Work Outcomes? Examining the Moderating Roles of Family Supportive Organization Perceptions and Childcare Satisfaction. Journal of occupational health psychology 17(4):435.
Trivellore E Raghunathan, Shneider, BL , Magee, JC , Bezerra, JA , Haber, B , Karpen, SJ , Rosenthal, P . 2012. Efficacy of fat-soluble vitamin supplementation in infants with biliary atresia. Pediatrics 130(3):e607-e614.
Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Xie, Yu. 2012. Histroical Perspectives on Marriage. Family, Ties, and Care :61-83.
Caldwell,Cleopatra Howard, Toni C Antonucci, Williams, Terrinieka T, Mance, GiShawn . 2012. The Role of Prenatal Stress and Maternal Emotional Support on the Postpartum Depressive Symptoms of African American Adolescent Fathers. Journal of Black Psychology 38(4):455-470.
Matthew VanEseltine, Staff, Jeremy, Woolnough, April , Silver, Eric , Burrington, Lori . 2012. Adolescent Work Experiences and Family Formation Behavior. Journal of Research on Adolescence 22(1):150-164.
Elyse A. Jennings, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2012. The Effect of Parentsâ Attitudes on Sonsâ Marriage Timing. American Sociological Review 77(6):923-945.
Elizabeth T. Gershoff, Jennifer E. Lansford, Holly R. Sexton, Pamela Davis-Kean, Arnold J. Sameroff. 2012. Longitudinal Links Between Spanking and Childrenâs Externalizing Behaviors in a National Sample of White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian American Families. Child development 83(3):838-843.
William G Axinn, Linda C Young-Demarco, Roe, Messo Caponi. 2011. Gender double standards in parenting attitudes. Social Science Research 40(2):417-432.
Barber, Jennifer S, Yasamin Yoko Kusunoki, Heather Gatny. 2011. Design and implementation of an online weekly journal to study unintended pregnancies. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 9:327-334.
Kira S Birditt, Fingerman, Karen L, Pitzer, L , Chan, W , Franks, M , Zarit, S . 2011. Who Gets What and Why? Help Middle-Aged Adults Provide to Parents and Grown Children. The Journals of Gerontology 66B(1):87-98.
Kira S Birditt, Fingerman, Karen L, VanderDrift, L , Dotterer, A , Zarit, S . 2011. Support to Aging Parents and Grown Children in Black and White Families. The Gerontologist 51(4):441-452.
Paula Fomby. 2011. Changes in Family Structure. Encyclopedia of Family Health
Arland Thornton. 2011. The international fight against barbarism: Historical and comparative perspectives on marriage timing, consent and polygamy. Modern polygamy in the United States: Histroical, cultural, and legal issues
William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2010. Community Services and Out-Migration. International Migration 48(3):1-41. PMCID: PMC3146299.
Kira S Birditt, Brown, E , Orbuch, Terri L, McIlvane, J . 2010. Marital Conflict Behaviors and Implications for Divorce Over 16 Years. Journal of Marriage and the Family 72(5):1188-1204.
William G Axinn, Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. 2010. Parental family experiences, the timing of first sex and contraception. Social Science Research 39(6):875-893.
Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn. 2010. Community context, land use and first birth. Rural Sociology 75(3):478-513.
Colter Mitchell. 2010. Are Divorce Studies Trustworthy? The Effects of Survey Nonresponse and Response Errors. Journal of Marriage and the Family 72(4):893-905.
Colter Mitchell, Fu, X , Heaton, Tim B, Jacobson, C K. 2010. Urbanization, education and racial intermarriage in Brazil. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 47(2):273-294.
William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2010. Environmental change and out-migration: Evidence from Nepal. Population and environment 32:109-136.
Katherine A McGonagle, Almeida, David M, King, H . 2009. Assessing Daily Stress Processes in Social Surveys by Combining Stressor Exposure and Salivary Cortisol. Biodemography and Social Biology 55(2):219-237.
Kira S Birditt, Fingerman, Karen L, Miller, L , Zarit, S . 2009. Giving to the Good and the Needy: Parental Support of Grown Children. Journal of Marriage and the Family 71(5):1220-1233.
Arland Thornton, Philipov, D . 2009. Sweeping Changes in Marriage, Cohabitation and Childbearing in Central and Eastern Europe: New Insights from the Developmental Idealism Framework. European Journal of Population 25(2):123-156.
Caldwell,Cleopatra Howard, Toni C Antonucci, Brown, Edna E. 2008. Religiosity as a Moderator of Family Conflict and Depressive Symptoms among African American and White Young Grandmothers. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 18(4):397-412.
