Research Professor Emeritus, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research

Jerald Bachman is a Research Professor and University Distinguished Research Scientist at the University of Michigan’s, Institute for Social Research, Survey Research Center, and a principal investigator on the Monitoring the Future study since its inception in 1975. In 1965 he initiated the Youth in Transition project and has authored three books and many articles based on Monitoring the Future Research. His scientific publications focus on youth and social issues, and his current research interests include drug use and attitudes about drugs; other values, attitudes, and behaviors of youth; military plans and experiences; and public opinion as related to a number of other social issues.
Funded Research
- Lloyd D Johnston, Richard Allen Miech, Megan E Patrick, Patrick M O'Malley, Schulenberg,John E, Jerald G Bachman. 2023. Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use 1975-2022: Overview, key findings on adolescent drug use.
- Richard Allen Miech, Lloyd D Johnston, Megan E Patrick, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Schulenberg,John E. 2023. Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975-2022: Secondary school students.
- Megan E Patrick, Mick P Couper, Jang,Bohyun, Virginia Laetz, John E Schulenberg, Patrick M. O’Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston. 2022. Building on a Sequential Mixed-Mode Research Design in the Monitoring the Future Study. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 10(1):149-160.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Richard Allen Miech, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Megan E Patrick. 2022. Monitoring the Future: National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2021. 2021 Overview: Key Findings on Adolescent Drug Use.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Richard Allen Miech, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Megan E Patrick. 2021. Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975-2020: Overview, key findings on adolescent drug use.
- Richard Allen Miech, Megan E Patrick, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 2020. Trends in Reported Marijuana Vaping Among US Adolescents, 2017-2019. JAMA 323(5):475-476.
- John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Richard Allen Miech, Megan E Patrick. 2020. Monitoring the Future: National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2019. Volume II, College Students and Adults Ages 19-60.
- Richard Allen Miech, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Megan E Patrick. 2020. Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975-2019: Volume I, Secondary school students.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Megan E Patrick, Richard Allen Miech. 2020. HIV/AIDS: Risk & protective behaviors among adults ages 21 to 30 in the U.S., 2004-2019.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Richard Allen Miech, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Megan E Patrick. 2020. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2019: Overview, Key Findings on Adolescent Drug Use.
- Yvonne M Terry-McElrath, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2020. Diversion of Medical Marijuana to Unintended Users Among U.S. Adults Age 35 and 55, 2013-2018. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 81(5):604-613.
- John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Richard Allen Miech. 2020. Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975-2019: Volume II, college students and adults ages 19-60.
- Richard Allen Miech, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Megan E Patrick. 2019. Adolescent Vaping and Nicotine Use in 2017-2018 - U.S. National Estimates. New England Journal of Medicine 380(2):192-193.
- Megan E Patrick, Mick P Couper, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Jang, Bohyun J, Laetz, Virginia . 2019. Two-Year Follow-up of a Sequential Mixed-Mode Experiment in the U.S. National Monitoring the Future Study. Survey Practice 12(1):8358.
- Richard Allen Miech, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Megan E Patrick. 2019. Trends in Adolescent Vaping, 2017-2019. New England Journal of Medicine 381:1490-1491.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Richard Allen Miech, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Megan E Patrick. 2019. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2018: Overview, Key Findings on Adolescent Drug Use.
- John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Richard Allen Miech, Megan E Patrick. 2018. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2017. Volume II, College Students & Adults Ages 19-55.
- Richard Allen Miech, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Megan E Patrick. 2018. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2017. Volume I, Secondary School Students.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston. 2016. Race/Ethnicity, Religiosity and Differences and Similarities in American Adolescentsâ⬙ Substance Use. Drug Use Trajectories Among Minority Youth :105-121.
- John M. Wallace, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston. 2016. Race/Ethnicity, Religiosity and Differences and Similarities in American Adolescents’ Substance Use. Drug Use Trajectories Among Minority Youth :105-121.
- Richard Allen Miech, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Megan E Patrick. 2015. Trends in use of marijuana and attitudes toward marijuana among youth before and after decriminalization: The case of California 2007-2013. International Journal of Drug Policy 26(4):336-344.