Kira S Birditt, Fingerman, Karen L, Pitzer, L , Lefkowitz, E , Mroczek, D . 2008. Ambivalent Relationship Qualities Between Adults and Their Parents: Implications for the Well-Being of Both Parties. The Journals of Gerontology 63B(6):P362.
James M Lepkowski, Ismail, A , Sohn, W , Tellez, M , Willem, J , Betz, J . 2008. Risk indicators for dental caries using the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS). Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 36(1):55-68.
John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Merline, Alicia C. 2008. Substance Use in Marital Dyads: Premarital Assortment and Change Over Time. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 69(3):352-361.
Richard Allen Miech. 2008. The formation of a socioeconomic health disparity: the case of cocaine use during the 1980s and 1990s. Journal of health & social behavior 49(3):352-366.
Jackson, James Sidney, Toni C Antonucci, Edna E. Brown, S. O. Daatland, Besangie Sellars. 2008. Race and ethnic influences on normative beliefs and attitudes: Toward provision of family care. Intergenerational caregiving :317.
Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 2008. The neighborhood history calendar: A data collection method designed for dynamic multilevel modeling. Sociological Methodology 27(1):355-392.
William G Axinn, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2007. The Spread of Health Services and Fertility Transition. Demography 44(4):747-770.
William G Axinn, Colter Mitchell, Emens, Amie . 2007. Ideational influences on family change in the United States. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Barber, Jennifer S. 2007. The influence of ideational dimensions of social change on family formation in Nepal. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
William G Axinn, Arland Thornton, Jayakody, Rukmalie . 2007. New directions for research on ideational perspectives. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
Kira S Birditt, Toni C Antonucci. 2007. Relationship Quality Profiles and Well-Being Among Married Adults. Journal of family psychology 21(4):595-604.
Paula Fomby, Cherlin, Andrew J. 2007. Family Instability and Child Well-Being. American Sociological Review 72(2):181-204.
Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Jayakody, Rukmalie . 2007. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives.
Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Jayakody, Rukmalie . 2007. Summary and conclusion. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Jayakody, Rukmalie . 2007. Perspectives on international family change. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
Arland Thornton, Pearce, L . 2007. Religious Identity and Family Ideologies in the Transition to Adulthood. Journal of Marriage and the Family 69(5):1227-1243.
Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Xie, Yu. 2007. Marriage and Cohabitation.
Arland Thornton, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, Binstock, Georgina . 2007. International Networks, Ideas, and Family Change. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives
Arland Thornton, Georgina Binstock, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2007. International dissemination of ideas about development and family change. International Family Change: Ideational Perspectives :19.
Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn, Arland Thornton, Arland Thornton. 2006. Social change, premarital nonfamily experience, and spouse choice in an arranged marriage society. American Journal of Sociology 111(4):1181-1218.
William G Axinn. 2006. Review of Being together, working apart by Barbara Schneider and Linda Waite. American Journal of Sociology 112(2):622-624.
William G Axinn, Fricke, Tom, Arland Thornton. 2006. The microdemographic community study approach: Improving survey data by integrating the ethnographic method. Mixed Method Data Collection Strategies
Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn. 2006. Family change in Nepal: evidence from Western Chitwan.(Report). Contributions to Nepalese Studies 33(2):177-201.
John E Schulenberg. 2006. Understanding the Multiple Contexts of Adolescent Risky Behavior and Positive Development: Advances and Future Directions. Applied Developmental Science 10(2):107-113.
Jeffrey D Morenoff, Swaroop, Sapna . 2006. Building Community: The Neighborhood Context of Social Organization. Social Forces 84(3):1665-1695.
Dirgha Jibi Ghimire, William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 2006. Social change, premarital nonfamily experience, and spouse choice in an arranged marriage society. American Journal of Sociology 111(4):1181-1218.
William G Axinn, William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S. 2005. Environmental effects on family size preferences and subsequent reproductive behavior in Nepal. Population and Environment 26:583-621.
Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 2005. How do Attitudes Shape Childbearing in the United States. The New Population Problem: Why Families in Developed Countries Are Shrinking and What it Means
Grant D Benson, William G Axinn, James M Lepkowski, Groves, Robert M., Granda, Peter A., Mosher, W D, Rosenbaum, J , Chandra, A . 2005. Plan and operation of Cycle 6 of the National Survey of Family Growth.. Vital and health statistics.Ser.1, Programs and collection procedures. (42):1-86.
Toni C Antonucci, Kira S Birditt, Akiyama, Hiroko S.. 2004. Intergenerational Exchange in the United States and Japan. Annual Review of Gerontology & Geriatrics 24:224-248.