- Megan E Patrick, Patrick M O'Malley, Deborah Denise Kloska, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Richard Allen Miech, Jerald G Bachman. 2015. Novel psychoactive substance use by US adolescents: Characteristics associated with use of synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones. Drug and Alcohol Review 35(5):586–590.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Bryant, Alison L, Merline, Alicia C. 2014. The decline of substance use in young adulthood: Changes in social activities, roles, and beliefs. :322.
- John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Matthew VanEseltine, Staff, Jeremy, Siennick, Sonja E, Osgood, D Wayne. 2014. Partnership Transitions and Antisocial Behavior in Young Adulthood: A Within-person, Multi-Cohort Analysis. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 51(6):735-758.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Freedman-Doan, Peter C.. 2013. Adolescent Work Intensity, School Performance, and Substance Use: Links Vary by Race/Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status.. Developmental psychology 49(11):2125-2134.
- John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Jager, J . 2013. Historical variation in drug use trajectories across the transition to adulthood: the trend toward lower intercepts and steeper, ascending slopes. Development and psychopathology 25(2):527-543.
- John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Dever, B V, Dworkin, J B. 2012. Predicting risk-taking with and without substance use: the effects of parental monitoring, school bonding, and sports participation.. Prevention Science 113(6):605-615.
- Jennifer L Maggs, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Wray-Lake, L . 2012. Associations Between Community Attachments and Adolescent Substance Use in Nationally Representative Samples. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 32(5):325-331.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Staff, Jeremy. 2011. Twelfth-grade student work intensity linked to later educational attainment and substance use: new longitudinal evidence. Developmental psychology 47(2):344-363.
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg. 2011. Racial/ethnic differences in the relationship between parental education and substance use among U.S. 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students: findings from the monitoring the future project. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 72(2):279-285.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Trzesniewski, Kali H, Donnellan, M B. 2011. Adolescent Self-esteem: Differences by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Age. Self and Identity 10(4):445-473.
- Katherine Keyes, John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Li, G , Hasin, D . 2011. The social norms of birth cohorts and adolescent marijuana use in the United States, 1976-2007. Addiction 106(10):1790-1800.
- Megan E Patrick, John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 2011. Adolescents' reported reasons for alcohol and marijuana use as predictors of substance use and problems in adulthood. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 72(1):106-116.
- Megan E Patrick, John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jennifer L Maggs, Deborah Denise Kloska, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 2011. Age-related changes in reasons for using alcohol and marijuana from ages 18 to 30 in a national sample. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 25(2):330-339.
- John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Staff, Jeremy. 2010. Adolescent Work Intensity, School Performance, and Academic Engagement. Sociology of Education 83(3):183-200.
- John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Jennifer L Maggs, Lloyd D Johnston, Staff, Jeremy, Maslowsky, J . 2010. Substance use changes and social role transitions: Proximal developmental effects on ongoing trajectories from late adolescence through early adulthood. Development and psychopathology 22(4):917-932.
- John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Staff, Jeremy, Osgood, D Wayne, Messersmith, Emily E. 2010. Explaining the Relationship Between Employment and Juvenile Delinquency. Criminology 48(4):1101-1131. PMCID: PMC3062908.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Goodkind, Sara , Shook, Jeffrey J. 2009. Are girls really becoming more delinquent? Testing the gender convergence hypothesis by race and ethnicity, 1976 - 2005. Children and Youth Services Review 31(8):885-895.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, John E Schulenberg, Vaughn, Michael G. 2009. Race/ethnicity, socioeconomic factors, and smoking among early adolescent girls in the United States. Women and Smoking: An Interdisciplinary Examination of Socioeconomic Influences 104(Supplement 1):S42-S49.
- John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Merline, Alicia C. 2008. Substance Use in Marital Dyads: Premarital Assortment and Change Over Time. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 69(3):352-361.
- Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Messersmith, Emily E. 2008. The optimism of American youth. Young people facing the future : an international survey :163.
- Jerald G Bachman, Goodkind, S , Wallace, C . 2008. Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Differences in School Discipline among U.S. High School Students: 1991-2005. Negro Educational Review 59(1-2):47-62. PMCID: PMC2678799.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Messersmith, E E. 2008. The education-drug use connection: How successes and failures in school relate to adolescent smoking, drinking, drug use, and delinquency.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Messersmith, Emily E. 2007. The education-drug use connection: How successes and failures in school relate to adolescent smoking, drinking, drug use, and delinquency..
- Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Delva, Jorge. 2007. Variation in Obesity Among American Secondary School Students by School and School Characteristics. Bridging the Gap - Research Informing Practice and Policy for Healthy Youth Behavior 33(4, Supplement 1):S187-S194.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Delva, Jorge, Stewart, Christopher . 2007. Race/Ethnicity, Religiosity and Adolescent Alcohol, Cigarette and Marijuana Use. Social Work in Public Health 23(2):193-213.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Yamaguchi, Ryoko . 2007. Religiosity and Adolescent Substance Use: The Role of Individual and Contextual Influences. Social problems 54(2):308-327.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2007. Monitoring the Future national results on adolescent drug use: Overview of key findings, 2006 (NIH Publication No. 07-6202).
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2007. Monitoring the future national results on adolescent drug use: Overview of key findings, 2006.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Revathy Kumar. 2006. How substance use differs among American secondary schools. Prevention Science 7(4):409-420.
- John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Pilgrim, C C. 2006. Mediators and moderators of parental involvement on substance use: A national study of adolescents. Prevention Science 7(1):75-89.
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley. 2006. Monitoring the Future: Questionnaire responses from the nation's high school seniors, 2005.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2006. Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use , 1975-2005. Volume II: college students and adults ages 19-45 (NIH Publication No. 06-5884).
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2006. Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975-2005. Volume I: Secondary school students (NIH Publication No. 06-5883).
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2006. Monitoring the Future: National Results on Adolescent Drug Use. Overview of Key Findings 2005..
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2006. Monitoring the Future: National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2005.. II
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2006. Monitoring the Future: National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2005. Volume 1: Secondary School Students, 2005. NIH Publication No. 06-5883.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, John E Schulenberg, Delva, Jorge. 2005. The Epidemiology of Alcohol, Marijuana, and Cocaine Use Among Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban American, and Other Latin American Eighth-Grade Students in the United States: 1991-2002. American Journal of Public Health 95:696-702
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, John E Schulenberg, Delva, Jorge. 2005. Immigrant generational status and ethnic differences in health - Delva et al. respond. American Journal of Public Health 95(9): 1494-1495
- Sean Esteban McCabe, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Deborah Denise Kloska. 2005. Selection and Socialization Effects of Fraternities and Sororities on Us College Student Substance Use: a Multi-Cohort National Longitudinal Study. Addiction 100:512-524
- John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Merline, Alicia C, Laetz, Virginia B. 2005. Trajectories of Marijuana Use During the Transition to Adulthood: the Big Picture Based on National Panel Data. Journal of Drug Issues 35(2):255-279.
- John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston. 2005. Early adult transitions and their relation to well-being and substance abuse. On the Frontier of Adulthood : Theory, Research, and Public Policy
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley. 2005. Monitoring the Future: Questionnaire Responses from the Nation’s High School Seniors, 2002.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2005. Monitoring the future : national results on adolescent drug use : overview of key findings, 2004.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2005. Monitoring the Future: National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2004. Volume I: Secondary School Students, 2004.
- John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Merline, Alicia C. 2004. Substance Use Among Adults 35 Years of Age: Prevalence, Adulthood Predictors, and Impact of Adolescent Substance Use. American Journal of Public Health 94(1):96-102.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, John E Schulenberg. 2004. Studying the transition from youth to adulthood : impacts on substance use and abuse. A Telescope on Society : Survey Research and Social Science at the University of Michigan and Beyond :305-329.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston. 2004. Surveying the transition from youth to adulthood : impacts on substance use and abuse. A Telescope on Society: Survey Research and Social Science at the University of Michigan and Beyond
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2004. Monitoring the Future: National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2003. Volume I: Secondary school students.
- Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg, Safron, Deborah Jeannine, Sy, Susan R. 2003. Wishing to Work: New Perspectives on How Adolescents' Part-Time Work Intensity Is Linked to Educational Disengagement, Substance Use, and Other Problem Behaviours. International Journal of Behavioral Development 27(4):301-315.