Colter Mitchell, Bahr, Howard M, Li, Xiaomin , Walker, Alison , Sucher, Kristen . 2004. Trends in Family Space/Time, Conflict, and Solidarity: Middletown 1924-1999. City & Community 3(3):263-291.
Kira S Birditt, Fingerman, Karen L, Hay, Elizabeth L. 2004. The Best of Ties, the Worst of Ties: Close, Problematic, and Ambivalent Social Relationships. Journal of Marriage and the Family 66(3):792.
Hoelter,Lynette F, William G Axinn, Dirgha Jibi Ghimire. 2004. Social Change, Premarital Non-Family Experiences, and Marital Dynamics. Journal of Marriage and the Family 66(3):1131-1151.
Arland Thornton, William G Axinn. 2004. The Social Demography of Fertility: Some Contributions of American Surveys. Telescope on Society: Survey Research and Social Science at the University of Michigan and Beyond Pp. 281-304
Katherine A McGonagle, Kessler,Ronald C, Elaine Wethington, Almeida, David M, Cate, Rodney C. 2003. Psychosocial moderators of emotional reactivity to marital arguments: Results from a daily diary study. Marriage & Family Review 34(1):89-113.
William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S. 2003. Linking People and Land Use: A Sociological Perspective. People and the Environment
Kira S Birditt, Fingerman, Karen L. 2003. Do age differences in close and problematic family ties reflect the pool of available relatives?. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 58B(2):P80.
Kira S Birditt, Fingerman, Karen L, Nussbaum, J . 2003. Keeping all five balls in the air: Juggling family communication at midlife. Handbook of family communication
Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 2002. The Influence of Attitudes on Family Formation Processes. Meaning and Choice: Value Orientations and Life Course Decisions
Katherine A McGonagle, Gerstel, N G. 2002. Job leaves and the limits of the Family and Medical Leave Act. Workplace/women's place : an anthology 2nd
Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Freedman, Ronald . 2002. Intergenerational Panel Study of Parents and Children. Looking at Lives: American Longitudinal Studies of the Twentieth Century
William G Axinn, Arland Thornton, Li-Shou Yang, Linda C Young-Demarco, Yu Xie. 2002. Mothersâ Reports of Childrenâs Family Formation Behavior. Social Science Research 31(2):257-283.
William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S. 2001. Mass Education and Fertility Transition. American Sociological Review 66(4):481-505.
William G Axinn, Heather Gatny. 2001. The Stycos legacy: multimethod approaches to social demography. Population and Development Program Working Papers 2001.03
William G Axinn, Yabiku, Scott T. 2001. Social Change, the Social Organization of Families, and Fertility Limitation. American Journal of Sociology 106(5):1219-1261.
Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Fricke, Tom, Alwin, Duane. 2001. Values and Beliefs in the Lives of Children and Families. The Well-Being of Children and Families: Research and Data Needs Pp. 215-243
Pienta,Amy, Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 2001. Social Change and Adult Childrenâs Attitudes towards Support of Elderly Parents: Evidence from Nepal. Hallym International Journal of Aging 3(2):211-235.
William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 2000. The Transformation in the Meaning of Marriage. Ties That Bind: Perspectives on Marriage and Cohabitation Pp. 147-165
Toni C Antonucci, Akiyama, Hiroko S.. 1999. Mother-daughter dynamics over the life course. Gerontologist 39
Toni C Antonucci, Caldwell,Cleopatra Howard. 1999. Multi-generational mother-daughter relationships: support and well-being. Gerontologist 39
Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 1999. Unwanted Childbearing, Health and Mother-Child Relationships. Journal of health & social behavior 40(3):231-257.
Katherine A McGonagle, Gerstel, Naomi . 1999. Job Leaves and the Limits of the Family and Medical Leave Act: The Effects of Gender, Race, and Family. Work and Occupations 26(4):510-534.
Scott T. Yabiku, William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 1999. Family Integration and Childrenâs Self-Esteem. American Journal of Sociology 104(5):1494-1524.
Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 1998. Gender Role Attitudes and Marriage Among Young Women. Sociological Quarterly 39 (1): 11-31
Caldwell,Cleopatra Howard, Toni C Antonucci, Jackson, James Sidney. 1998. Supportive/Conflictual Family Relations and Depressive Symptomatology: Teenage Mother and Grandmother Perspectives. Family relations 47(4):395.
William G Axinn, Pearce, Lisa D. 1998. The impact of family religious life on the quality of mother-child relations. American Sociological Review 63 (6): 810-828
Toni C Antonucci, Vandewater, Elizabeth A.. 1998. The Family as a Context for Health and Well-Being. Family relations 47(4):313-314.