- John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Bryant, Alison L. 2003. How Academic Achievement, Attitudes, and Behaviors Relate to the Course of Substance Use During Adolescence: a 6-Year, Multiwave National Longitudinal Study. Journal of Research on Adolescence 13:361-3397.
- Jerald G Bachman. 2003. Explaining racial/ethnic differences in adolescent drug use : the impact of background and lifestyle. Drugs, Alcohol, and Social Problems
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Cooper, S M. 2003. Gender and Ethnic Differences in Smoking, Drinking and Illicit Drug Use Among American 8th, 10th and 12th Grade Students, 1976-2000. Addiction 98:225-234.
- Jerald G Bachman, Brown, Tony N, Laveist, T A. 2003. The influence of race and religion on abstinence from alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana among adolescents. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 64(6):843-848.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 2003. Monitoring the future national results on adolescent drug use: Overview of key findings, 2002.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 2003. Monitoring the Future: National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2002. Volume I: Secondary school students.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Bryant, Alison L, Merline, Alicia C. 2002. The decline of substance use in young adulthood : changes in social activities, roles, and beliefs.
- Revathy Kumar, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman. 2002. Effects of School-Level Norms on Student Substance Use. Prevention Science 3(2):105-124.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 2002. Alcohol use among adolescents : an overview. Teens and alcohol
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, John E Schulenberg, Cooper, S M. 2002. Tobacco, Alcohol, and Illicit Drug Use: Racial and Ethnic Differences Among Us High School Seniors, 1976-2000. Public Health Reports 117:S67-S75.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 2002. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2001. Volume 1: Secondary School Students, 2001.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 2002. Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Key Findings, 2001.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Freedman-Doan, Peter C.. 2001. Should US military recruiters write off the college-bound?. Armed Forces & Society 27(3):461-476.
- Jerald G Bachman. 2001. Religion and drug use. Encyclopedia of drugs, alcohol, and addictive behavior 2nd:911-916.
- John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Brown, Tony N. 2001. Are Risk and Protective Factors for Substance Use Consistent across Historical Time? National Data from the High School Classes of 1976 through 1997. Prevention Science 2(1):29-44.
- John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Safron, Deborah Jeannine. 2001. Part-Time Work and Hurried Adolescence: the Links Among Work Intensity, Social Activities, Health Behaviors, and Substance Use. Journal of health & social behavior 42(4):425-449.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, John E Schulenberg, Schuster, C . 2001. Adolescent Marijuana Use and Adult Occupational Attainment: a Longitudinal Study From Age 18 to 28. Substance Use & Misuse 36(8):997-1014.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Segal, David R. 2001. Attitudes of entry-level enlisted personnel : pro-military and politically mainstreamed. Soldiers and Civilians : The Civil-military Gap and American National Security
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Segal, Mandy W, Segal, David R. 2001. Gender and propensity to enlist in the U. S. miltiary. Women in the military
- Alcser,Kirsten Haakan, Jerald G Bachman, Whitney, Simon N, Brown, Byron W, Brody, Howard , Greely, Henry T. 2001. Views of United States physicians and members of the American Medical Association House of Delegates on physician-assisted suicide. Journal of General Internal Medicine 16(5):290-296.
- Jerald G Bachman, Segal, Mady W, Segal, David R. 2001. Gender and the propensity to enlist in the U.S. military. Women in the Military
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 2001. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2000. Volume II: College Students and Young Adults Ages 19-40.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 2001. Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Key Findings, 2000.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 2001. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2000. Volume I: Secondary School Students.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Segal, David R. 2000. Distinctive Military Attitudes among U.S. Enlistees, 1976 1997: Self-Selection versus Socialization. Armed Forces & Society 26(4):561-585.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Segal, David R. 2000. Who Chooses Military Service? Correlates of Propensity and Enlistment in the U.S. Armed Forces. Military Psychology 12(1):1-30.
- John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Bryant, Alison L. 2000. Understanding the Links Among School Misbehavior, Academic Achievement, and Cigarette Use: A National Panel Study of Adolescents. Prevention Science 1(2):71-87.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, John E Schulenberg. 2000. A comparison of confidential versus anonymous survey procedures: Effects on reporting of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs in a national study of students. Journal of Drug Issues 30(1):35-54.
- John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston. 2000. 'Spread your wings and fly': The course of well-being and substance use during the transition to young adulthood. Negotiating adolescence in times of social change
- John E Schulenberg, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston. 2000. ‘Spread your wings and fly’: The course of well-being and substance use during the transition to young adulthood. Negotiating adolescence in times of social change
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 2000. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-1999. Volume I: Secondary School Students.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 2000. Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Key Findings, 1999.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 2000. Monitoring the Future National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-1999. Volume II: College Students and Adults Ages 19-40.
- Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, An, L C. 1999. Changes at the high end of risk in cigarette smoking among US high school seniors, 1976-1995. American Journal of Public Health 89(5): 699-705
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Segal, David R. 1999. Changing patterns of drug use among US military recruits before and after enlistment. American Journal of Public Health 89(5): 672-677
- Jerald G Bachman, John E Schulenberg. 1999. How part-time work intensity relates to drug use, problem behavior, time use, and satisfaction among high school seniors : are these consequences or merely correlates?. Adolescence : development, diversity, and context
- Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 1999. Epidemiology of substance abuse in adolescence. Sourcebook on substance abuse : etiology, epidemiology, assessment, and treatment :14-31.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Segal, David R. 1999. Propensity to serve in the US Military: Temporal trends and subgroup differences. Armed Forces & Society 25(3): 407
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Forman, Tyrone A, Guthrie, Barbara J. 1999. The Epidemiology of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Use among Black Youth(*). Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 60(6):800-809.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1999. National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1998. Volume II: College Students and Young Adults.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1999. National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1998. Volume I: Secondary School Students.
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley. 1998. Explaining recent increases in students' marijuana use: impacts of perceived risks and disapproval, 1976 through 1996. American Journal of Public Health 88:p887(6).
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Segal, David R. 1998. Does enlistment propensity predict accession? High school seniors' plans and subsequent behavior. Armed Forces & Society 25(1):59-80.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 1998. Alcohol Use Among Adolescents. Alcohol Health and Research World 22(2):85.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Freedman-Doan, Peter C., Segal, Mandy W, Segal, David R. 1998. Gender and the propensity to enlist in the U.S. military. Gender Issues 16(3):65.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1998. National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1997. Volume 1: Secondary School Students.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1998. National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1997. Volume 2: College Students and Young Adults.
- Jerald G Bachman, Alcser,Kirsten Haakan, Amy Dorothy Corning, Brody, Howard , Lichtenstein, Richard L, Doukas, David J. 1997. Supporting assisted suicide: How do the public and physicians feel about aiding in death?. Michigan Medicine April:34-36.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, John E Schulenberg, Wadsworth, Katherine N. 1997. Smoking, Drinking, and Drug Use in Young Adulthood: The Impacts of New Freedoms and New Responsibilities. Research Monographs in Adolescence (RMA) :241.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg, Lloyd D Johnston, Wadsworth, Katherine N. 1997. Marriage, divorce, and parenthood during the transition to young adulthood: impacts on drug use and abuse. Health risks and developmental transitions during adolescence
- Alcser,Kirsten Haakan, Amy Dorothy Corning, Jerald G Bachman, Lichtenstein, Richard L, Doukas, David J. 1997. Black/White Differences in Attitudes Toward Physician-Assisted Suicide. Journal of the National Medical Association 89(2):125-133.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 1997. Quantititative and qualitative changes in cocaine use among American high school seniors, college students, and young adults. Substance Use & Misuse 32(Special Edition - Etiology and prevention of drug use)
- John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Wadsworth, Katherine N. 1997. Adolescent risk factors for binge drinking during the transition to young adulthood: Variable- and pattern-centered approaches to change. Addictive behaviors : readings on etiology, prevention, and treatment 1st
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1997. National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1995. Volume II: College Students and Young Adults.
- Jerald G Bachman, Alcser,Kirsten Haakan, Amy Dorothy Corning, Doukas, David J, Lichtenstein, Richard L, Brody, Howard . 1996. Attitudes of Michigan physicians and the public toward legalizing physician-assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia. New England Journal of Medicine 334:303.