William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S, Arland Thornton. 1998. The Long-Term Impact of Parentsâ Childbearing Decisions on Childrenâs Self -Esteem. Demography 35(4):435-443.
Barber, Jennifer S, William G Axinn. 1998. The Impact of Parental Pressure for Grandchildren on Young Peopleâs Entry into Cohabitation and Marriage. Population Studies 52(2):129-144.
William G Axinn, Barber, Jennifer S. 1997. Living Arrangements and Family Formation Attitudes in Early Adulthood. Journal of Marriage and the Family 59(3):595-611.
Caldwell,Cleopatra Howard, Toni C Antonucci. 1997. Childbearing during adolescence: mental health risks and opportunities. Health risks and developmental transitions during adolescence :220.
Caldwell,Cleopatra Howard, Toni C Antonucci, Jackson, James Sidney, Wolford, Monica L, Osofsky, Joy D. 1997. Perceptions of parental support and depressive symptomatology among Black and White adolescent mothers. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 5(3):173-183.
Toni C Antonucci, Akiyama, Hiroko S., Elliott, Kathryn . 1996. Same-Sex and Cross-Sex Relationships. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 51(6):P374.
Vicki A Freedman. 1996. Family structure and the risk of nursing home admission. The Journals of Gerontology 51B(2):S61.
William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 1996. The influence of parentsâ marital dissolutions on childrenâs attitudes toward family formation. Demography 33(1):66-81.
William G Axinn, Thomas E. Fricke. 1996. Community Context, Womenâs Natal Kin Ties, and Demand for Children: Macro-Micro Linkages in Social Demography. Rural Sociology 61(2):249-271.
William G Axinn. 1995. Review of Leaving home before marriage: Ethnicity, familism and generational relations by Frances K. Goldscheider and Calvin Goldscheider. American Journal of Sociology 100(5):1358-1360.
Vicki A Freedman, Wolf, Douglas A. 1995. A case study on the use of multiple imputation. Demography 32(3):459.
Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Teachman, Jay. 1995. The Influence of School Enrollment and Accumulation on Cohabitation and Marriage in Early Adulthood. American Sociological Review 60 (5): 762-74
Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Orbuch, Terri L. 1995. Parent-Child Relationships During the Transition to Adulthood. Journal of Family Issues 16 (5): 538-64
Toni C Antonucci, Acitelli, Linda K. 1994. Gender Differences in the Link Between Marital Support and Satisfation in Older Couples. Journal of personality and social psychology 67(4):688.
William G Axinn, Arland Thornton, Clarkberg, Marin E. 1994. Family Influences on Family Size Preferences. Demography 31 (1): 65-79
Vicki A Freedman, Berkman, Lisa F, Rapp, Stephen R, Ostfeld, Adrian M. 1994. Family networks: Predictors of nursing home entry. American Journal of Public Health 84(5):843.
Toni C Antonucci, M. H. Cantor. 1994. Strengthening the family’s support system for older minority persons.
William G Axinn. 1993. The effects of childrens schooling on fertility limitation. Population Studies 47 (3): 481-493
Frey,William H, Thomas E. Fricke, William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 1993. Marriage, Social Inequality, and Womenâs Contact with Their Natal Families in Alliance Societies: Two Tamang Examples. American Anthropologist 95(2):395-419.
William G Axinn. 1992. Family organization and fertility limitation in Nepal. Demography 29 (4): 503-521
William G Axinn. 1992. Rural income, generating programs and fertility limitation: evidence from a microdemographics study in Nepal. Rural Sociology 57 (3): 396-413
William G Axinn, Arland Thornton. 1992. The Relationship between Cohabitation and Divorce: Selectivity or Causal Influence?. Demography 29 (3): 357-74
Toni C Antonucci. 1991. Aging and the Family edited by Stephen J. Bahr and Evan T. Peterson. Contemporary psychology 36(6):525.
Vicki A Freedman, Wolf, Douglas A. 1991. Intergenerational Transfers: A Question of Perspective. The Gerontologist 31(5):640.
Thomas E. Fricke, Dilli R. Dahal, Arland Thornton, William G Axinn, Krishna P. Rimal. 1991. Tamang family research project: Summary report on ethnographic and survey research conducted March 1987-January 1988.
Toni C Antonucci, Mikus, K , Michaels, Gerald Y, Goldberg, Wendy A. 1988. The power of parenthood: personality and attitudinal changes during the transition to parenthood. The transition to parenthood: current theory and research :62-84.
Toni C Antonucci, Douvan, E . 1980. Happiness in marriage, divorce, and single status. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 140(3):103.