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, John E Schulenberg. 1996. Transitions in drug use during late adolescence and young adulthood. Transitions through adolescence : interpersonal domains and context
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Osgood, D Wayne, Wilson, Janet K. 1996. Routine Activities and Individual Deviant Behavior. American Sociological Review 61(4):635.
- John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Wadsworth, Katherine N. 1996. Getting drunk and growing up: trajectories of frequent binge drinking during the transition to young adulthood. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 57(3):289-304.
- John E Schulenberg, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Wadsworth, Katherine N. 1996. Adolescent Risk Factors for Binge Drinking During the Transition to Young Adulthood: Variable- and Pattern-Centered Approaches to Change. Developmental psychology 32(4):659.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1996. National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1995. Volume 1, Secondary School Students.
- Jerald G Bachman. 1995. Religion and drug use. Encyclopedia of drugs and alcohol :911-916.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 1995. Adolescent Substance Use: Epidemiology and Implications for Public Policy. Pediatric clinics of North America 42(2):241.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 1995. Adolescent substance use : epidemiology and implications for public policy. Substance abuse
- John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley. 1995. American adolescents' views on family and work: Historical trends from 1976-1992. Psychological responses to social change : human development in changing environments :37-64.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston. 1995. Racial/ethnic differences in adolescent drug use : exploring possible explanations. Drug abuse prevention with multiethnic youth :59-80.
- John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley. 1995. American adolescents’ views on family and work: Historical trends from 1976-1992. Psychological responses to social change : human development in changing environments :37-64.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1995. National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1994. Volume 1, Secondary School Students and Volume II, College Students and Young Adults.
- Jerald G Bachman. 1994. Incorporating trend data to aid in the causal interpretation of individual-level correlations among variables : examples focusing on the recent decline in marijuana use. Advances in data analysis for prevention intervention research
- Jerald G Bachman, Alcser,Kirsten Haakan, Doukas, David J, Lichtenstein, Richard L. 1994. Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in Michigan. New England Journal of Medicine 331(12):812-813.
- John E Schulenberg, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston. 1994. High school educational success and subsequent substance use: a panel analysis following adolescents into young adulthood. Journal of health & social behavior 35:p45(18).
- Jerald G Bachman, Segal, David R. 1994. Change in the all-volunteer force: Reflections in youth attitudes. Marching toward the 21st century : military manpower and recruiting :149-166.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1994. National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1993. Volume 1, Secondary School Students.
- Jerald G Bachman. 1993. Validity of self-reports in student-based studies on minority populations : issues and concerns. Drug abuse among minority youth : advances in research and methodology
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1993. National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1992. Volume I: Secondary School Students.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1993. National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975-1992. Volume II: College Students and Young Adults.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1992. Illicit drug use, smoking, and drinking by America's high school students, college students and young adults, 1975-1987 highlights. Changing lives : studies in human development and professional helping
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1992. Illicit drug use, smoking, and drinking by America’s high school students, college students and young adults, 1975-1987 highlights. Changing lives : studies in human development and professional helping
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1992. Smoking, Drinking, and Illicit Drug Use among American Secondary School Students, College Students, and Young Adults, 1975-1991. Volume I: Secondary School Students.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1992. Smoking, Drinking, and Illicit Drug Use among American Secondary School Students, College Students, and Young Adults, 1975-1991. Volume II: College Students and Young Adults.
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley. 1991. How changes in drug use are linked to perceived risks and disapproval: Evidence from national studies that youth and young adults respond to information about the consequences of drug use. Persuasive communication and drug abuse prevention
- Jerald G Bachman. 1991. The 'drug problem' among adolescents: Getting beyond the stereotypes (Editorial). Ethnicity and Disease 1(4):315-319.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Neighbors, Harold W., Kurth, C L. 1991. Racial/Ethnic Differences in Smoking, Drinking, and Illicit Drug Use among American High School Seniors, 1976-89. American Journal of Public Health 81(3):p372-77.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 1991. Quantitative and qualitative changes in cocaine use among American high school seniors, college students, and young adults. The Epidemiology of cocaine use and abuse
- Jerald G Bachman. 1991. School dropouts. Encyclopedia of adolescence
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1989. Drug Use, Drinking, and Smoking: National Survey Results from High School, College, and Young Adult Populations, 1975-1988.
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Humphrey, Ronald H. 1988. Explaining the Recent Decline in Marijuana Use: Differentiating the Effects of Perceived Risks, Disapproval, and General Lifestyle Factors. Journal of health & social behavior 29(1):92-112.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston. 1988. Period, Age, and Cohort Effects on Substance Use among Young Americans: A Decade of Change, 1976-86. American Journal of Public Health 78(10):1315-21.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1988. Illicit Drug Use, Smoking, and Drinking by America’s High School Students, College Students, and Young Adults 1975-1987.
- Jerald G Bachman. 1987. An eye on the future. (survey of high school seniors' life-styles and values). (survey of high school seniors' life-styles and values) 21:6.
- Jerald G Bachman, Diamond, Gregory . 1986. High school seniors and the nuclear threat 1975-1984: Political and mental health implications of concern and despair. International Journal of Mental Health 15:210.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1986. National trends in drug use in high school and college. Education Digest 52:p6(5).
- Jerald G Bachman, John D. Blair. 1986. “Citizen Force” or “Career Force”?: Implications for Ideology in the All-Volunteer Army. Social psychology and military service
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley. 1986. Recent findings from Monitoring the Future: A continuing study of the lifestyles and values of youth. Research on the quality of life
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1986. Drug Use among American High School Students, College Students, and Other Young Adults. National Trends Through 1985.
- Jerald G Bachman. 1985. Faculty satisfaction and the Dean's influence: an organizational study of twelve liberal arts colleges. Handbook of organizational measurement
- Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 1985. Cocaine use among American adolescents and young adults. Cocaine use in America : epidemiologic and clinical perspectives
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1985. Use of Licit and Illicit Drugs by America’s High School Students, 1975-1984.
- Jerald G Bachman. 1984. Die Bedeutung des Bildungsniveaus fur Selbstwertgefuhl, berufsgezogene Einstellungen, Dilenquenz, und Drogenkonsum von Jugendlichen. Problemes des Jugendalters
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley. 1984. Black-White Differences in Self-Esteem: Are They Affected by Response Styles?. American Journal of Sociology 90(3):624-639.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley. 1984. The Youth in Transition project. Handbook of longitudinal research, Vol 2
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston. 1984. Period, Age, and Cohort Effects on Substance Use among American Youth, 1976-82. American Journal of Public Health 74(7):682-688.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1984. Drugs and American High School Students 1975-1983. Highlights.
- Jerald G Bachman. 1983. American High School Seniors View the Military: 1976-1982. Armed Forces & Society 10(1):86-104.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1983. Self-esteem: Change and stability between ages 13 and 23. Developmental Psychology 19(2):257-268.
- Jerald G Bachman. 1982. Family relationships and self-esteem. Social psychology of the self-concept :356-364.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M. O'Malley. 1982. Student Drug Use, Attitudes, and Beliefs: National Trends 1975-1982.
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M O'Malley. 1981. Smoking, drinking and drug use among American high school seniors: 1975-1979. Transitions 4(3):8-13.
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman, Bynner, John M. 1981. Self-esteem and delinquency revisited. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 10(6):407-441.
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley. 1981. Monitoring the Future: Questionnaire Responses from the Nation’s High School Seniors, 1980.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley. 1980. The Youth in Transition series: A study of change and stability in young men. Research in sociology of education and socialization: Longitudinal perspectives on educational attainment
- Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley. 1980. Drug use among American high school students. The yearbook of substance use and abuse (Vol 2)
- Patrick M O'Malley, Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 1980. Drug use among American youth: 1975-1979. Economic Outlook USA 7(2):39-42.
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Patrick M. O'Malley. 1980. Monitoring the Future: Questionnaire Responses from the Nation’s High School Seniors, 1978.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M. O'Malley. 1980. Monitoring the Future: Questionnaire Responses from the Nation’s High School Seniors, 1979.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M. O'Malley. 1980. Highlights from Student Drug Use in America 1975-1980.
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston. 1979. The freshmen, 1979. Psychology Today 13(4):79-87.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Johnston, Jerome. 1979. Response to Silberman. Educational Leadership 36(7):489-490.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M. O'Malley. 1979. Drugs and the Class of ’78: Behaviors, Attitudes, and Recent National Trends.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M. O'Malley. 1979. Highlights from Drugs and the Class of ’78: Behaviors, Attitudes, and Recent National Trends.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M. O'Malley. 1979. Drugs and the Nation’s High School Students: Five Year National Trends. 1979 Highlights.
- Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M O'Malley, Johnston, Jerome. 1978. Youth in Transition, Volume VI. Adolescence to Adulthood--Change and Stability in the Lives of Young Men. :336.
- Jerald G Bachman, Segal, David R. 1978. The Military as an Educational and Training Institution: A Comparison among Post-High School Alternatives. Youth and Society 10(1):47.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M. O'Malley. 1978. Drug Use Among American High School Students 1975-1977.
- Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman, Patrick M. O'Malley. 1978. Highlights from Drug Use Among American High School Students 1975-1977.
- Jerald G Bachman, Blair, John D. 1976. The public view of the military. The Social psychology of military service
- Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 1976. Educational institutions and adolescent development. Understanding adolescence : current developments in adolescent psychology 3d
- Patrick M O'Malley, Jerald G Bachman. 1976. Longitudinal evidence for the validity of the Quick test. Psychological Reports 38:1247-1252.
- Jerald G Bachman. 1973. The draft, military service and national unity - a contribution to the debate. Youth in contemporary society
- Lloyd D Johnston, Jerald G Bachman. 1973. The functions of educational institutions in adolescent development. Understanding adolescences 2nd:221-244.
- Jerald G Bachman, Johnston, Jerome. 1972. Youth in Transition: Volume V, Young Men and Military Service. :259.
- Jerald G Bachman, Green, Swayzer , Wirtanen, Ilona D. 1971. Dropping out--problem or symptom. Youth in transition :250; xiii, 250.
- Jerald G Bachman, Green, Swayzer , Wirtanen, Ilona D. 1971. Dropping out--problem or symptom?. Youth in transition,; v. 3; Variation: University of Michigan.; Survey Research Center.; Youth in transition ;; v. 3. 61(4):26-31.
- Jerald G Bachman, Robinson, J P. 1971. Television viewing habits and agression. Television and social behavior: Vol. 3 Television and adolescent aggressiveness
- Jerald G Bachman, Swayzer Green, Ilona D. Wirtanen. 1971. Dropping out–problem or symptom.
- Jerald G Bachman. 1970. Youth in Transition. Volume II, The Impact of Family Background and Intelligence on Tenth-Grade Boys. :293.
- Jerald G Bachman. 1970. Faculty satisfaction and the Dean's influence: an organizational study of twelve liberal arts colleges. Comparative studies in organizational behavior
- Jerald G Bachman. 1970. Faculty satisfaction and the Dean’s influence: an organizational study of twelve liberal arts colleges. Comparative studies in organizational behavior
- Jerald G Bachman, Bowers, D G, Marcus, Philip M. 1968. Basis of supervisory power: A comparative study in five organizational settings. Control and organizations
- Jerald G Bachman, Davidson, T N. 1968. Review of Behavioral science frontiers in education by E.M. Brower & W.G. Hollister (Eds.). Behavioral Science 13:405-408.
- Jerald G Bachman, Tannenbaum, Arnold S. 1968. The control-satisfaction relationship across varied areas of experience. Control and organizations
- Jerald G Bachman, Tannenbaum, Arnold S. 1968. Structural versus individual effects. Control in organizations
- Jerald G Bachman, Tannenbaum, Arnold S. 1968. Attitude uniformity and role in a voluntary organization. Control in organizations
- Jerald G Bachman, Lloyd D Johnston, Kahn, Robert L., Mednick, M T, Davidson, T N. 1967. Youth in Transition. Volume I, Blueprint for a Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Boys. :274.
- Jerald G Bachman. 1966. A critical reaction to the SPSSI Council's statement on psychological aspects of foreign policy. SPSSI Newsletter 109(April)
- Jerald G Bachman, Arnold S. Tannenbaum. 1966. The control-satisfaction relationship across varied areas of experience. Delta Phi Epsilon Journal 8:16-25.
- Jerald G Bachman, D. G. Bowers, Philip M. Marcus. 1965. Basis of supervisory power: A comparative study in five organizational settings. 20